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SUNY and The Vibrant Community SUNY Retirees Conference, 2013

Learn how SUNY increases national recognition for campus community service efforts, showcases best practices, and leverages partnerships for greater impact. Explore volunteer opportunities & benefits of community service. Get involved today!

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SUNY and The Vibrant Community SUNY Retirees Conference, 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SUNY and The Vibrant Community SUNY Retirees Conference, 2013

  2. The Power of SUNY

  3. Experiential Education SUNY EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION

  4. Increase National Recognition of Each Campus’ Community Service Efforts

  5. SUNY and the Vibrant Community Showing Off What We Do Best Earning national recognition for our campuses’ efforts makes SUNY’s efforts more visible The Carnegie Elective Classifications for Community Engagement The President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll

  6. Goal • 75% of our campuses represented on either this honor roll or Carnegie’s Elective Classifications for Community Engagement • We’ll get there • With the help of campus experts • By hosting workshops on how to apply • By aiding in the application process • By providing hour-tracking solutions

  7. Campus Efforts

  8. Community Service Best Practices • SUNY campuses have a long history of applying best practices in volunteerism and service • Centers for Service • Student Groups • Collaboration • Days of Service

  9. With over 467,000 students, SUNY consistently takes advantage of the opportunity it has to be a significant impact in communities across New York State.  The 30 Days of Giving campaign recognized students and community partners involved in the many projects that happen all year round at SUNY campuses and their surrounding communities.

  10. Genesee Community College SUNY Plattsburgh

  11. Campus Efforts – After the Storm • Stony Brook, Downstate Medical Center, SUNY Albany, Farmingdale, Alfred, New Paltz and others have led recovery projects

  12. Alternative Spring Break

  13. SUNY Plus

  14. Columbia-Greene Community College (C-GCC) Animal Advocates Mission: To unite students in effective advocacy for animals. The club works to expose abuses of animals in today's world while empowering students to take action for a more humane and compassionate world. Events are organized to provide education on ways to be a good owner, how to promote good habits and how to work with local farmers on key issues.

  15. The SUNY reach: Global Volunteerism

  16. Champions in the Community “In keeping with the College's mission statement, we look to complement and enhance the development of the total person through core principles of integrity and honesty. We strive to provide support in all areas of a student-athlete's well-being, including academics, personal growth, wellness and community service.  Herkimer County Community College always aspires to be a just, welcoming and caring community in the fullest sense. The athletic department embraces this responsibility and seeks to enhance its surrounding community by means of interaction, activities and programs.”

  17. SUNY’s Community Engagement Website

  18. Value and Impact

  19. Value of Service • Putting Money Where Our Service Is • • Each year, hundreds of thousands of hours of community service are performed by SUNY students and faculty…at a price • $28.52 to be exact • For each hour of community service, said business/organization does not have to hire an outside contractor, translating into significant financial savings

  20. Thousands of dollars donated from the SUNY family • Volunteers from the SUNY family are giving aid and continue to give their time to help in relief efforts • Red Cross Classes and Clubs are being established on campuses

  21. Leveraging National Partnerships

  22. National Partnerships

  23. Leveraging State Partnerships

  24. State Commission on National and Community Service

  25. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2014 Monday, January 20

  26. Getting Credit for Community Service

  27. SUNY Plus “The new SUNY Plus program being developed this year will ensure that these experiences – which we know to be critical to a college student’s education – will be recorded on an extracurricular transcript and designated on their diploma.”

  28. Not Just for Students

  29. The Benefits of Community Service

  30. CNCS Study: Volunteering as a Pathway to Employment Volunteers have a 27 percent higher likelihood of finding a job after being out of work than non-volunteers Volunteering is associated with an increased likelihood of finding employment for all volunteers regardless of a person’s gender, age, ethnicity, geographical area, or the job market conditions

  31. Distinguished Academy Arts and Culture Partners Alumni

  32. Start Up Kit Case Studies Volunteer Opportunities

  33. Thank you! Elise Newkirk-Kotfila elise.newkirk-kotfila@suny.edu (518) 320-1160 SUNY Retirees Conference, 2013

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