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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Reforms 2014. Governor Forum Update 11 and 16 September 2014 Helen Barre, SEND Strategy Manager SEND Service h elen.barre@doncaster.gov.uk. The reform vision: Children and young people at the centre.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Reforms 2014 Governor Forum Update 11 and 16 September 2014 Helen Barre, SEND Strategy Manager SEND Service helen.barre@doncaster.gov.uk
The reform vision: Children and young people at the centre Where disagreements happen, they can be resolved early and amicably, with the option of a Tribunal for those that need it. Enablers Children, young people and parents understand a joined up system, designed around their needs. Joint commissioning Local offer Better disagreement resolution processes Outcomes Having friends Employment prospects Positive Wellbeing 0-25 Children and young people with SEND and families Information, advice and support Good qualifications Making their views heard Option of a Personal Budget Integrated assessment and planning Extending choice and control over their support. Education Health and Care plan is holistic, co-produced and focused on outcomes.
Key statutory duties Must publish an SEN Information Report Must co-operate with the LA on our Local Offer Must have regard to the SEND Code of Practice 2014 Must meet the Equality Act 2010 (non-statutory DfE Advice available) Must ensure an appropriate SENCo post holder and role Must ensure best endeavours to meet needs Must ensure participation with peers in wider school activities Must inform parents when children receive SEN Support (SA/ SA+) and involve them in reviews of progress 3 x yearly and must report progress annually Must meet Medical Needs better: DfE statutory advice
The reform vision: A whole school approach Assess Review Engage parent External support Wider support/specialist expertise Engage parent e Engage parent SENCO c Class/subject teacher Child or young Persons with SEN Class/subject teacher SENCO Plan Wider support/specialist expertise Do Engage parent
Key statutory duties SEN statements: continuing responsibility Education, Health and Care processes: Child and family views, wishes and feelings Strengths and needs Identifying SMART Outcomes: aspirational Appropriate provision and adult actions (interventions, strategies, resources ) Measuring impact over time Mental Health and Behaviour in schools (new type of need with non- statutory advice) School census reporting Personal budget option: LA must seek agreement if provision on site Must admit a child, where the school is named in an EHC plan Y8+ independent careers guidance; Y9+ focus on preparing for adulthood OFSTED four key judgements and progress made since joining the school from their starting points
The reform vision: Wider reform SEND reforms are a vital part of the wider educational reform to ensure all children and young people have access to high quality teaching and equal opportunities regardless of background or circumstance. Enabling pupils with SEN to access the curriculum by understanding their needs and adapting teaching approaches. . Identification of SEN should be built into the overall approach to monitoring the progress and development of all pupils. Standards of teaching for pupils with SEN and progress made by pupils should considered as part of the school’s appraisal arrangements. Clear focus on the progress of all pupils – SEN support crucial to school performance. National Curriculum Assessment New teachers’ pay arrangements New floor standards
Useful links Doncaster Families Information Service: Local Offer site including a section on Documentation and Guidance downloads (DfE Guidance and other documents)http://www.doncasterchildrenandfamilies.info/thelocaloffer.html Updates for parents and practitioners including the LA’s Transfer Plan and FAQ http://www.doncasterchildrenandfamilies.info/disabilitiesupdates.html Statutory processes and documentation http://www.doncasterchildrenandfamilies.info/disabilitiesupdates.html DfE Slide pack for schools and Governors and other resources http://www.sendpathfinder.co.uk/www.nasen.org.uk School Census changes https://www.gov.uk/school-census DfE Guidance on Personal Budgets http://www.doncasterchildrenandfamilies.info/disabilitiespersonalisation.htm