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A New Workforce Vision. March 4, 2010. What is Skills2Compete Maryland?. Skills2Compete Maryland (S2C) is a new skills vision designed to: increase post-secondary success strengthen the skills of Maryland’s workforce grow the middle class. Vision.
A New Workforce Vision March 4, 2010
What is Skills2Compete Maryland? Skills2Compete Maryland (S2C) is a new skills vision designed to: • increase post-secondary success • strengthen the skills of Maryland’s workforce • grow the middle class
Vision Every working Marylander should have access to the equivalent of at least two years of education or training past high school - leading to a career or technical credential, industry certification, or one’s first two years of college - to be pursued at whatever point and pace makes sense for individual workers and industries.
Principles of the Vision • A high school education is no longer enough for most jobs • More than 730,000 adult Marylanders lack a high school diploma, English language skills, or the literacy skills for workplace success • Marylanders need pathways to gain skills for economic success and to join the middle class • Maryland must be able to compete nationally and globally with a strong workforce preparation system for its citizens (students, workers, workers displaced by economic change, and those currently not connected to the labor market)
Goals • Increase Maryland’s economic competitiveness • Produce more skilled workers to meet the growth of middle/ high skill jobs • Grow the middle class by providing opportunities for more Marylanders to gain skills, increase earnings and advance in the workplace.
Maryland Partners with National Campaign • S2C Maryland is part of the Skills2Compete initiative, a non-partisan national campaign to strengthen the workforce and address the middle skills gap. • Sponsored by the National Skills Coalition, S2C encourages America to address U.S. competitiveness. • S2C’s focus is on jobs in the middle of the skilled labor market which require some training past high school, but not a four-year degree. • In collaboration with the national S2C campaign, Maryland, along with several other states, will craft their own similar effort, unique to the state’s need for a skilled workforce.
Substantial Demand for Middle Skills Job Openings in Maryland Between 2006 and 2016 Data Source: Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
The Skills Gap According to the National Skills Coalition, there is a shortage of Marylanders with middle-skills. Maryland Jobs and Workers by Skill Level, 2007 Data Source: Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation and the U.S. Census Bureau. Analysis by the National Skills Coalition.
Moving the Needle on Post-Secondary Success • All oars rowing in the same direction for a singular outcome under the S2C umbrella • State agencies – DLLR, GWIB, DHR, MHEC, DoD, MSDE, MDVA, DPSCS, P-20, etc. to focus and track their achievement • Other partners under the S2C umbrella will include LWIBs, community colleges, private career schools, and CBO’s.
What We Can Measure • Community Colleges • Associate Degrees • Lower Division Certificates • Workforce and Continuing Ed • Apprenticeships • Private Career Schools • Tracking State agency referrals • CTE & Adult Ed matriculating to post secondary • Others TBD
Skills2Compete Activities Update State Agencies and Partners Will: • Achieve goal of increasing Maryland’s skilled workforce by 20% by 2012. • Support the Governor’s vision by encouraging and promoting programs and activities that increase the skill level of Marylanders through the attainment of post-secondary credentials, apprenticeship certificates, degrees, or other education or training opportunities beyond high school. • Assist Marylanders in navigating the appropriate resources and services that provide pathways to skills attainment, e.g., One-Stop Career Centers, community colleges, private career schools, and funding sources, such as Pell Grants.
Skills2Compete Activities Update State Agencies and Partners Will: • Communicate to businesses that the State is preparing a world-class workforce, with the skills to improve Maryland’s competitiveness. • Collect and analyze the appropriate data in order to measure progress towards achieving the goal.
Skills2Compete Activities Update Implementation Activities: • GWIB passed a resolution in support of S2C recommending the Governor adopt S2C – Dec 9, 2009. • The Governor approved S2C plan of action – Jan 19, 2010. • GWIB Board and staff were designated by the Governor to act as the state S2C advisory board to ensure system alignment, promote interagency coordination and collaboration, and conduct outreach – Jan 21, 2010 • DLLR received a $4 million grant to assess labor market information and skill analysis for green jobs – Jan 2010. • GWIB received a $5.8M green jobs grant to develop worker skills in green jobs – Jan 2010.
Skills2Compete Activities Update Implementation Activities: • Met with community college presidents and Clay Whitlow, MACC Executive Director, to brief them on S2C Maryland and its application to State - Jan 15, 2010 • GWIB announced the launch of S2C Maryland and charged the Interagency Workforce Committee with responsibility for developing the plan and data collection methodologies – Jan 21, 2010. • GWIB briefed the Lt. Governor Anthony Brown and his staff on S2C Maryland plan of action - Jan 27, 2010. • GWIB held several conference calls with the National Skills Coalition (NSC) leadership to facilitate S2C Maryland implementation - Jan/Feb 2010.
Skills2Compete Activities Update Implementation Activities • DLLR Secretary Sanchez and GWIB Executive Director, Eric Seleznow, held a kick-off conference call with participating state agencies and partners, including secretaries and other high-level leadership to brief them on S2C Maryland effort - February 17, 2010 • DLLR Secretary Sanchez and GWIB Executive Director, Eric Seleznow, facilitated a planning conference call with all 12 Local Workforce Investment Board (LWIBs) to brief them on the S2C Maryland effort - February 17, 2010 • GWIB/DLLR staff began collaboration on S2C Maryland plan revision - January-February 2010
Skills2Compete Activities Update Implementation Activities • GWIB convened its Interagency Workforce Committee planning session to review tasks and challenges in developing the plan; designed data collection methodologies; and agreed to input individual agency plans and data elements into GWIB designed template - Feb 18, 2010. • GWIB built and distributed template for Interagency plan and data elements – Feb 19, 2010. • DLLR Secretary Sanchez and GWIB Executive Director, Eric Seleznow, met with the Casey Foundation and the NSC to discuss funding support for technical assistance to develop a model for data collection for the S2C Maryland - Feb 22, 2010.
Skills2Compete Activities Update Implementation Activities • GWIB Chair and President of Adventist HealthCare, Inc., Bill Robertson, prepared an Op-Ed piece in support S2C Maryland for placement in Washington Post - pending publication in March 7, 2010, edition. • S2C logo completed - Feb 23, 2010. • GWIB developed various S2C Maryland collateral materials (brochures, talking points etc….) – Feb 2010. • DLLR Secretary Sanchez and GWIB Executive Director, Eric Seleznow, briefed the P-20 Council - Feb 26, 2010.
Skills2Compete Activities Update March 2, 2010 Press Event • Identified Prince Georges Community College (PGCC) Center of Information Technology as the site for the Governor’s press conference; • Prepared a press call list for the NSC publicity campaign announcing the release of the Maryland’s Forgotten Middle-Skills Jobs report; • Conducted outreach including: LWIBs, community college presidents & their deans and director for continuing education, union apprenticeship leadership, private and not-for-profit training program leadership, and other interested parties;
Skills2Compete Activities Update March 2, 2010 Press Event • Coordinated statewide press event details with the NSC, PGCC leadership, the Governor’s Office and the Lt. Governor’s office; • Coordinated statewide media event prior to the press conference; • Worked with Governor’s communication office, prepared press releases, briefing documents, etc. for press event; • Worked with PGCC to identify, vet, and brief student representative to speak at the event.
Skills2Compete Activities Update Other • State plan revisions are in process in coordination with all partners; • Lt. Governor Brown will attend March 2010 GWIB meeting; • Additional media calls are planned; and • Additional meetings with the LWIBs and community colleges are also planned.
Skills2Compete Activities Update www.skills.maryland.gov