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The Pilot Center will do

Role of Development Banks for Climate Technology Financing and Network Support ---- ADB’s Pilot Asia-Pacific Climate Technology Finance Center Xuedu LU Advisor, ADB 3 Dec. 2012, Doha.

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The Pilot Center will do

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Role of Development Banks for Climate Technology Financing and Network Support----ADB’s Pilot Asia-Pacific Climate Technology Finance CenterXuedu LUAdvisor, ADB3 Dec. 2012, Doha

  2. ADB’s Pilot Asia-Pacific Climate Technology Finance Center was establish in June 2012 with GEF and other donor agency support in finance, located in ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines, Which is the first of the regional climate technology finance centers supported by GEF. The primary objective of the Center is to promote climate technology transfer and deployment in developing countries in Asia and the Pacific.

  3. The Pilot Center will do 1. Assistance to governments to create a favorable environment for climate technology investment, through integrating climate technology into national development or financing plans. 2. Assistance for actual projects (public and private investment )to select most appropriate mitigation or adaptation technologies.

  4. The Pilot Center will do 3.Establishment of a pilot Low Carbon Technology (LCT) Marketplace to promote deal making between buyers and sellers. 4. Assistance to access finance for climate technology investment.

  5. Low Carbon Technology Marketplace 1. LCT Marketplace is designed as a broker, a match-making mechanism that will bring together technology sellers and buyers. 2.It is targeted at medium-small sized enterprises who don’t have the global reach, lack knowledge regarding the right partner/market in developing countries, or the right technologies to buy.

  6. Low Carbon Technology Marketplace 3. The primary role of the Marketplace is to reduce transaction costs involved in technology transfer deals(mainly caused by legal issues and trust) so as to promote deal making. During the pilot, ADB will provide technical, regulatory and legal assistance or financing to make transactions materialize.

  7. Impacts of Climate Technology Finance Center 1.Innovative business models to promote climate technology transfer and deployment can be explored and developed successfully, and practical experience and lessons to promote climate technology transfer will be achieved and shared. 2.Climate technologies can be widely deployed and climate technology investment can be greatly scaled up in developing countries, which will help decouple the economy growth in developing countries from their GHG emission.

  8. Thank you XueduLuAdvisorRegional and Sustainable Development DepartmentAsian Development Bankxlu@adb.org

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