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Lab-To-Land Initiative – Kerala. Progress so far. Meeting convened by Principal Secretary, LSGD. Attended by Commissioner, RD; Director, SIRD; officers of CRD etc. Selected Sasthamcotta Block in Kollam district for the implementation of Lab-to-land initiative on pilot basis
Progress so far Meeting convened by Principal Secretary, LSGD. Attended by Commissioner, RD; Director, SIRD; officers of CRD etc. Selected Sasthamcotta Block in Kollam district for the implementation of Lab-to-land initiative on pilot basis Proposal for constitution of different committees submitted to government for final decision Discussion with BDO and other officials in the block office Preliminary data collection completed Status Report relating to the implementation of various programmes namely MGNREGS, SGSY, IAY, PMGSY, NSAP etc. collected
Sasthamcotta Block Total population – 1,94,015 Seven Grama Panchayats One of the better performing blocks Backward area with sizeable SC population It has the largest fresh water lake – main source of drinking water for Kollam city - facing degradation
Composition of the Core Groups State Level Committee Principal Secretary, LSGD Chairman Commissioner for Rural Development Convenor Executive Director, Kudumbashree Mission Director, MGNREGS Mission Director, SIRD Director, Doordarshan Director, All India Radio Director of Field Publicity Division/Song Drama Division Chief Officer, RIB Director of Agriculture, Director of Animal Husbandry, Director of Diary Development Director of Social Welfare Director of SC/ST Director of Panchayats Chief Engineer, LSGD Director of Fisheries Director, Youth Welfare State coordinator, NYK
District Level Committee District Collector Chairman Project Director, PAU Convenor Joint Programme Coordinator, MGNREGS DMC, Kudumbashree Mission Lead Bank Manager Principal Agriculture Officer District Animal Husbandry Officer Deputy Director,Diary Development District Soil Conservation Officer District Development Officer, SC GM, DIC District Social Welfare Officer Executive Engineer, PMGSY Executive Engineer, LSGD
Block Level Committee Block Panchayat President Chairman Block Panchayat Secretary Convenor Asst. Director, Agriculture SC Development Officer Diary Extension Officer Taluk Industries Officer Medical Officer, Public Health ICDS Project Officer Asst. Executive Engineer, LSGD Representatives of other line departments
Lab to land initiative - Strategy Translating the objectives of the all flagship programmes(100%) IEC activities through Print and Electronic media – preparation of films, posters, conduct of quiz, debates, distribution of pamphlets, leaflets etc., Balasabhas – a vehicle for creating awareness Conduct TNA Preparation of modules Training for all functionaries ICT – Bio metric cards, setting up kiosks, Setting up community radio Natural Resource Management
Training Action Plan • All the newly elected representatives and officials of the block panchayat and seven GPs will be trained on all aspects of RD programmes • Identified 22571 stakeholders to be trained. Includes elected representatives of PRIs, officials at BP and GP level, CRPs, NHG members, ADS and CDS members, V&MC members etc. • During the first phase, it is proposed to train 1090 functionaries
Objectives of training • Capacity building of all stakeholders to improve the performance and quality of implementation • To create awareness about the various rural development programmes • To develop their personality (knowledge, skills and attitude) in the implementation of the programmes • To create a pool of top class trainers and a set of outstanding training materials
Theme of the Training Programmes Flag ship programmes of Government of India and other programmes of state government Social Audit Revitalisation of Grama Sabha Decentralised Planning Natural Resource Management - Lake protection and Watershed development Role of V&MC
Conservation and Management of Sasthamcotta Wetland Sasthamcotta lake also categorised as a wetland, is the largest fresh water lake in Kerala Main source of drinking water for Kollam Corporation and surrounding three panchayats The present surface area of the lake is 375 ha Average Depth - 6.53m
But over the years, lake affected by environmental pollution and climatic changes; silting, flow of effluents, encroachments, sand mining. Area and capacity decreased Management Action Plan (MAP) in place -comprehensive development and management of the Lake and its catchment for its sustainable utilization and conservation.
District Administration, Council for Science Technology and Environment, CWRDM, govt. depts., panchayats, environmentalists actively involved in the process Lab to land initiative is an excellent platform for accelerating the efforts and to bring out convergence of activities of various agencies
Action Plan -ICT Applications • Installing Touch screen based Kiosks in all seven Panchayat Offices with thermal printer, finder print reader etc • Capturing of biometric details of the workers (Finger Prints and Photographs. The IRIS details will also be captured as part of UID project). • Issue of ID Cards (Smart Card / Plastic Card) • Capturing of Attendances at worksite through handheld devices after biometric identification. The details of GPS correspondents, date and time will also be collected - 1 each in all wards (124 wards in 7 GPs of Sasthamcotta Block) • Payment of wages through Bank ATM