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International Alliance of Teacher Education Institutes

International Alliance of Teacher Education Institutes. The need to attract teachers with better entrance qualifications in Singapore. Model for Teacher Selection Process.

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International Alliance of Teacher Education Institutes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. International Alliance of Teacher Education Institutes The need to attract teachers with better entrance qualifications in Singapore

  2. Model for Teacher Selection Process The Singapore’s Ministry of Education selects qualified individuals (teachers) before they start their teacher preparation and limits initial teacher preparation opportunities to those who are selected. In this way, Singapore attempts to balance the supply and demand of teachers, and helps to promote teaching as an attractive and high-status profession.

  3. Mechanisms for Teacher Selection • Singapore’s selection of teachers is based on the following criteria: • Strong academic achievement (Top 30% of age cohort) • High overall level of literacy and numeracy (Assessment tests) • Communication skills (Interviews) • Motivation for teaching (interviews and contract teaching)

  4. Admission Criteria • Applicants should possess one of the following entry qualifications: • University degree • Polytechnic Diploma • General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced-level (A-Level)

  5. Initial Teacher Preparation Programmes at NIE • All selected teachers who are not trained in teaching pedagogy will have to undergo teacher preparation at the National Institute of Education (NIE). NIE conducts 3 initial teacher preparation programmes: • Postgraduate Diploma in Education • Diploma in Education • Bachelor of Arts (Education)/Bachelor of Science (Education)

  6. Teaching Scholarships and Awards • A variety of teaching scholarships and awards allow the Ministry of Education to continue attracting a steady stream of talented and dedicated young individuals into the Education Service each year: • Overseas Merit Scholarship (Teaching) • Local-Overseas Merit Scholarship (Teaching) • Education Merit Scholarship • MOE Teaching Scholarship • MOE Teaching Award

  7. Alternative Pathways • Singapore is able to recruit more experienced graduates and/or keep qualified teachers longer in the profession through different alternative pathways: • Recruitment of Mid-Career Professionals • Adjunct Teachers Program • Trained Foreign Teachers

  8. Thank you

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