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Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance

Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance. Background. Chronically food insecure (CFI) Government safety net program Graduate CFI - food/cash transfers More resilient, but not sufficient Need diversified approach to overcome systematic structural institutional and

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Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance

  2. Background Chronically food insecure (CFI) Government safety net program Graduate CFI - food/cash transfers More resilient, but not sufficient Need diversified approach to overcome systematic structural institutional and attitudinal barriers

  3. Program Frameworktowards food security Provide alternative and accelerated pathways Deliberate and concurrent assistance access contextually relevant MF services stepped approach integration to markets

  4. Program’s Strategic Framework Pathway to graduation from food insecurity Value Chain Finance Insurance Stable Household Economy “Pull” by access to markets SME Loans Individual Linkages PSNP PLUS graduated households in 3 yrs Vulnerable To Food Insecurity Group Linkages VSL Groups Asset Transfer PSNP PLUS targeted households Chronic Food Insecurity “Push” by Asset Transfer, VSLA, Access to tailored MF products, productivity increases

  5. STRATEGIES Savings led financial service - VSLA MFI Linkage - existing/ new products Business skills Financial literacy

  6. Why saving based MF to Food Security ? Insurance - bad harvest, illness Avoid cutting consumption, risky practices Smooth uneven cash flow Protect productive asset Diversify income source Improved human capital – nutrition, education, health Build asset – livestock, house, furniture, farm tools Improves social capital - better social network & information Life cycle events

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