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National Domestic Preparedness Consortium

National Domestic Preparedness Consortium. Preparing the Nation through Training April 29, 2014. NDPC Mission Statement.

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National Domestic Preparedness Consortium

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Presentation Transcript

  1. National Domestic Preparedness Consortium

    Preparing the Nation through Training April 29, 2014
  2. NDPC Mission Statement To enhance the preparedness of territories, state, local, and tribal emergency responders/first receivers and teams, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector; to reduce the Nation’s vulnerability to incidents involving weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, and all-hazard high-consequence events, by developing, delivering, and assessing plans, training, technical assistance and exercises.
  3. Our History Formed in response to the Murrah Federal Building bombing in April 1995 Originally established by Congress in the Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations Bill in September 1998 Membership based on the urgent need to address the counterterrorism preparedness of our Nation’s emergency responders, within the context of CBRNE Expanded to address catastrophic all-hazard events Re-authorized in H.R. 1, “Implementing recommendations for the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007”
  4. What makes the NDPC Unique Primary Training Partner and established training arm of DHS/FEMA Collective Core Competencies address all 31 NPG Core Capabilities, 14 Emergency Response Disciplines, and the 15 National Scenarios Courses meet and/or exceed DHS/FEMA Certified Curriculum and Instructor Requirements NDPC SAA Advisory Council, representing the 10 FEMA Regions, that provides an additional source of customer feedback and training focus guidance
  5. What makes the NDPC Unique An established and mature training infrastructure (i.e., training sites, products, people, processes and systems) Solicit student feedback based on the Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Levels I through IV and a Diffusion of Innovation Level III instrument
  6. What makes the NDPC Unique Collaborative, synergistic relationships to include: DHS/FEMA (to include NTED, CDP, EMI, IPD, NCSD, OBP and S&T) State Administrative Agencies (SAA) Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Regions Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC) Ourselves and others
  7. Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) Prevention, deterrence and response to CBRNE hazards and healthcare/public health mass casualty
  8. Center for Domestic Preparedness On the Horizon Decon Course Integrated Capstone Events Expanded NERRTC EMI Partnering with Center for Disease Control Mass Antibiotics Distribution TtT Course Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Course
  9. Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training (CTOS) Prevention and deterrence and response to radiological/nuclear attacks
  10. Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training (CTOS) New Program Director Rhonda Hopkins Bachelor of Science in Geology Emergency Radiological Response Experience New Courses PER-307-W Introduction to IND Effects and Response Strategies MGT-243-W Key Leader: Incident Command, Response to an IND Program – Initial Actions
  11. Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (EMRTC) Explosive attacks Incendiary attacks
  12. New Mexico Tech Training Real World situation “A marksman - killed six - with a single bullet after hitting one man's explosive vest, setting it off and killing five others…” Marksman "was on a [December 2013] mission to intercept a suicide bomber“
  13. January 22, 2014… deputies were on a probation search today in Palmdale and located …… bomb making materials they were taught about in the courses they attended at NMT. The deputies are adamant that had they not attended this training, they would not have known what they were seeing Sgt. Brian Jones, Palmdale Sheriff’s Station New Mexico Tech Testimonial
  14. National Center for Emergency Response to Surface Transportation (NCERST) Rail and surface transportation safety Integrity and security research and testing Security and emergency response in surface transportation
  15. National Disaster Preparedness Training Center (NDPTC) Natural disasters Social Media
  16. National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center (NERRTC) Incident management Medical, Hazmat, & Public works Threat and risk assessment
  17. National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center (NERRTC) Senior executive programs Critical infrastructure protection Cybersecurity
  18. National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center (NERRTC) On the Horizon Campus Law Enforcement Incident Management Course Critical Infrastructure Physical and Cybersecurity Courses Expanding Offerings of Sports and Special Events IM, Risk and Evacuation Training Offerings of Web-based EM*ES in Delivery of Incident Management Scenarios Pediatric Disaster Preparedness and Planning Course
  19. National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT) Biological Response Law Enforcement Response Agroterrorism Response
  20. National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT) Updates Total Immersive Virtual Reality Technology Integration Readiness: Training Identification Preparedness Planning – Florida 2014 On the horizon Complex Coordinated Attack (CCA Course) K-12 Emergencies Course
  21. NDPC Website Updates NDPC “searchable” website NDPC “searchable” website Discipline Core Capability Course Level Etc. NDPC “all-member” centric brochure District level participant numbers
  22. Just the Facts Primary DHS/FEMA Training Partner Over 913 Certified Subject Matter Experts/Instructors 173 DHS/FEMA Certified Courses (online & direct delivery) Unique and relevant training sites, scenarios and simulation capabilities Collective core competencies address all NPG Core Capabilities, all Emergency Response Disciplines, and all National Scenarios Customer and participant feedback systems Over 2 million training instances since inception
  23. Questions
  24. End of presentation
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