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OBJETIVOS: To expression possession in Spanish. . CAMPANAZO: What was the highlight of your break? What was the low point of your break? What did you do for Thanksgiving? . EXPRESSING POSSESION IN SPANISH. “Ellie’s class” “The class of Ellie” “Her class”. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES.
OBJETIVOS: To expression possession in Spanish. CAMPANAZO: • What was the highlight of your break? • What was the low point of your break? • What did you do for Thanksgiving?
EXPRESSING POSSESION IN SPANISH “Ellie’s class” “The class of Ellie” “Her class”
POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Possessive adjectives tell you who owns something or describe a relationship between people and things. When we own something SINGULAR, we use the following possessive pronouns IN FRONT of the possession (the noun). Mi Nuestro(a) Tu Vuestro(a) Su Su
POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun (the owner is in parenthesis) and then translate to English. • _______ abuelo (yo) _____________________ • _______ escuela (Phoenix) _____________________ • _______ vestido (ella) _____________________ • _______ sombrero (tú) _____________________ • _______ prima (nosotros) _____________________ My grandpa Mi Su His school Su Her dress Your hat Tu Our cousin Nuestra
POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS When we own something PLURAL, we use the following possessive pronouns IN FRONT of the possession (the noun). Mis Nuestros(as) Tus Vuestros(as) Sus Sus
POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun (the owner is in parenthesis) and then translate to English. *NOTE: The possessions are PLURAL • _______ abuelos (yo) _____________________ • _______ escuelas (Phoenix) _____________________ • _______ vestidos (ella) _____________________ • _______ sombreros (tú)_____________________ • _______ primas (nosotros) _____________________ My grandparents Mis Sus His schools Sus Her dresses Your hats Tus Our cousins Nuestras
¿Quésabemos? MY FRIENDS Mis amigos
¿Quésabemos? YOUR FATHER Tu padre
¿Quésabemos? HER PANTS Suspantelones
¿Quésabemos? HIS SHOES Suszapatos
¿Quésabemos? YOUR SISTER Tuhermana
¿Quésabemos? THEIR DOG Su perro
¿Quésabemos? OUR GRANDPARENTS Nuestrosabuelos
¿Quésabemos? MY T-SHIRT Micamiseta
¿Quésabemos? OUR HOUSE Nuestra casa
¿Quésabemos? HIS COUSINS Susprimos
¿Quésabemos? THEIR AUNT Su tía
EXPRESSING POSSESSION using DE In English, you express possession by adding ‘s to the NOUN that refers to the possessor. Julia’s brother Eddie’s shirt In Spanish, you use the preposition de to refer to the possessor. The de comes AFTER the possession and IN FRONT of the name of the possessor. el hermanode Julia la camisade Eddie
POSSESSION USING DE Translate to English. *NOTE: It does not matter if possessions are singular or plural. • Tommy’s jacket _____________________ • Lashon’s hat _____________________ • Cara’s dress _____________________ • Pete’s cousin (girl)_____________________ • Joe’s grandpa _____________________ La chaqueta de Tommy El sombrero de Lashon El vestido de Cara La prima de Pete El abuelo de Joe
¡AHORA TÚ! • Jessica’s ______________________________________ El vestido de Jessica
¡AHORA TÚ! • Matt’s __________________________________________ El sombrero de Matt
¡AHORA TÚ! • Maria’s _________________________________________ El abuelo de Maria
¡AHORA TÚ! • Tim’s ___________________________________________ El balón de Tim
OBJETIVOS: To expression possession in Spanish. To write complete sentences using SER. CAMPANAZO: Translate the following. • My house: ___________________________ • His shoes: ___________________________ • Her brother: ___________________________ • Our aunt: ___________________________ • Their teacher: ___________________________ • John’s brothers: ___________________________ • His school: ___________________________ • Your jeans: ___________________________ Mi casa Suszapatos Su hermano Nuestratía Su maestra Los hermanos de John Su escuela Tus jeans
¡AHORA TÚ! 1. The grandparents of Anna are nice. _____________________________________ 2. Angela’s shoes are white. _____________________________________ 3. Phoenix’s sister is Sarai. She is pretty. ____________________________________ 4. Ms. O’Connor’s parents are Jody and Matt. ____________________________________ Los abuelos de Anna son amables. Los zapatos de Angela son blancos. La hermana de Phoenix esSarai. Ella esbonita. Los padres de Ms. O’Connor son Jody y Matt.
¡AHORA TÚ! 5. The cousin of Vinny is Paul. Paul is intelligent. _______________________________________________ 6. Mr. Simpson’s brother is John. He is funny. _______________________________________________ 7. Julia’s dress is pink. _______________________________________________ 8. Julian’s pants are black. _______________________________________________ El primo de Vinnyes Paul. Paul esinteligente. El hermano de Mr. Simpson es John. Élescómico. El vestido de Julia esrosado. Los pantalones de Julian son negros.
VAMOS A… • Find a partner. • Work respectfully together using our guided notes. • Write complete sentences using our new POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES and/or “DE” in context. • Translate the sentences. • Share with the class!
EJEMPLOS: • ___________________________ es ___________________. • ___________________________________________________ Sarah’s La camiseta de Sarah blanca. Sarah’s t-shirt is white.
EJEMPLOS: • __________________ es ___________________. • ___________________________________________________ Your Tuperro amable. Your dog is nice.
EJEMPLOS: • __________________________ son __________________. • ________________________________________ Jack’s Los zapatos de Jack negros. Jack’s shoes are black.
EJEMPLOS: • _______________________ son __________________. • ________________________________________ Our Nuestroshermanos chistosos Our brothers are funny.
VAMOS A… • Find a partner. • Work respectfully together using our guided notes. • Write complete sentences using our new POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES and/or “DE” in context. • Translate the sentences. • Share with the class!
OBJETIVOS: To expression possession in Spanish. To write complete sentences using SER. CAMPANAZO: Translate the following. • My house is big: ___________________________ • Our shoes are new and white: ____________________________________ • Her brother is funny and nice. _____________________________________ • John’s parents are tall and good looking: ______________________________________ • Aldo’s pants are red. ______________________________________ Mi casa esgrande. Nuestroszapatos son nuevos y blancos. Su hermanoeschistoso y amable. Los padres de John son altos y guapos. Los pantalones de Aldo son rojos.
EJEMPLOS: Luke’s His shirt • _______________________________________. • ________________________________________ Los hermanos de Luke son chistosos. Su camisaesblanca.
EJEMPLOS: Myley’s Her dad • _______________________________________. • ________________________________________ Los ojos de Myley son verdes. Su padre esperezoso.
Gallery Walk VAMOS A… • Walk around the room. • Use the pictures to write two complete sentences using new possessive words. • The sentences must use SER in context as well as an adjective to match the subject. Suszapatossonnuevos. La madre de Victor esamable. • Share!
OBJETIVOS: To express possession in Spanish. To write complete sentences using SER. CAMPANAZO: Correct the errors the following sentences. • Mihermanos son amable: _________________________________________________ • Nuestroabuelosessimpáticos: _________________________________________________ • Su tíaestáinteligente. ______________________________ • Tu padres son alta: ________________________________ • Lashon’scamisaesamarillo. __________________________________________________ Mishermanos son amables. Nuestrosabuelossonsimpáticos. Su tíaesinteligente. Tus padres son altos. La camisadeLashonesamarilla.
¿Quésabemos? Her mother Su madre
¿Quésabemos? Her mother is pretty Su madreesbonita
¿Quésabemos? His grandparents Susabuelos
¿Quésabemos? His grandparents are nice Susabuelos son amables
¿Quésabemos? Our shoes Nuestroszapatos
¿Quésabemos? Our shoes are new Nuestroszapatos son nuevos
¿Quésabemos? Our aunt Nuestratía
¿Quésabemos? Our aunt is young Nuestratíaesjoven
¿Quésabemos? Pedro’s jacket La chaqueta de Pedro
¿Quésabemos? Pedro’s jacket is blue La chaqueta de Pedro esazul
¿Quésabemos? Elena’s eyes Los ojos de Elena
¿Quésabemos? Elena’s eyes are green Los ojos de Elena son verdes
¿Quésabemos? Their brother Su hermano