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Pass your Oracle 1Z0-499 Exam in First Attempt 2019 Buy Actual 1Z0-499 Exam Questions for more info: https://www.dumpskey.com/1Z0-499.html There are hundreds of people who attempt the Oracle 1Z0-499 certification exam every year. The number of students who pass the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam 1Z0-499 exam in the first attempt is very low than those who have to attempt it multiple times in order to succeed. This lead to the creation of demand of a program or solution which can guarantee success in the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam 1Z0-499 certification exam in the first attempt. With the increasing demand for such a program, many companies and online sites have tried and still trying to meet the demand of the clients. There has been no one except Dumpskey who have been able to achieve this fleet of providing a solution to their clients which guarantees success in the first attempt. So today, we will discuss how they have managed to provide a money back guarantee to their clients of passing the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam 1Z0-499 exam in the first attempt. Yes, you read it right. Dumpskey is so confident in their program that they are willing to refund all of your money if you buy their program, follow all the instructions and still manages to fail in the first attempt. A lot of research and resources have been utilized by Dumpskey to make sure that they leave no room for any error in their program. We Offer Our Oracle 1Z0-499 Exam Product In Two Formats: Since the demands of the clients are increasing and evolving, Dumpskey decided to offer their program in two formats which are listed and discussed as follows: https://www.dumpskey.com/
Preparation material in PDF format Practice Exam Software 1- Preparation material in PDF format: For the students who don’t need advanced preparation for the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam 1Z0-499 exam, Dumpskey is offering preparation material in PDF format. There are multiple reasons behind selecting the PDF format for their program. The decision was made while keeping in mind the evolving needs of the clients. The main reason behind choosing the PDF format was the easiness of accessibility. Since the PDF format is mobile phones and tablets friendly, you can access it easily at any time. You don’t need to install any additional software in order to access the content of the program. Because of the PDF format, you can also easily port the files from one device to another. Now you must be thinking that there are also many other sites which are providing preparation material, so why this program is different and effective? The main reason why the other programs offered online were not so effective is that the content included in those programs was not relevant to the actual exam. So to make sure that this is not the case with their program, Dumpskey consulted more than 90,000 professionals who are best suited to choose the most relevant content for the program. We also provide regular updates to their program since there might be changes in the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam 1Z0-499 certification exam. 2- Practice Exam Software: The Practice Exam Software is the advanced version of the program offered by Dumpskey. It is designed to make sure that their clients are best prepared to pass the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam 1Z0-499 exam in the first attempt. It is also designed while keeping in mind the factors behind the failure of candidates in their first attempt. One of the factors behind the failure of students while attempting the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam 1Z0-499 certification exam in the first attempt is the unfamiliarity with the exam environment. Since they are trying to pass the exam in the first attempt, they take too much pressure when they face the actual exam environment for the first time around. In order to take care of this problem, Dumpskey is offering the ability to attempt a mock exam to their clients which are designed to be extremely similar to the actual Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam exam. So by attempting the mock exam, the candidate will get familiar with the actual Oracle 1Z0-499 exam. The mock exam’s format is the same as the actual exam and has questions which are very likely to be in the actual Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam exam as well. Dumpskey Renders Mock and Practice 1Z0-499 Exam Opportunity to Their Clients: Apart from the mock 1Z0-499 exam, the Practice Exam Software has the following features: i- Keeping track of progression: Another key component of the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam Practice Exam Software is its ability to keep track of your progression. It will save all of your mistakes and changes that you make from your previous attempts. As a result, you will be able to highlight the areas https://www.dumpskey.com/
which require more attention and preparation. It will also highlight the strong areas which don’t require much time for preparation. So you will be able to plan your preparations according to your level of preparation. ii- Self-assessment: We realized that a key factor which can lead to the success of their clients is their ability to do self- assessment. After attempting the mock Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam 1Z0-499 exam, you will be able to get to know how much prepared you are for the exam, what are your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. So in short, you will be able to do self-assessment which will surely lead to your success in the 1Z0-499 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam exam. So simulating real exam environment, being similar to the actual 1Z0-499 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam exam, ability to track the progression of the candidate and providing the ability to do self-assessment are the main components of the Practice Exam Software. As we discussed earlier, we consulted more than 90,000 professionals from all around the world. The same professionals also played a vital role in creating the Practice Exam Software. Buy Oracle 1Z0-499 exam and Get 20% Discount They made sure that the mock exam is relevant and similar to the actual Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam 1Z0-499 exam so that the clients will not waste their time on preparation of something which is not likely to be in the actual Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam 1Z0-499 exam. When you combine all of these great features; you have a program which can guarantee success to the candidates in the first attempt. These features are the reason behind the money back guarantee which comes with the program. You can download a free trial version of the program right now if you still have any concerns. We hope this discussion will assist you in your buying decision. https://www.dumpskey.com/
Version: 8.0 Question: 1 An administrator wants to add an advanced statistic to a worksheet. How can the administrator make the statistic available? A. Under Configuration > Preferences, select “Make available advanced analytics statistics” and click Apply. B. Under Status > Dashboard > Preferences, select “Make available advanced analytics statistics” and click Apply. C. No action is required. Advanced Statistics are enabled by default. D. Under Configuration > Dashboard > Preferences, select “Make available advanced analytics statistics” and click Apply. Answer: A Explanation: The Preferences view for enabling advanced Analytics, which will make many more statistics available. References: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E37831_01/html/E52872/gocua.html Question: 2 A storage administrator wants to give an operator the authority to update system software. Which privilege should be assigned to the operator? A. Hardware B. System C. Update D. Services E. Users Answer: C Explanation: TABLE, User Available Scopes https://www.dumpskey.com/
References: Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide (June 2014), page 132 Question: 3 With which option would you configure a storage pool to meet the requirement of highest performance and high availability for random disk IOPS? A. RAID-5 B. RAID-ZR C. RAID-1 D. RAID-Z2 E. RAID-Z3 Answer: E Explanation: Z3 is triple-disk failure protection within a multiple disk set, where stripe width var pool disk count. Data is triply mirrored, yielding a very highly reliable and high-performing system (for example, storage for a critical database). This configuration is intended for situations in which maximum performance and availability are required. Compared with a two-way mirror, a three-way mirror adds additional IOPS per stored block and higher level protection against failures. Question: 4 A storage administrator has completed initial configuration and is going to access the BUI. What should you do to access the BUI? A. Direct your browser to the system by using the IP address you assigned to the NET-0 port during initial configuration as follows: https://ipaddress:215. B. Direct your browser to the system by using the IP address you assigned to the NET-1 port during initial configuration as follows: https://ipaddress:215. C. Direct your browser to the system by using the IP address you assigned to the NET-0 port during initial configuration as follows: https://ipaddress:225. D. Direct your browser to the system by using the IP address you assigned to the NET-1 port during initial configuration as follows: http://ipaddress:215. Answer: A https://www.dumpskey.com/
Explanation: The ZFSSA Browser User Interface (BUI) is the graphical tool for administration of the appliance. The BUI provides an intuitive environment for administration tasks, visualizing concepts, and analyzing performance data. The BUI provides an uncluttered environment for visualizing system behavior and identifying performance issues with the appliance. Direct your browser to the system using either the IP address or host name you assigned to the NET-0 port during initial configuration as follows: https://ipaddress:215 or https://hostname:215. The login screen appears. References: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E37831_01/html/E52872/overview__browser_user_interface_bui.html Question: 5 Which two features are available when ZFS Storage Appliances are clusters? A. A peer appliance can provide service while repairs are being performed. B. Load balancing among multiple heads is allowed. C. Clients are provided with a unified file system namespace across multiple appliances. D. Rolling upgrade of software is allowed. Answer: A,D Explanation: As an alternative to incurring hours or days of downtime while the head is repaired, clustering allows a peer appliance to provide service while repair or replacement is performed. Clusters support rolling upgrade of software, which can reduce the business disruption associated with migrating to newer software. Question: 6 What is the correct path to take a snapshot in a browser user interface (BUI)? A. Shares > Projects B. Configuration > Services C. Maintenance > System D. Status > Settings E. Analytics > Datasets Answer: A Explanation: Taking a Snapshot (BUI) Use the following procedure to take a manual snapshot of a filesystem, LUN, or project. 1. Go to the share or project you want to snapshot. To take a snapshot of a filesystem, go to Shares > Shares. To take a snapshot of a LUN, go to Shares > Shares and click LUNs. https://www.dumpskey.com/
To take a snapshot of a project, go to Shares > Projects. Etc. References: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E78901_01/html/E78912/gpris.html Question: 7 A storage system has plenty of storage space available. Which storage profile should a storage administrator use when both high performance and high reliability are required? A. double-parity RAID B. striped C. mirrored D. single-parity RAID, narrow stripes Answer: A Explanation: RAID in which each stripe contains two parity disks. As with triple mirroring, this yields high availability, as data remains available with the failure of any two disks. Double parity RAID is a higher capacity option than the mirroring options and is intended either for high-throughput sequential-access workloads (such as backup) or for storing large amounts of data with low random-read component. Note: Triple mirrored Data is triply mirrored, yielding a very highly reliable and high-performing system (for example, storage for a critical database). This configuration is intended for situations in which maximum performance and availability are required. Compared with a two-way mirror, a three-way mirror adds additional IOPS per stored block and higher level protection against failures. https://www.dumpskey.com/
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