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Strategic Decision Making Scenarios for Business Expansion

Explore various strategic choices for business expansion, such as relocation, outsourcing, and setting up new entities. Evaluate the pros and cons to make informed decisions for growth and sustainability.

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Strategic Decision Making Scenarios for Business Expansion

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  1. STR 2400 StrategiProsjekteksempler Fred Wenstøp Wenstøp: STR 2400 Kursopplegg Nydalen

  2. Lego The Decision Alternatives: 1) Keep the existing production facility in Denmark (status quo) 2) Retain full ownership of the production but re-locate it to China 3) Retain full ownership of production but re-locate it to Czech. Rep. (where the company has existing facilities) 4) Outsource production Wenstøp: STR 2400 Kursopplegg Nydalen

  3. GründerbedriftNydesignet kjøkkenredskap • Etablere på egenhånd • Etablere ved hjelp av eksterne investorer • Selge rettighetene Wenstøp: STR 2400 Kursopplegg Nydalen

  4. Lite softwarefirma Decision Alternatives:1. Turn away customers to avoid overworked employees. 2. Continue as before at full capacity, allocating resources to make room for new potential customers, at the same time as they plan their production. 3. Increase the work force to meet future growth Wenstøp: STR 2400 Kursopplegg Nydalen

  5. Vinimportør Decision alternatives Alternative 1: Continue as before Alternative 2: Establish a department for expansion of distribution channels Build distribution channels themselves Alternative 3: Establish a new legal entity that prepares for expansion of distribution channels (externally through Daughter Company) 100 % owned Alternative 4: Establish a new legal entity that prepares for expansion of distribution channels (JV / Strategic alliance). Controlled by 51 %) Strategic alliance with retailer(s) (e.g. ICA, Statoil, Rimi, Meny, etc) (< 49 %) Wenstøp: STR 2400 Kursopplegg Nydalen

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