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A Focus on Informed Assessment Practices

A Focus on Informed Assessment Practices. WebCast # 3 January 16, 2008. Assessment For Learning : A Priority. Caren Cameron carenc@pacificcoast.net. 2. Message: Find more ways to involve your learners in AFL practices!. 3. Learning Intentions. I can ….

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A Focus on Informed Assessment Practices

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Focus on Informed Assessment Practices WebCast # 3 January 16, 2008

  2. Assessment For Learning: A Priority Caren Cameron carenc@pacificcoast.net 2

  3. Message: Find more ways to involve your learners in AFL practices! 3

  4. Learning Intentions I can… Understand and explain to others the concept of assessment for learning (AFL) 2. Identify six big AFL practices and describe classroom examples 3. Determine a next step 4

  5. Agenda Review ‘What is AFL?’ ‘Why bother?’ 2.Ideas for Six Big AFL practices 3. Recap and next steps 5

  6. Turn and Talk Turn to a person next to you and tell each other your confidence level for each of my learning intentions no clue - some clue - giving others clues One or two things you need to take away from this webcast to make it worth your time

  7. Distinct Differences AssessmentOF Assessment FOR Measuring Learning Public/Parents Students % # Symbols (A,B,etc) Descriptive Daily Event Judge Coach

  8. 6 Big AFL PRACTICES 1. Intentions 2. Criteria 3. Descriptive Feedback 4. Questions 5. Self and Peer Assessment 6. Ownership credit Black and Wiliam 9

  9. credit Black and Wiliam (1998) “Assessment explicitly designed to promote learning is the single most powerful tool we have for raising achievement.” 10

  10. Stand and Retell 1. Meet with 2 or 3 people and stand in a circle 2. One person retells everything he/she recalls about AFL (what is it?) (why bother?) 3. Others in the group listen and when the reteller is finished - they add additional ideas they recall

  11. 9 #1.Learning Intention Let students know (in a language they can understand) what they are expected to learn 12

  12. SAMPLE FROM Grade 10 Math Dean Baldwin - Sooke #62 Factoring Polynomials Math 10 Students can… Show a variety of ways to factor a polynomial Identify which technique is used for a polynomial Show more than one way to reach an answer when factoring polynomials

  13. Traffic Lights about Magnets 1. I know what a Force is. 2. I can explain what Gravity is. 3. I know what the job of a magnet is. 4. I can show that opposite poles attract to each other and poles that are alike repel each other. I know that magnets have good uses and bad uses. 6. I know what Static Electricity is. SAMPLE FROM Grade 4 Science Lauren Parker - Winnipeg #1

  14. Name: Unit: Before Destination After Comments (student, teacher): SAMPLE FROM Grade 7 Science Kris Fujita - Chiefess School

  15. Turn and Talk 1. Turn to a person next to you and talk about learning intentions e.g. Something I already knew/ do is… A new idea was… I’m not sure about… I’ve learned…

  16. #2.Criteria Work with learners to develop criteria so they know what quality looks like

  17. SAMPLE FROM Grade 10 Kathleen Gregory - Sooke #62

  18. Video Sample for Criteria

  19. WHAT’S IMPORTANT WHEN WE ARE LISTENING TO SOMEONE READ TO US? CRITERIA DETAILS • look at the reader • look at the reader as they read • look at the pictures • sit in a way that everyone • can listen and see • sit on our bottoms • keep our hands and feet to • ourselves • don’t get in someone’s space • sit still so others can see • think about what you • are hearing • listen carefully so you can • answer questions • make pictures in your brain • you can ask a question SAMPLE from Grade 1 Primary Teachers - Saanich #63

  20. Pause and Record 1. Pause and think about your learners and criteria 2. Record 2 - 3 points you want to remember (use words, symbols, sketches, colour) 3. Tell a partner

  21. #3.Feedback 7 Increase the amount of descriptive feedback and decrease evaluative feedback

  22. “evaluative feedback contains a judgement such as ‘great job!’ and is often in symbols such as a number, %, grade -- descriptive feedback is specific, timely and is like a running commentary” credit Bellanca 23

  23. Video Sample for Feedback

  24. COMMENTS ONLY MARKING TASK STUDENT TWO things you have done well ONE area that needs improvement TRY this for you next step Date: Class: Use of feedback SAMPLE from Voices of Experience

  25. COMMENTS ONLY 3 highlights show where you best met criteria 1 arrow Shows where your work needs improvement Next Step:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAMPLE from Formative Assessment in the Secondary Classroom

  26. 2 Positives + + CRITERIA COMMENTS by teacher self peer 1 Suggestion + ______________________________________________________________________________ + ______________________________________________________________________________ Next Time Activity _____________ Date _____________ Bubble Box SAMPLES from Voices of Experience

  27. Walk and Explain Meet with a partner 2. Walk together as one person explains the concept of AFL 3. Continue walking as the other person identifies 2 or 3 of the 6 Big AFL practices and describes some classroom examples

  28. Recap Increase your emphasis on AFL 2. Keep AFL distinct from AOL 3.Think purposepurposepurpose 4. Remind yourself WIIFM WIIFS Use more descriptive feedback (it is the core) 6. Don’t be easily seduced 29

  29. TO SIT BESIDE Kathleen Gregory and Tyson Rosberg

  30. Stop and Plan 1. Think about the topic of AFL 2. Decide on your next step 3. Write it down and tell someone else

  31. The Fred Factor 32

  32. AFL WebCasting - See you next time • February 13, 2008 8:45 – 12:00 • April 16, 2008 3:30 – 6:00 • May 7, 2008 3:30 – 6:00 33

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