Chores for Kids; Toddler Cleaning Set
I recently read an article that the majority of American children are not expected to do household chores. I was saddened by this because it is a lost learning opportunity and a missed chance of bonding, responsibility and togetherness. Toddlers like to mimic the adults in their life and this is a wonderful way to learn social roles. Provide a child with a toddler cleaning set and he will feel proud and competent working alongside his parent. He will be interacting, perhaps learning new vocabulary and new skills. He will feel like he is contributing to the family unit. Having the right sized tools increases success. Even children as young as toddlers can help around the house. Child sized carpentry toys for 2 year old boys and girls such as screwdrivers and pliers let your child work alongside while you are doing repairs. These are teachable moments that would be missed if your child is not expected to do chores. For more information click here. best educational toys for 4 year old & best toddler toys for 2 year old
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