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Activism. Activism. Opposition or support of a cause. Vigorous action to promote social, political, economic or environmental change. Activists we’ve learned this semester (write down 3 to know). Nelson Mandela Apartheid Gandhi Indian independence and end to caste system
Activism • Opposition or support of a cause. • Vigorous action to promote social, political, economic or environmental change.
Activists we’ve learned this semester (write down 3 to know) • Nelson Mandela Apartheid • Gandhi Indian independence and end to caste system • Invisible Children helping to end the LRA • Tracy McGrady and 3 Points helping Darfur refugees • Arab Spring end of authoritarian rule • Malala spoke for women’s education in Pakistan
Methods of Activism (write down 5 to know) • Political campaigning • to work for a political party • Boycotts • to abstain from buying or using • Rallies • tocome together for common actionoreffort • Street marches • Strikes • stoppingofworkor withdrawal of workers'services • Sit-ins • organized protestin which a group of people peacefully occupy andrefuse to leaveapremises. • Hunger strikes • adeliberaterefusaltoeat,undertakeninprotestagainstimprisonment,impropertreatment,objectionableconditions,etc.
Selective purchasing • Buying products who support your cause and not buying ones who don’t. • Economic sanctions • any actions taken by one nation or group of nations to harm the economy of another nation or group, often to force a political change • Civil disobedience • defy laws and take punishment. • Volunteerism • the act or practice of doing volunteer work in community service.
Peace Corps • Created in 1961 by President JFK who challenged students to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries. • Developing countries a low standard of living (wealth and comfort), undeveloped industrial base, low life expectancy, low education, and low income in comparison to the rest of the world. • Federal agency devoted to world peace and friendship. • Volunteer field work: agriculture, education, business, youth and community, public health, enviroment.
62 % of volunteers are females; 38 males. • Average age is 28 • 139 host countries. • 43% in Africa • 21% in Latin America • 15% in Eastern Europe • 10% in Asia • 4% in Caribbean • 4% in North Africa and the Middle East • 3% in Pacific Islands
https://www.youtube.com/user/peacecorps • Be a volunteer 12:43 • Individual and partner work on activism