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Find Best Gynecologist in Casper WY

Summit Medical Center has best GYN surgeons. They are experienced in the latest medical technology and education and deliver the highest quality and innovation in female surgical care.

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Find Best Gynecologist in Casper WY

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SUMMIT MEDICAL CENTER Best Gynecologist in Casper

  2. ABOUT US • The central focus of Summit Medical Center is to promote community health by providing low cost, quality, compassionate healthcare services that embrace the values of human dignity and community. On a day-to-day basis, our highly-trained doctors and care teams serve your overall needs with a wide range of health, wellness and preventive services. We cater to the humanity of our patients and visitors with a warm feel that can only be found at Summit Medical Center.

  3. SERVICES WE PROVIDE • Dietary • Imaging • Pathology • Pharmacy • Pre-admission Testing • Rehabilitation • Laboratory

  4. OUR MISSION • Summit Medical Center serves the Casper area with cost-competitive, high-quality medical care and superior patient service. • Summit Medical Center offers an advanced surgical specialty team and facility serving all ages, and offering a level of care one might only expect of a large metropolitan area.

  5. YOU CAN REACH USSummit Medical Center6350 E 2nd Street Casper, WY 82609+1 (307) 232-6600+1 (307) 333-5733info@summitmedicalcasper.com

  6. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRECIOUS TIME www.summitmedicalcasper.com

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