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ITU-T Standardization and other key ITU Activities La Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011. Bridging The Standardization Gap (BSG). Paolo Rosa ITU. Outline. Defining the standardization gap Measuring and evaluating the gap ITU-T bridging the gap.
ITU-T Standardization and other key ITU Activities La Havana, Cuba, 8-9 February 2011 Bridging The Standardization Gap (BSG) Paolo Rosa ITU
Outline • Defining the standardization gap • Measuring and evaluating the gap • ITU-T bridging the gap
Digital Divide Standardization Gap & Participation Relationship Standardization Gap & Poor Access to Technologies Digital Divide≈ ------------------------------------------- Increase Participation & Capacity Building
Standardisation and Standards • Standardisation Key building block for building a globally connected society • Importance of standards • Foster innovation • Competition • Enable interoperability • "Global standards create a positive user experience. They help to satisfy consumers' expectations that technology products will work together easily. “ – Justin Rattner, Intel
The Standardization Gap • It is defined as disparities in the ability of developing countries, relative to developed ones, to access, implement, contribute to and influence international ICT standards, specifically ITU‐T Recommendations. • The standardization development gap is itself both a cause and a manifestation of the wider digital divide • It contributes to the persistenceof the wider digital divide.
The concept of Opportunity Index to measure the information society InfodensityICT capital [telecommunication network infrastructures (fixed, mobile, internet) and of ICT, including equipment (cables, routers, etc), disparity • Info-use • Three indicators: • Internet users every 100 inhabitants • PC owners every 100 inhabitants • Houses and TV sets proportion
Framework for BSG PP-10 Resolution 123 Recognizing “the continued shortage of human resources in the standardization field of developing countries, resulting in a low level of developing country participation in ITU-T and ITU-R meetings …” Resolution 44 (WTSA-08): Action Plan Strengthening standards-making capabilities Assisting ITU-D in enhancing application of standards Human resource building Flagship groups for bridging the gap BSG Fund Resolution 47 (WTDC-10) Enhancement of knowledge and effective application of ITU Recommendations in developing countries, increase capacity building opportunities for interoperability
ITU-T Mandate to Bridging the Gap • PP-06 (Res. 123), WTSA-04/08 Resolutions 44, 17, 54, 59, 74 • ITU-T mandated to bridge the standardization gap between developing and developed countries • Mandated actions include: • Improve standards making capabilities • Assisting in enhancing efforts in standards applications • Human resource building • Establish a flagship group for bridging the gap • BSG fundraising
Entering proposals at WTSA on future study questions and work programmes Nominating representatives as study group chairs, vice - chairs. rapporteurs , focus group chairs etc Giving contributions at Study Groups and related meetings Going to Study Groups and related meetings ITU Sector or Associate Membership National training and capacity - building in use of ITU Recommendations Growing usage of ITU Recommendations How can countries bridge the gap? Attracting ITU meetings and/or regional groups (Res 54) • Bridging the standardization development gap requires a sequence of steps, depending on the level of: • economic development • local manufacturing capability • local R&D capability • previous engagement with ITU • These steps can be conceptualized in terms of a “Ladder of Standardization Development”
How can countries bridge the gap? 8 - Entering proposals at WTSA on future study questions and work programmes 7 - Nominating representatives as SG chairs, vicechairs, Rapporteurs, focus group chairs, etc 6 - Giving contributions at SGs and related meetings 5 - Attracting ITU meetings and/or regional groups 4 - Going to SGs and related meetings 3 - ITU Sector Membership and Associate status 2 - National training and capacity-building in use of ITU Recommendations 1 - Growing usage of ITU-T Recommendations
Where are you positioned ? WTSA Mgmt & Contributions SG, TSAG Chairs SG/TSAG VChair WP Ch Rapp WS, FG Particip SG/TSAG Contr Editor Recs Implem Read Recs SG, GSI Particip Commitment HIGH MEDIUM LOW Strategic role
Outline • Defining the standardization gap • Measuring and evaluating the gap • ITU-T bridging the gap
ITU-T Research : Measuring and Reducing the Gap Assess the standards development capability of developing countries Supported by a grant from Korea Communications Commission. Survey questionnaire sent to all developing countries Case Studies done for 9 nine countries Report published in December 2009. http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/gap/Pages/default.aspx
ITU-T Research : Measuring and Reducing the Gap Standards Development Capability Government Standards Policy Standardisation Human Resources National Standards Use and Adoption
Measuring the Gap - 2 • Possible criteria: • Number of downloads of ITU-T Recommendations from website • Number of TIES* users • Number of Sector Members and Associates • Number of Study Group Chairmen and Rapporteurs from developing countries • Number of participants in meetings and their contributions by country • Questionnaires to Membership * TIES: Telecommunication Information Exchange Service: set of networked information resources and services offered by ITU to its Members
Membership and Participants in ITU-T meetings
Outline • Defining the standardization gap • Measuring and evaluating the gap • ITU-T bridging the gap
ITU-T Activities to Bridge the Gap • Improve standards making capabilities • Assist in enhancing efforts in standards applications • Human resource building • Establish regional groups for bridging the gap • Set up BSG Fund
Improve Standards Making Capabilities • Research on measuring and reducing the gap • Free access to ITU-T Standards • Increase remote participation and collaboration • Admission of Sector Members and Associates from developing countries • Increase number of officials from developing countries in ITU-T Study Groups • Increase SG meetings in the regions • Implement Res. 76/47 on capacity building and creation of test labs in the regions
New Membership Category for Academia and Sector members from developing countries (Res. 71 and Res. 74) • PP-10 endorsed recommendation to introduce new membership categories for academia and reduced fee for companies from LDCs. • Academia and research institutions • Developed Countries : CHF 3,975 • Developing Countries : CHF 1,987 • LDCs Sector Members CHF 3,975
Assist in enhancing applications of standards • Publication of Manuals on applications of ITU-T Recommendations • E.g Fibre Optic Manual, ITU-T Security Manual. • Workshops on Standardisation • 2 BSG workshops were held in Fiji in September 2009 and another in Cyberjaya, Malaysia in June 2010, to provide best practices and guidance on improving national standards readiness. • 3 BSG workshops planned in 2011.
Human Resource Building • Capacity Building • ITU-T Recommendations • Better understanding of the ITU-T Recommendations, how to design and implement projects choosing the most appropriate equipment according to the state-of-the art. • ITU-T Tutorial on Optical Fibre Cables and Systems Based on the handbook of SG15 • Tutors leading experts from industry contributing to write handbooks and standards • Simulated Study Group Meetings • Fellowships provided to representatives of developing countries
Regional presence ITU-T Workshop on "Delivering Good Quality Telecommunication Service in a Safe Environment in Africa"Nairobi, Kenya, 26-27 July 2010 3 Regional ITU Consultations on Conformance Assessment and Interoperability for the Americas , Africa and Asia Pacific Regions(Quito, Nairobi, Sydney) ITU-T Workshop on Bridging the Standardization Gap and Interactive Training SessionCyberjaya, Sleangor, Malaysia, 29 June - 01 July 2010 ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future”Shanghai, China, 14 May 2010 ITU-T Study Group 5 Buenos Aires, Argentina 12-16 April 2010 ITU-T Study Groups 11 and 13 and IPTV-GSI Mar del Plata, Argentina 2-12 September 2009 ITU Symposium on ICTs and Climate Change and Forum on "Implementation of decisions of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-08) “ Quito, Ecuador, 7-10 July 2009 Tutorial on Optical Fiber systems – Kigali, Rwanda Sept 2010 India, Egypt, Sri Lanka, USA, Italy, China, Malaysia, …. 28
2010 Events worldwide Fig.1 -Geographical repartition of Events Fig.2 - Geographical repartition of Days
Increase participation and collaboration (1/3) • Workshops, seminars and other events • Regional Groups and meetings • SG2 Group for Arab Region (Operational aspects) • SG3 Groups for Asia and Oceania, Africa, Europe and Mediterranean, Latin America and Caribbean (Tariff and accounting principles) • SG12 for Africa (Performance, QoS, QoE) • Block Meetings • Flagship Groups • Promote remote collaboration and participation
Increase participation and collaboration (2/3) • Cooperation with regional organizations: CITEL, RCC, APT, ASTAP, ATU, LAS,… • One meeting per year per region • Topics decided by the Membership, corresponding to any ITU-T Study Group • Official status as generator of contributions to parent Study Groups • TSB provides secretarial support, EDH facilities as any other SG meeting
Increase participation and collaboration (3/3) • Flagship Group Americas (WTSA-08 Res. 44, Annex, Programme 4) • Create permanent regional standards awareness • Offer training on standardization, produce and provide training materials, manuals, audio/video material • Translate ITU-T material • Support remote or direct participation of experts in ITU-T activities • Creation of regional Testing & Calibration labs • Invite regulators to put in place mechanisms to consider international standards when preparing national technical regulations
Regional Groups (WTSA-08 Res. 54) • Regional Groups and meetings • SG2 Group for Arab Region • SG3 Groups for Asia and Oceania, Africa, Europe and Mediterranean, Latin America and Caribbean (Tariff and accounting principles) • SG12 for Africa (Performance, QoS)
ITU-T Activities to Bridging the Gap • Increase visibility, information, awareness, participation and collaboration • Admission of Sector Members and Associates from developing countries • Increase number of officials in ITU-T Study Groups • Increase SG meetings in the regions • Create regional groups • Implement Res. 76 on capacity building and creation of test labs in the regions
Workshops: New work, new blood, new friends Outreach to non ITU audience Can result in new work eg Identity Management Partnerships: IETF, IEEE, OASIS, Grid Forum, ISO, IEC 2005-8 of 78 workshops 18 in PASC area. Remote participation now possible Future more workshops North America and Europe Joint ITU and IETF workshop on NGN, 2005 35
BSG Fund • BSG Fund set up in 2008 • Objective • Facilitate the participation of developing countries in the standards development process • Allow developing countries to profit from access to new technology development • Ensure that the requirements of developing countries are taken into account in the development of standards • CHF 288,000 • Korea Communications Commission, Nokia Siemens Networks, Microsoft, Cisco
Conclusions • Bridging the Standardization Gap requires efforts from ITU and its Membership • Increase the use of ITU-T Recommendations, membership and participation of developing countries • Capacity building on standardisation • Increase participation in Study Groups, workshops, meetings and number of contributions
Resolutions and Resources ITU-T Research Project: Measuring and Reducing the Standards Gap (December 2009) Bridging the Standardization Gap Activity Report (June 2010) Summary of Questionnaire on Bridging the Standardization Gap (June 2008) WTSA-08 Resolution 44: Bridging the standardization gap between developing and developed countries WTSA-08 Resolution 17: Telecommunication standardization in relation to the interests of developing countries WTSA-08 Resolution 59: Enhancing participation of telecommunication operators from developing countries Report on the outcome of the Global Standards Symposium (GSS) (October 2008; requires TIES account) PP-06 Resolution 123: Bridging the standardization gap between developing and developed countries TSAG 07/08 TD 610 Rev.1: Bridging the Standardization Gap (requires TIES account) TSAG 02/07 TD 417: Draft Report of the Group on Bridging the Standardization Gap (requires TIES account)