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The Aviation Industry and the Environment. E-learning for work based students. Module Objectives. To determine the methods of environmental assessment in use and report on their suitability and effectiveness for different purpose within the aviation industry.
The Aviation Industry and the Environment. E-learning for work based students.
Module Objectives • To determine the methods of environmental assessment in use and report on their suitability and effectiveness for different purpose within the aviation industry. • To analyse aviation activities and to identify ways in which airlines and airports could reduce their impacts on the environment. • To analyse the impacts a new airport construction project has on the local, regional, national and global environment. • To specify products and procedures that will have a minimum impact on the environment.
Introduction • The aviation industry and the environment is a module which forms part of the Foundation Degree in Airport and Air Transport Management. Project Co-ordinator and Course Team Leader: Tracey Hancock
Resources to assist in Teaching • BREO • Essential Reading Material • Lecture slides • Guest Speakers • Visits
Resources to assist in Teaching • BREO • Essential Reading Material • Lecture slides • Guest Speakers • Visits
BREO • What is BREO? • BREO is an e-learning resource which is used in the following way : • To add lecture notes • To set discussion forums • Video of guest speakers which allows students to access in their own time • External web links which students can access and use for further reference in their work • Case studies and suggested reading.
BREO CONT • All information added can be displayed when needed by a date control and finish date which allows work to be hidden. • You can monitor how many times the resources provided has been looked at. • Tutor can have online interaction with students at a set time.
Video • The guest speaker was from London Luton Airport who gave information regarding the airport and the construction of the new terminal. • This was recorded and put on BREO which enabled students to access the video at any time. • Photos from the construction of Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport.
VISITS • Students were taken to London Luton airport to view the terminal building.
Suggested Reading Material • Essential text: • DFT (2003): Aviation and the Environment, London: DFT • Recommended texts: • Harrison RM, Hester, RE (2004) Transport and the Environment, Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry • Stationery Office Books (2006) Climate Change: the UK Programme, London: SOB • Other recommended resources: • Network resource: • Jane’s Aviation Growth and the Environment Coulsdon: Jane’s Information Group (2006) • (and other Jane’s aviation resources) • House of Commons papers on aviation and sustainability, London: Stationery Office Books • The Building Regulations (UK) London: Stationery Office Books • The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations, 1999 - Feb 1999 London: Stationery Office Books
Conclusion Evaluation • The use of VLE was fantastic and encouraged the students to interact with each other and enabled students to access information when they are not able to attend the lectures. The feedback I received from the students was positive as information was readily available to them and could be used for different assignments and modules. • To help other colleagues I shared the above as part of our inset day to encourage HE tutors to use Wen3.0 technologies to support their learners and to gain confidence in the use of ILT. • Our Head of Higher Education was particularly impressed as some HE staff lack confidence in their use of ILT. The tutors’ response was also positive and some were surprised with the tasks which could be set up.