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Shellfish Basics. Shellfish have no bones. People eat many parts of shellfish. Learning to prepare shellfish takes time and practice. mollusk. crustacean. A shellfish with no internal skeletal structure. Instead, it has a shell that covers its soft body.
Shellfish Basics • Shellfish have no bones. • People eat many parts of shellfish. • Learning to prepare shellfish takes time and practice.
mollusk crustacean A shellfish with no internal skeletal structure. Instead, it has a shell that covers its soft body. A shellfish with a hard outer shell and a jointed skeleton. Shellfish Basics • Shellfish, both mollusks and crustaceans, are found in both fresh and salt water.
mollusk A shellfish with no internal skeletal structure. Instead, it has a shell that covers its soft body. Mollusks • Mollusks include oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
univalves bivalves A mollusk that has a single shell. A mollusk that has two shells that are hinged together. cephalopods A mollusk that has a thin internal shell. Cephalopods have tentacles, or false legs, attached to the head near the mouth. Mollusks • Three types of mollusks: • univalves • bivalves • cephalopods
crustacean A shellfish with a hard outer shell and a jointed skeleton. Crustaceans • Lobster, shrimp, crab, and crayfish are crustaceans. • Many restaurants buy crustaceans already prepared.
escargot The French word for snails. surimi A combination of white fish and flavoring, minced and formed into shapes. Other Seafood • Other types of seafood include: • squid • frog legs • escargot • surimi • eel
fatty fish peces grasosos Fish that have a relatively large amount of fat. Peces que tienen una cantidad relativamente grande de grasa.
lean fish pescado magro Fish with little fat. Pescado con poca grasa.
flat fish pez plano Fish that have a backbone running horizontally through the center of the fish. They swim horizontally and have both eyes on the top of their heads. Pez que tiene la columna vertebral centrada horizontalmente. Nadan horizontalmente y tienen ambos ojos encima de la cabeza.
round fish peces redondos Fish that have a backbone on the upper edge of their bodies. They have an eye on each side of their heads, and they swim vertically. Peces que tienen la columna vertebral en el borde superior de sus cuerpos. Tienen un ojo a cada lado de su cabeza, y nadan verticalmente.
boneless fish pez cartilaginoso Fish that have cartilage instead of bones. Many boneless fish also have smooth skin instead of scales. Peces que tienen cartílago en vez de huesos. Muchos peces cartilaginosos también tienen piel suave en vez de escamas.
drawn eviscerado Fish that have had their gills and entrails removed. Peces a los que se les han removido las branquias y las entrañas.
dressed limpio Drawn fish that have had their fins, scales, and sometimes their head removed. Peces eviscerados a los que se les han quitado las aletas, las escamas y a veces la cabeza.
fillets filetes del pescado The sides of fish. Los lados del pescado.
butterflied método mariposa When a fish is dressed, then cut so the two sides lay open, yet are attached by skin. Cuando se corta un pescado en dos partes y estás se abren como una mariposa adheridas por la piel.
univalve univalvo A mollusk that has a single shell. Moluscos que tienen una sola concha.
PUFI mark marca PUFI Packed Under Federal Inspection; an inspection mark for fish and shellfish. Empacado bajo inspección federal (Packed Under Federal Inspection), una marca de inspección para pescado y mariscos.
bivalve bivalvo A mollusk that has two shells that are hinged together. Molusco que tiene dos conchas que están unidas.
cephalopod cefalópodos A mollusk that has a thin internal shell. Cephalopods have tentacles, or false legs, attached to the head near the mouth. Molusco que tiene una delgada concha interior. Los cefalópodos tienen tentáculos, que se adjunta a la cabeza cerca de la boca.
crustacean crustáceo A shellfish with a hard outer shell and a jointed skeleton. Marisco con una concha externa y un esqueleto articulado.
calamari calamar The Italian name for squid. Molusco que tiene diez tentáculos.
escargot escargot The French word for snails. Palabra francesa para caracoles.
End of Chapter 21 Fish and Shellfish