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Healthy Habits for Life Kick-Off Inservice

Healthy Habits for Life Kick-Off Inservice. (Insert your agency name) (Insert date). Today’s session is brought to you by the number “ 1 ” and the letter “ U ,” because…. YOU are the only U you’ve got, so take care of yourself!. Welcome to Healthy Habits for Life Kick-Off!.

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Healthy Habits for Life Kick-Off Inservice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Healthy Habits for LifeKick-Off Inservice (Insert your agency name) (Insert date)

  2. Today’s session is brought to you by the number “1” and the letter “U,” because…. YOU are the only U you’ve got, so take care of yourself! Welcome to Healthy Habits for Life Kick-Off!

  3. What does wellness mean to you? U LOOK SOUND FEEL

  4. Welcome to Healthy Habits for Life from Linnea Sallack California WIC Director

  5. Agenda • On the Corner of Sesame Street and WIC Way • Results of the Wellness Survey • My Wellness Journal • Wiggle Break • Wellness Station (optional activity) • Food Diary and Sometime/Anytime Foods • Me and My Healthy Habit • Self-Pledge • Looking Down the Road from Here

  6. Building on Our Strengths • What are ONE or TWO things that you are already doing NOW to improve your health? • Share at your tables.

  7. Sesame Street is Coming to WIC! • Sesame Street will be used to promote healthy nutrition message and the new WIC food package. • Partnering with Sesame Street is a good idea because BRANDING WORKS!

  8. Power of Sesame Street Branding • Research of preschool children, ages 3-5 year old • Most can describe what “healthy” means • Healthy Food (50%) • Feeling good (23%) • Growing (18%) • Exercise (9%)

  9. Power of Sesame Street Branding • Children asked to select healthy food • Breakfast: Donut OR Cereal • Lunch: Vegetable soup OR Fries • Dinner: Lean chicken & salad OR Cheeseburger & onion rings • Snack: Apple OR Potato Chips • Asked: • What would a healthy kid choose to eat? • What would YOU choose to eat?

  10. Power of Sesame Street Branding • Question: What would a healthy kid choose to eat? • Knowledge increased with age • 3 year olds: 30% picked correctly • 4 year olds: 50% picked correctly • 5 year olds: 70% picked correctly

  11. Power of Sesame Street Branding • Question: What would YOU choose to eat? • Behavior remained constant with age • 3 year olds: 30% picked correctly • 4 year olds: 35% picked correctly • 5 year olds: 32% picked correctly

  12. Power of Sesame Street Branding • Research on effects of Food Packaging • Asked to choose which food they would want to eat: grapes or bananas? • Control group: generic packaging • Condition 1: • Elmo on grape packaging • Unknown character on banana packaging • Condition 2: • switched

  13. Which food would you want to eat?

  14. Power of Sesame Street Branding • Food packaging • Chocolate vs Broccoli • Elmo vs unknown character

  15. Which food would you want to eat?

  16. Power of Sesame Street Branding • What do you think about this research? • What other types of branding have impacted you or your children or grandchildren?

  17. DVD: The Get Healthy Now Show • As you watch this DVD, think about how this piece can positively impact kids.

  18. WIC Staff Wellness Campaign • Sesame Street materials will be used to promote healthy messages to participants starting in April 2009. • Until then, focus is on STAFF WELLNESS! • WIC Staff are best advocates for healthy eating and active living. • YOU are the only “U” you’ve got so take care of yourself!

  19. Healthy Habits for Life SURVEY RESULTSfor (LOCAL AGENCY NAME)

  20. 1. How would you describe your health? Poor Fair Good  Very good  Excellent

  21. 2. How would you describe your current weight? Underweight   Normal   Overweight   Obese

  22. (insert Local Agency name) Weight Statistics Compared with the United States

  23. 3. On an average day, about how many times do you eat fruits? 0   1   2   3   4   5   6 or more

  24. 4. On an average day, about how many times do you eat vegetables? 0   1   2   3   4   5   6 or more

  25. 5. On an average day, about how many times do you drink milk or eat milk products? 0   1   2   3   4   5 or more

  26. 6. What kind of milk do you typically drink? non fat 1% low fat 2% low fat whole milk soy milk other milk (e.g. goat milk) don't drink any kind of milk

  27. 7. What kind of cheese do you typically eat? non fat low fat regular don't eat cheese

  28. 8. What kind of yogurt do you typically eat? non fat low fat regular don't eat yogurt

  29. 9. How many times per week do you typically eat fast food? Never Once a week or less 2-3 times/week 4-6 times/week 7-9 times/week 10 or more times/week

  30. 10. What kind of foods do you usually eat between meals?(choose all that apply) candies, cookies, chocolate, pastries, pan dulce, etc. yogurt, cheese pretzels, dry cereal, crackers, nuts potato chips, doritos, cheese puffs ice-cream, popsicle none other If Other, please specify

  31. 11. On a typical day, how many 12 ounce servings (one can) of regular soda, energy drinks and sweetened drinks (including juice, sports drinks, boba, sweetened coffee drinks, horchata, tampico, etc.) do you drink? 0   1   2   3   4   5   6 or more

  32. 12. On a typical day, how many 8 ounce servings of water do you drink? 0   1   2   3   4   5 6   7  8  

  33. 13. How many days per week are you physically active? 0   1   2   3   4   5   6 7

  34. 14. When you are physically active, how many minutes per day are you physically active? don't exercise <15 minutes 15-30 minutes 31-45 minutes 46-60 minutes >60 minutes

  35. 15. Below is a list bread and grain items. For each item, please indicate if you ever buy it for your family. Do not include items eaten at a restaurant. Do you buy…(if sometimes, count as yes) Yes No Don’t know Whole wheat bread or whole grain bread White Bread Corn Tortillas Whole Wheat Tortillas Flour Tortillas Oatmeal (not instant oatmeal packets) Brown Rice White Rice Barley Bulgur

  36. 16. What is the reason you don't buy brown rice? I don’t know what it is I have never tasted it I don’t know how to cook it It takes too long to cook I don’t like how it tastes My family doesn’t like it It cost too much Someone in the family has a food allergy or medical reason not to eat them I can’t find them in the store No specific reason Don’t know Other I do buy brown rice

  37. 17. What is the reason you don't buy whole wheat tortillas? I don’t know what they are I have never tasted them I make my own tortillas at home I don’t like how they taste My family doesn’t like them They cost too much Someone in the family has a food allergy or medical reason not to eat them I can’t find them in the store No specific reason Don’t know Other I do buy whole wheat tortillas

  38. 18. What is the reason you don't buy corn tortillas? I don’t know what they are I have never tasted them I make my own tortillas at home I don’t like how they taste My family doesn’t like them They cost too much Someone in the family has a food allergy or medical reason not to eat them I can’t find them in the store No specific reason Don’t know Other I do buy corn tortillas

  39. 19. What is the reason you don't buy whole wheat or whole grain breads? I don’t know what these products are I have never tasted these products I don’t like how they taste My family doesn’t like them They cost too much Someone in the family has a food allergy or medical reason not to eat them I can’t find these products in the store No specific reason Don’t know Other _____ I do buy whole wheat or whole grain breads

  40. 20. What is your height? feet   inches

  41. 21. What is your weight in pounds? lbs.  

  42. 22. BMI Below 18.5 (Underweight) 18.5 – 24.9 (Normal) 25.0 – 29.9 (Overweight) 30.0 and Above (Obese)

  43. 23. Now based on the BMI score you just found, please use Table 2 to find your weight status Underweight Normal Overweight Obese

  44. 24. Have you had a "routine" physical (visit with doctor to check your health) in the past year? Yes No Don't know

  45. 25. Do you have diabetes? Yes No Pre-diabetes Don't know

  46. 26. Do you take medication for diabetes? Yes No Don't know

  47. 27. Do you have high cholesterol? Yes No Don't know

  48. 28. Do you take medication to lower your cholesterol? Yes No Don't know

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