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Explore the lifecycle of stars, black holes, constellations, and more in this informative journey through space. Discover what stars are made of, their colors, and the wonders of asteroids and comets. Learn about different celestial bodies and their significance in the universe.
Part 1https://www.brainpop.com/science/space/galaxies/https://www.brainpop.com/science/space/lifecycleofstars/https://www.brainpop.com/science/space/blackholes/
Part 2https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IurFmd8xDe0Just first 2 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01U7ZUKVW8ohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3IgVidGjQkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj1sDWjvgjM
What are stars made of? Stars are made of hot burning gases.
Why are the stars different colors? The color of the star tells you its temperature. If you put a piece of metal in a fire, it would turn adark red first, then orange, next yellow, andfinally a bluish-whiteas it heated up.
The 2nd closest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri. It is over 4.2 light years away.
Part 3 If the link doesn’t work, copy and paste ithttps://www.eduplace.com/kids/hmsc/activities/simulations/gr1/unitd.htmlhttp://www.eduplace.com/kids/hmsc/activities/simulations/gr5/unitd.htmlhttp://www.eduplace.com/kids/hmsc/activities/simulations/gr4/unitd.html
What happens to the stars during the daytime? They’re still there. You just can’t see them because the sun is so bright.
The North Star is on the end of the handle of the Little Dipper. The 2 stars at the end of the Big Dipper always point to it.
Part 4https://www.brainpop.com/science/space/constellations/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm2MKez7atIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vg1-HFqt-6M
A group of stars that seems to form a picture is called a constellation.
There are 88 recognized constellations. Scientists don’t think of them as pictures. They just use them as sections of a sky map.
Orion is one of the easier constellations to find. Look for the 3 stars that make up his belt.
The constellation names we used were named by the Greeks and Romans thousands of years ago. They sat around the campfire telling stories about their heroes, gods, and godesses using the pictures in the sky.
Asteroidshttps://www.brainpop.com/science/space/asteroids/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKPjlX_1eiohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-DmkH7udc4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUnDwn0fN3g only look at #2https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agdvt9M3NJA
Most asteroids are big chunks of rock. Many of them have a large amount of iron in them.
All of the asteroids glued together would still be less than ½ the size of our moon.
Ceres is the largest asteroid. 600 miles
Most asteroids are found in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
Cometshttps://www.brainpop.com/science/space/cometshttps://www.brainpop.com/science/space/comets/quiz/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYIpU0DpZzM only first couple of minutes
The tail is the dust left after the other parts of the comet have evaporated.
Comets orbit around the sun.Its tail points away from the sun.