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Passitcertify.com study materials are highly customised as per the syllabus of Paloalto Networks for PCNSC Certification exam. Getting Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Consultant examu00a0is possible only when you choose to opt for good study materials. The Passitcertify exam questions are well structured and you get them in easy to use formats, Practice soft and PDF file.<br><br>Get more information visits it : https://www.passitcertify.com/Paloalto Networks/PCNSC-questions.html
[2019] Valid Palo Alto PCNSC Exam Questions and PCNSC Mock Test Visit https://www.passitcertify.com/PCNSC.html Palo Alto PCNSC Mock Exam With Valid PCNSC Exam Questions: Passitcertify.com study materials are highly customized as per the syllabus of Palo Alto for PCNSC exam. Getting Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Consultant exam certified is possible only when you choose to opt for good study materials. The Passitcertify exam materials are well structured and you get them in easy to use formats, Practice soft and PDF file. Our Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Consultant PCNSC Exam material can easily be accessed on your digital devices. You can also collect all the notes in the PDF format. The software from Passitcertify is designed to create easy accessibility for the user. It has got a user-friendly interface which helps the candidates to work under the actual Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Consultant PCNSC Exam Questions environment. https://www.passitcertify.com/
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Why you should rely on Passitcertify for Palo Alto PCNSC Exam Preparation? Passitcertify.com has a desiccated staff of highly skilled customer support, which takes care of all your queries and answers them in the best way possible. If you have any issues regarding Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Consultant exam products, you can write us an email any time. After purchasing the PCNSC Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Consultant exam product, you will be eligible to apply for updates, which be lasting for 90 exclusive days, starting right from the date of purchase. This has been done in order to ensure that you are updated with the latest changes, made by the Palo Alto. 20% Discount on https://www.passitcertify.com/PCNSC.html Actual Palo Alto PCNSC Exam visits for more information: https://www.passitcertify.com/
Version: 7.0 Question: 1 A session in the Traffic log is reporting the application as "incomplete” What does "incomplete" mean? A. The three-way TCP handshake did not complete. B. Data was received but wan instantly discarded because of a Deny policy was applied before App ID could be applied. C. The three-way TCP handshake was observed, but the application could not be identified. D. The traffic is coming across UDP, and the application could not be identified. Answer: A Question: 2 Refer to the exhibit. A web server in the DMZ is being mapped to a public address through DNAT. Which Security policy rule will allow traffic to flow to the web server? A. Untrust (any) to Untrust (10. 1.1. 100), web browsing – Allow B. Untrust (any) to Untrust (1. 1. 1. 100), web browsing – Allow C. Untrust (any) to DMZ (1. 1. 1. 100), web browsing – Allow D. Untrust (any) to DMZ (10. 1. 1. 100), web browsing – Allow Answer: B https://www.passitcertify.com/
Question: 3 Which version of Global Protect supports split tunneling based on destination domain, client process, and HTTP/HTTPs video streaming application? A. Glovbalprotect version 4.0 with PAn-OS 8.0 B. Glovbalprotect version 4.1 with PAn-OS 8.1 C. Glovbalprotect version 4.0 with PAn-OS 8.1 D. Glovbalprotect version 4.1 with PAn-OS 8.0 Answer: C Question: 4 A firewall administrator has been asked to configure a Palo Alto Networks NGFW to prevent against compromised hosts trying to phone-number or bacon out to eternal command-and-control (C2) servers. Which Security Profile type will prevent these behaviors? A. Vulnerability Protection B. Antivirus C. Wildfire D. Anti-Spyware Answer: D Question: 5 An administrator has users accessing network resources through Citrix XenApp 7 .x. Which User-ID mapping solution will map multiple mat who using Citrix to connect to the network and access resources? A. Client Probing B. Globa1Protect C. Terminal Services agent D. Syslog Monitoring Answer: C Question: 6 A speed/duplex negotiation mismatch is between the Palo Alto Networks management port and the switch it connect. How would an administrator configure the interface to IGbps? A. set deviceconfig system speed-duplex 10Gbps-full-duplex https://www.passitcertify.com/
B. set deviceconfig interface speed-duplex 1Gbs--full-duplex C. set deviceconfig interface speed-duplex 1Gbs--half-duplex D. set deviceconfig system speed-duplex 1Gbs--half-duplex. Answer: D Question: 7 Which Captive Portal mode must be contoured to support MFA authentication? A. Single Sign-On B. Redirect C. Transparent D. NTLM Answer: B https://www.passitcertify.com/
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