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Online Selenium Training provided by Suntrainings with free demonstration sessions by more exclusive trainers. Our training faculty are working for MNC’s company and they have real time experience .Our training center established study material and video record sessions, it helps to the learners for effective learning. We provides potential online training at anywhere. We also provide ETL, Manual, QTP and other modules .our contact details are<br>Email: contact@suntrainings.com Phone: 91 9642434362. www.suntrainings.com<br>
SELENIUM Online Training RStrainings is a brand and providing quality Online and Offline trainings to students in world wide. We are giving best Online training on SELENIUM. HIGHLIGHTS IN OUR TRAINING SERVICE: Here All faculties of us have experienced the joy of training and trained Resources is available throughout the world. Training leads to better understanding, new knowledge, skills and expertise. Our real time experienced trainers fulfill your dreams and create professionally driven environment. we will develop the Acquaintance with production, development and testing environments. Our trainers assist in Resume preparation, enhance interview skills, sample live projects, Assessments, clarifying doubts, providing materials, explaining bugs and critical issues, development activities, encourage innovative thoughts etc; RStrainings is one best online and class room training center in Hyderabad,We are also providing training in India, usa,Uk,Canada,Japan,Malasia,Singapore, Australia etc.. COURSE CONTENT: Introduction of Automation Why Automation When to start Automation Where to use Automation Scope of Automation in future What is an Automated tool How to learn any Automated tool Types of Automated tools Selenium Components Selenium IDE Selenium RC Selenium Web Driver Selenium GRID INTRODUCTION TO JAVA Installing Java What is Eclipse How to install Eclipse What is the need of Eclipse
Why we use Eclipse and Selenium together Starting with Eclipse How to create a project How to create a package How to create a class (.java file) How to create a file(properties file) Classes and Interfaces How to create an object(call by reference, call by value) Data types How to access the nonstatic functions using objects reference How to use Static Global variables through class name How to use Static Global functions through class name How to create constructor What is the use of constructor Inheritance How to access classes across packages Accessing modifiers (Public, Private, Default, Protected) String Class, Object class What is an interface How to create and use interface WEB DRIVER Introduction What is Web driver Why Web driver Differences between RC and Web driver How to configure web driver in eclipse Classes that implements web driver Fire fox Internet Explorer
Chrome IPhone Android Operational Overview of Selenium How to give instructions to Selenium web driver How to give information to Selenium web driver Internally what is happening during execution Object Identification Installing Firebug add on in Firefox Installing Firepath add on in Firefox What is Firebug How to use Firebug When to use Firebug What is the use of Firepath in Firebug What is XPath Where to use XPaths in the Script Why to use XPaths Identifying the web elements using ID Identifying the web elements using Name Identifying the web elements using Link name Identifying the web elements using Class Identifying the web elements using XPath Identifying the web elements using Tagname Handling the different web elements like Input boxes Buttons Weblist Check boxes Links and etc., Making own XPaths with out using Firebug Creating the Object Repository Benefit of Creating object repository How to use object repository JAVA IN DETAIL Variables (local, global)
Constants Arrays Conditional statements Looping statements Operators Functions (Input parameters and return types) Overloading and Overriding Additional Concepts of Java used in Selenium String class Object class Array list class Hash table class Collection API Reflection API (Keyword driven frameworks) POI API (Hybrid FW [keyword+data driven]) Creating Properties file Reading properties file Reading / writing text file Reading / writing XLS file Exception handling (Try, Catch, Throwable Class,Throw, Throws, Final and Finally) Different types of exceptions Need of exception handling in Selenium Jar file SELENIUM LIFE CYCLE Phase-I Test PlanningPhase-2 Generating the basic testPhase-3 Enhancing the test Introduction Checking with Assertions Synchronizing the test Implementing Implicit wait statement Parmeterizing the test Reading the data from XLS File Using the test data during data driven testing Inserting the Programatic Statements Normal statements Contitional Statements Comments
Function Call statementsPhase-4 Debugging the Test What is debugging When to do debugging Benefits of debugging Running the script according to our desire Pausing the Script executionPhase-5 Executing the TestPhase-6 Analysing the Results ADVANCED CONCEPTS OF SELENIUM Dynamic objects handling PoP up handling Error handling Java Script alert messages handling Simulating the keyboard key press events Dynamic Web table Handling Extracting data from web table Mouse movement with Selenium mouse interface Setting page load time out Simulating front and back button click in browser Listeners using web driver event list enter Practical Usage of Listeners in Selenium Moving mouse on an object and right clicking on it. Finding co-ordinates of web object Reporting errors SELENIUM IDE Installing Selenium IDE Recording Script Running Script Operational overview of Recording Operational Overview of Running Running Script line by line Inserting break points Inserting comments Inserting wait statements Installing Firebug Installing Firepath Using XPaths for identifying objects Saving the Script Running the single line of Script Analysing the Results in log Using the Reference for understanding the commands
Understanding about target and value Identifying the objects using ID, Name, Link and etc., Table View Source view Why companies are not encouraging the Selenium IDE FRAME WORKS Test NG Frame work What is Test NG Installing Test NG Test NG Annotations Usage of Annotations Skipping Tests Running Tests in Test NG Assertions and Reporting errors Test NG reports JUnit Frame work What is JUnit Configuring JUnit in Eclipse JUnit 4 Annotation Running Test in JUnit Skipping Tests Using Assertions and Reporting errors Test NG and Hybrid frame work (Keyword + Data driven) Overview of hybrid frame work Preparing XLS file with Test cases and key words Preparing XLS file with test data Reading XPaths from Properties file Implementing the keywords using the Reflection API Implementing the Tests Assertions and reporting errors Parametrizing Tests Repeating the test with different sets of data
Running the tests Analysing the results Our Online Services providing world wide like Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Sweden,North Korea, South Korea, Canada,Netherland,Itely, ,Norway,Singapore,Malasia,etc,, Here we are providing “Selenium online training”,Selenium classroom training in Hyderabad, “Selenium corporate training in India”, In India Online services providing in top cities like Banglore,Chennai,Pune, Mumbai , Delhi, Etc, Selenium training,Selenium training online usa,Selenium training in Hyderabad, Selenium training in india,Selenium training institutes in India,Hyderabad, Best Selenium training in Hyderabad,top training centers in India,Asia, onine Selenium Hyderabad,Selenium training centers with project, Selenium training,Selenium training in middle east, Selenium online training in Canada,Selenium training in usa, Selenium training in malasia,Singapore,Russia, Russia,Israel,New Zealand Contact us: RS TRAININGS Flat NO : 402 NUKALA RESIDENCY MADHAPUR,HITECCITY HYDERABAD ANDHRAPRADESH PIN: 500081 Website: http://www.rstrainings.com Email: contact@rstrainings.com