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Jackson Heights Middle School Dress Code Policy located in our Student Planner Pages 9 and 10 JHMS Dress Code Policy in effect since: August 2009. Dress Code Policy 2014 -2015.
Jackson Heights Middle School Dress Code Policy located in our Student Planner Pages 9 and 10JHMS Dress Code Policy in effect since: August 2009 Dress Code Policy 2014 -2015
Jackson Heights Middle School is committed to providing the best possible education for your child. In order to continue with this goal, it is important to have a dress code that promotes a non-distracting, non-violent and non-harmful atmosphere on campus.Promoting Dress for Success
No clothing with rip/tears/holes of any kind above mid-thigh – or revealing inappropriate body parts NOT ALLOWED Holes near pockets (Not Allowed)Above mid-thigh (Not Allowed)
Shorts:Length is measures as follows: Student holds arms down at their side with head up, elbows locked & hands flat. Bottom of shorts must be below the bottom of the longest fingertip Too Short Long Enough
Skirts should be long enough to promote modestyNo shorter than 3 inches above middle of the knee cap in front and back3” above Too shortknee Too short
Skirts: Inner skirt must be at least 3” above the middle of the knee cap in front & back Too short
Leggings must be covered with a dress code appropriate length top, shorts, skirt. To make leggings appropriate Long enough wear them under dresses or skirts Shirt (Just remember they too must be tooappropriate length) Short Skirt too short
No - Halter, backless dresses, or tops or blouses tied at the midriff or anything in which the student’s bare midsection shows (including when arms are raised)
No Undergarments showing at anytime Including: bras sports bras underwear
No Spaghetti straps, tank tops, off the shoulder tops or tube tops • Spaghetti Straps Tank Tops Off the Shoulder Tops Tube Tops
Lace or see through tops. These type items can be worn with a wide strap Tank Top underneath.
No Hats, No Hoods (unless weather permits)No Bandanas • Hoodies • Hats Bandanas
Clothing, jewelry & accessories shall not convey messages that are: Crude, blood, skulls, vulgar/profane, violent/death-oriented, gang, sexually suggestive, promote alcohol, drugs or tobacco or that demean, demoralize, or are considered to be offensive to another race or gender.Examples:
Parents with questions regarding Dress CodePlease contact our Dean, Mrs. Pitters atSiobhan_Pitters@scps.k12.fl.us Thank you for your support. Together we make a difference.All images were obtained from Bing Images/Clipart. No students assisted.