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Quality Measures in Electronic Health records

Quality Measures in Electronic Health records. Jacob Reider, MD Medical Director, Allscripts Co-Chair EHRA Acceleration Working Group. Quality Measures. Goal: Improve the Quality of Care “RESPECT what we INSPECT” Quality Measures / Performance Measures

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Quality Measures in Electronic Health records

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Quality Measures in Electronic Health records Jacob Reider, MD Medical Director, Allscripts Co-Chair EHRA Acceleration Working Group

  2. Quality Measures Goal: Improve the Quality of Care “RESPECT what we INSPECT” Quality Measures / Performance Measures Historically based on retrospective review of paper charts Try to capture evidence of providers’ ability to follow guidelines – presumably based on best practices

  3. American Medical Association (AMA) • National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) • Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) • Health Insurers • The Joint Commission • Provider Organizations Quality Measure Developers

  4. Care Delivery Organizations • Consumer groups • Health Insurers • Individual patients Quality Measure Consumers

  5. Paper Medical Records

  6. Paper Medical Records Quality Measure: Did all diabetics get a foot exam? Create audit tool A Human manually reviews records Is this patient a diabetic? Is there evidence of a foot exam? Human abstracts the scribbles on paper and creates data

  7. Electronic Health records

  8. Electronic Health Record May not represent “diabetes” consistently May not represent “foot exam” consistently May not represent “smoking cessation counseling for 10 minutes” consistently Requires “mapping” of concepts to the metrics of quality measures for retrospective review

  9. Quality Measures Are published in word processing documents May use ambiguous terms “Diabetes” “Smoking cessation counseling” “Comfort Measures” May refer to data that isn’t captured in the EHR at all Include imprecise logical statements. Logic not enforced by Microsoft Word.

  10. 300+ Electronic Health Record Vendors in USA – How do we incorporate Quality Measures? Pay Clinicians to Interpret Quality Measures Pay analysts to create logical statements of business logic and functional requirements for quality measure management in our software Pay developers to write code that expresses this business logic Repeat 1- 3 for every measure, revision, etc

  11. What if ? .. The EHR “knows” what information the quality measure will expect up front? The Quality Measure is represented in a format that the EHR can “consume” automatically The Quality Measure definition is constrained to: A precise format A precise set of logical statements A precise set of terms and value sets

  12. Nirvana Buddha described nirvana as the perfect peace of the state of mind that is free from craving, anger and other afflictive states (kilesa).

  13. Improve Quality: Stakeholders

  14. The Collaborative Collaborative for Performance Measure Integration with EHR Systems AMA NCQA EHRA The Collaborative is comprised of a group of stakeholders — who have a shared goal of facilitating the integration of performance measures with EHR systems.

  15. Collaborative Tasks Technical definition of a standard expression syntax for performance measures definition Work with NQF to define criteria and an editorial process by which appropriate measures would be endorsed as “fit for EHRs” ARRA Alignment – educate government leadership on the importance of this initiative as a keystone to the improvement of care delivery

  16. Technical Definition Health Quality Measures Format draft specification: Htpp://www.hqmf.org NQF sponsorship of activities to move HQMF through standards process, IHE profile , HITSP Value Case

  17. Criteria and Editorial process April 30 meeting in Washington DC Collaboration with National Quality Forum Collaboration with ONC

  18. ARRA Alignment

  19. Summary Quality care is a key component of ARRA Electronic Health records CAN improve the quality of care Quality Measures can define the essential components of quality care .. So long as .. Quality measures are expressed in a standard way ... Quality measures can be automatically consumed and leveraged by EHRs ..

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