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Explore the latest developments in tuberculosis vaccines, from challenges to promising candidates and strategies for vaccine development. Learn about the importance of conducting TB vaccine studies in HIV+ patients and the realities of clinical trials in this population.
TB vaccines: what is on the horizon? Tom Evans, MD Chief Scientific Officer, Aeras IAC, Washington, D.C., July 27, 2012
Global Plan will not eliminate TB by 2050 Chris Dye, WHO; London 2009
Predicted Impact of a 60% Efficacious TB Vaccine 39% 52% 37% 80% 92% Abu-Raddad LJ, Sabatelli L, Achterberg JT, Sugimoto JD, Longini IM Jr, Dye C, Halloran ME Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2009
Key Challenges • Lack of validated animal models or clear correlates of protection of immunity Active Disease Latent • Large and expensive trials needed to prove efficacy BCG • Diversity of BCG, populations, and environmental factors may require more than one vaccine Pre-infection Infants Adolescents Adults HIV+ All Ages Covered by existing vaccine No coverage or impact from existing vaccine
Better TB Vaccines: Reasons to be Optimistic • Most people (80-90%) do not get disease when infected • Evidence of BCG vaccine efficacy in children • New TB vaccine candidates protect in animal models • There are clinical clues to guide immunologic hypotheses • Low CD4+ T cells are more susceptible to M.tb infection • Anti-TNF treatment is associated with reactivation • New TB vaccines boost cellular immune responses in multiple clinical studies
Strategies for TB Vaccine Development Pre-infection: to prevent infection Improved priming vaccines Novel booster vaccines Block Initial Infection • Post-infection: to prevent disease • Develop novel booster vaccines to extend and enhance immune protection Prevent Latent Infection Prevent Early Disease Prevent Reactivation Disease • Immunotherapeutic: treatment • Shorten the course of chemotherapy for active TB • Improve efficacy of MDR/XDR/TDR-TB treatment
Why conduct TB vaccine studies in HIV+ patients? • PROS • 1/3 of all deaths from HIV in Africa • Incidence ~ 2% annually despite ART and INH preventative Rx • Population with high mortality • Able to access through the medical system • Easier “downstream” population to vaccinate • CONS • Immune response may be modified, with possible negative results • Use of preventative INH as recommended by WHO is not uniformly followed • May be a greater rate of re-infection as opposed to reactivation • Continually changing treatment and prevention landscape for trials lasting 3-4 years • Possible issues of safety, especially with live vaccines
Reality of TB vaccine trials in HIV+Samandari et al., 2011, Botswana • The increased incidence is made almost entirely from those that are skin test + • There is a lag between INH preventative therapy and this increased incidence • If given preventative therapy, on ART and CD4>200, incidence is not highly differentiated from the general population Should trials be first done in the general population, and only then bridged back to the HIV+ population?
Global Clinical TB Vaccine Pipeline – 2000 Phase I Phase II Phase IIb Phase III M. Vaccae
Global Clinical TB Vaccine Pipeline – 2012 Phase I Phase II Phase IIb Phase III MVA85A/AERAS-485OETC, Aeras VPM 1002Max Planck, VPM, TBVI Mw DBY, India, M/s. Cadila IN hu Ad5 Ag85A McMaster CanSino M72 + AS01GSK, Aeras AERAS-402/Crucell Ad35Crucell, Aeras Hybrid-I + IC31SSI, TBVI, EDCTP, Intercell ID93 + GLA-SE IDRI, Aeras M. Vaccae Anhui Longcom, China Mycobacterial – whole cell or extract Hyvac 4/ AERAS-404 + IC31SSI, sanofi-pasteur, Aeras, Intercell RUTIArchivel Farma, S.L Clinical trials in HIV+ patients Viral vector H56 + IC31SSI, Aeras, Intercell rBCG Protein/adjuvant
M. vaccae:DarDar study of TB prevention in newly diagnosed HIV in Tanzania von Reyn et al. AIDS, 2010 • Study was the first to have a signal of possible TB vaccine efficacy • Phase III, RCT in Tanzania; Eligibility: CD4≥ 200, prior BCG • 5 doses of heat killed M. vaccaevs placebo (compliance 84%) • Median CD4~400/µl, VL~ 4.1 Log10 • 31% INH x 6 mos for TST ≥ 5 mm; 28% ART during trial • Low loss to f/u (18%) • Safe, no adverse effect on CD4 or VL
MVA85A • Oxford Emergent TB Consortium (OETC)/Wellcome Trust/Aeras • Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) expressing M.tb antigen 85A • Attenuated poxvirus, replication deficient in mammalian cells • Administered to 120,000 vaccinees (smallpox eradication) • Protects animals in multiple models from M.tb challenge after BCG prime-MVA85A boost administered intradermally • 14 clinical trials completed or ongoing involving >2000 participants • Acceptable safety profile in all populations studied • Site of injection reactions in most subjects • Preferentially induces CD4+ (vs. CD8+) T cell responses • Appears more immunogenic in adults, two doses needed in HIV+ • No effect of vaccination on CD4 count or viral load (Scriba et al. 2012)
INFg ELISPOT Responses in HIV+Scriba et al. AJRCCM, 2012 • Less robust than HIV uninfected • Persist (and can be boosted) • Minimally affected by ART • Exhibited CD4+ T cell polyfunctionality in ICS assays • Phase 2b, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial (supported by EDCTP) • HIV-infected adults (South Africa, Senegal, N=1400) initiated • Both ART and non-ART enrolled, all PPD+ given INH for 6 mo prior to enrollment • Over 400 subjects enrolled
AERAS-402 / Crucell human Ad35 Human adenovirus 35 encoded 3 M.Tb antigens Multiple Phase I/IIa trials completed and ongoing, including in: Adults with/without latent TB infection; Adults with active TB; Infants Dosing range: 1.5x108- 1x1011 viral particles administered IM Acceptable safety profile; no SAEs related to AERAS-402 Immunogenic (CD8+ T cell responses preferentially) Phase IIb proof-of-concept study in infants ongoing • Phase 2, HIV infected, BCG vaccinated; Aurum Institute, South Africa • First dose (3 x 1010 or placebo) administered to 26 patients and showed the vaccine to be immunogenic and safe with no change in VL or CD4 count
VPM1002 in HIV-exposed infants • BCG is not recommended by WHO for HIV-infected infants, although this recommendation is not followed in practice. • rBCG that expresses listeriolysin to induce endosomal perforation, apoptosis induction, and cross presentation to increase CD8+ responses • Safer than BCG in the SCID mouse model • Showed superior protection to BCG in some animal studies • Studied in healthy adults, TB infected adults, and infants • Presently in a trial in HIV uninfected infants in South Africa in preparation for a Proof of Concept trial in HIV exposed newborns
Decade of progress • $600 million invested since 2005 • Robust pipeline of discovery and preclinical candidates • Rich pipeline of 15 new vaccine candidates entered clinical trials • Promising activities for development of new biomarkers emerged • Capacity for vaccine production and carrying out large-scale clinical trials established • Better understanding of safety and immunogenicity
Decade to come • First efficacy data from proof-of-concept trials that are underway • Better understanding of correlates of immunity, accelerating the testing of future vaccines • Start of multiple phase III studies • Possibility of TB vaccine licensure
Aeras gratefully acknowledges the volunteers in our clinical trials, hard work of many partners, and support of the following major donors: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs US Food and Drug Administration
Thank You! For more information: www.aeras.org An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.