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Everything you need to know about research

Everything you need to know about research. Terms for the Annotated Bibliography. . Thesis. The topic of your research This project has a common thesis How __ Mario Lemieux __ has made a positive impact on society.

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Everything you need to know about research

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  1. Everything you need to know about research Terms for the Annotated Bibliography.

  2. Thesis • The topic of your research • This project has a common thesis • How__Mario Lemieux__ has made a positive impact on society. • This drives the research and must be supported for information to be relevant.

  3. Evaluating Resources • There can be a lot of junk out there. • Also, we’re predisposed to select the first result on a Google search. • We need to be responsible researchers • Do this by evaluating and citing all sources you find.

  4. Relevancy • Does the information specifically support your topic? • It is not relevant if it does not support your topic • Ex. Information about Michael J. Fox’s movies does not support his impact on society. • Ex. Information about the Michael J. Fox Foundation doessupport his impact on society.

  5. Credibility/Reliability • The experience, credentials, etc. that make the person a trusted source. • Experts in the field • Award winners in the field • Established a admirable reputation in the field

  6. Currency • Is the information recent • More recent could = more accurate • Cautiously use sources that are more than 10 years old

  7. Authority • Is the author balanced or unbiased • Balanced - objective – presents a comprehensive view of a topic – Imagine a fair teacher that listens to both sides to a story • Biased – favors one side, may present a set of information to elicit a reaction from the audience – not always bad (Organizations website)

  8. Verifiability • When cross-referenced, the information is proven to be accurate across multiple reliable sources. • Ex. The Pittsburgh Post Gazette, The New York Times, and CNN.comall confirm that The Dark Night Rises was filmed in Pittsburgh.

  9. Citations • MLA citations are how we give “props” to the work of others. • Think of it as a way to avoid turning out like Kaavya

  10. MLA Citation Example for a Website "OUR ROLE & IMPACT." The Role and Impact of The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. The Michael J. Fox Foundation, 2012. Web. 26 Sept. 2012. 

  11. Why have citations? • We use them in what’s called a “Works Cited” page. • This means that you list, in alphabetical order, all the sources used in a research paper.

  12. The citation’s purpose Title of the article on the website (in quotations) Title of the overall website (in italics) Date the page was created. Title of the organization (plain text) Date the cite was accessed – important for currency Type of source this is a website

  13. Annotations • A two part paragraph • Part One – • Summary of the source • Part Two • Evaluation of the source’s • Relevancy • Reliability • Currency • Authority • Verifiability • Concluding sentence is a statement if it should or should not be used in further research

  14. Example annotation and entry

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