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Spaţiul cultural european - semnificaţii naţionale şi internaţionale -

Spaţiul cultural european - semnificaţii naţionale şi internaţionale -. - bibliografie - (Conf. Univ. Dr. Dan Dungaciu). Bibliografie principală. Dan Dungaciu, Naţiunea şi provocările (post)modernităţii , Editura Albatros, Bucureşti, 2004.

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Spaţiul cultural european - semnificaţii naţionale şi internaţionale -

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  1. Spaţiul cultural european- semnificaţii naţionale şi internaţionale - - bibliografie - (Conf. Univ. Dr. Dan Dungaciu)

  2. Bibliografie principală • Dan Dungaciu, Naţiunea şi provocările (post)modernităţii, Editura Albatros, Bucureşti, 2004. • Elemente ale cursului pot fi găsite şi în: Dan Dungaciu, Elita interbelică: sociologia românească în context european. Contribuţii la o sociologie a sociologiei, Editura Mica Valahie, Bucureşti, 2003.

  3. Ideea de Europa • Bartlett, Robert (1994), The Making of Europe. Conquest, Colonization, and Cultural Change, 950-1350, Penguin Books, London. • Delanty, Gerard (1995), Inventing Europe. Idea, Identity, Reality, Macmillan, London. • Kiernan, Victor (1995), The Lords of Human Kind. European Attitudes to Other Cultures in the Imperial Age, Serif, London. • Said, Edward W. (1995), Orientalism. Western Conceptions of the Orient, Penguin Books, London. • Roberts, J. M. (1996), History of Europe, Penguin, London. • Davies, Norman (1997), Europe. A History, Pimlico, London. • Duţu Alexandru (1999), Ideea de Europa şi evoluţia conştiinţei europene, All, Bucureşti.

  4. Geopolitica Europei • Dijkin, Gertjan (1996), National Identity and Geopolitical Visions. Maps of pride and pain, Routledge. London and New York. • Lacoste, Yves (1997), Vive la Nation. Destin d’une idee geopolitique, Fayard, Paris. • Heffernan, Michael (1998), The Meaning of Europe. Geography and Geopolitics, Arnold, London, New York, Sydney, Auckland. • Laidi, Zaki (1998), A World Without Meaning. The crisis of meaning in international politics, Routledge, London and New York. • Laidi, Zaki (1998), Geopolitique du sens, Desclee de Brouwer, Paris. • Blouet, Brian (2001), Geopolitics and Globalization in the Twentieth Century, Reaktion Books, London.

  5. Europa şi Statul Naţional • Smith, Anthony D. (1995), Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era, Polity Press, Cambridge. • Schulze Hagen (1996), Etat et Nation dans l’histoire de l’Europe, Editions du Seuil, Paris. • Wicker, Hans-Rudolf (Ed.) (1997), Rethinking Nationalism & Ethnicity. The Struggle for Meaning and Order in Europe, Berg, Oxford, New York. • Habermas, Juergen (2001), The Postnational Constellation. Political Essays, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

  6. Antropologia Europei şi construcţia Europei • Smith, Anthony D. (1990), “Towards a Global Culture?”, in Theory, culture & Society, Sage London, vol 7, pp. 171-191. • Huchinson, John, Smith, Anthony D. (Eds.) (1994), Nationalism, Oxford-Readers, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York. • Zetterholm, Staffan (1994), National Cultures & European Integration. Exploratory Essays on Cultural Diversity and Comon Policies, Berg, Oxford/Providence, USA. • Keane, John (1995), “Nations, Nationalism and European Citizens”, în Notions of Nationalism, Edited by Sukumar Periwal, Central European University Press, Budapest, London, New York, pp. 182-207. • Habermas, Jürgen (1995) [1992], “Citizenship and National Identity: Some Reflections on the Future of Europe”, în O. Dahbour şi M. R. Ishay (eds.), The Nationalism Reader, Humanities Press, New Jersey, pp. 333-343. • Habermas, Jürgen (1996), “The European Nation-state. Its Achievements and Its Limits. On the Past and Future of Sovereignty and Citizenship”, în G. Balakrishnan (ed.), Mapping the Nation, Verso, London, New York, pp. 281-294. • Riekmann, Sonja Puntscher (1997), “The Myth of European Unity”, în Geoffrey Hoskin şi George Schoepflin, Myts and Nationhood, Hurst & Company, London, pp. 60-72. • Smith, Anthony D. (1999), “National Identity and the Idea of European Unity”, in Anthony D. Smith, Myths and Memories of the Nation, Oxford, Oxford University Press. • Bellier, Irene, Wilson M., Thomas (eds.) (2000), An Anthropology of the European Union. Buiding, Imagining and Experiencing the New Europe, Berg, Oxford, New York. • Shore, Cris (2000), Building Europe. The Cultural Politics of European Integration, Routledge, London and New York. • Cederman, Lars-Erik (Ed.) (2001), Constructing Europe’s Identity. The External Dimension, Lynne Rienner Publischers, Boulder, London. • van Ham, Peter (2001), European Integration and the Postmodern Condition. Governance, Democracy, Identity, Routledge, London and New York.

  7. Naţiune şi naţionalism în Europa occidentală şi răsăriteană (I) • Anderson, Benedict (1983), Imagined Communities, Verso, London. • Anzulovic, Branimir (1999), Heavenly Serbia. From Myth to Genocide, Hurst & Company, London. • Armstrong, John (1982), Nations before Nationalism, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. • Aron, Raymond (1974), “Is multinational citizenship possible”, în Social Research, Winter, pp. 648-659. • Augustinos, Gerasimos (1996), The National Idea in Eastern Europe. The Politics of Ethnic and Civic Community, D.C. Heath and Company, Lexington, Massachusetts Toronto. • Bădescu, Ilie (1997), Teoria latenţelor colective. Contribuţii la studiul popoarelor, Editura ISOGEP-EUXIN, Bucureşti. • Benner, Erica (1995), Really Existing Nationalism. A Post-Communism View from Maex and Engels, Clarendon Press, Oxford. • Betz, Hans-Georg; Immerfall, Stefan (eds.) (1998), The New Politics of the Right. Neo-Populist Parties and Movements in Established Democracies, Macmillan. • Bideleux, Robert and Jeffries, Jan (1999), A History of Eastern Europe, Routledge. • Billig, Michael (1995), Banal Nationalism, Sage Publications. • Breuilly, John (1993), Nationalism and the State, Manchester University Press, Manchester, Great Britain. • Brubaker, Rogers (1992), Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England. • Claret, Philippe (1998), La personnalité collective des nations. Théories anglo-saxonnes et conceptions francąises de caractère national, Bruxelles, Établissements Émile Bruylant. • Crampton, R. J. (1997), Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century – and After, second edition, Routledge, London and New York. • Danforth, Loring M. (1995), The Macedonian Conflict. Ethnic Nationalism in a Transnational World, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. • Denitch, Bogdan (1994), Ethnic Nationalism. The Tragic Death of Yugoslavia, University of Minnesota Press; Minneapolis, London. • Dungaciu, Dan (2000), “East and West in the ‘mirror of nature’. Nationalism in Western and Eastern Europe – essentially different?”, în Focaal. Journal for Anthropology, no 35, pp. 171-192. • Eller, Jack, Caughlam, Reed (1993), The Poverty of Primordialism: the Demistification of Ethinc attachements”, în Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 16, nr. 2, pp. 183-202.

  8. Naţiune şi naţionalism în Europa occidentală şi răsăriteană (II) • Geană, Gheorghiţă (1997), Ethnicity and globalisation. Outline of a complementarist conceptualisation”, în Sociaal Anthropology, Volume 5, part 2, June, pp. 197-209. • Gellner, Ernest (1994) [1994], Naţiuni şi naţionalism, Antet, Bucureşti. • ― (1997), Naţionalism, Phoenix, London. • Guibernau, Montserrat (1996), Nationalisms. The Nation-State and Nationalism in the Twentieth Century, Polity Press, Cambridge. • Guibernau, Montserrat, Huchinson, John (Eds.) (2001), Understanding Nationalism, Politiy, Cambridge. • Herzfeld, Michael (1998), “Essentialism”, în Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology, editată de Alan Barnard şi Jonathan Spencer, Routledge. • Hobsbawm, E. J. (1992), Nations and nationalism since 1780, Cambridge University Press, Great Britain. • Hobsbawm, Eric, Terence Ranger (eds.) (1996) [1983], The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. • Hosking, G., Schöpflin, G. (eds.) (1997), Myts and Nationhood, Hurst & Company, London. • Huntington, Samuel (1996), “The West: Unique, Not Universal”, în Foreign Affairs, vol 75, nov.-dec. • (1996), The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Touchstone Books, London, New York, Sydney, Tokio, Toronto, Singapore. • Hutchinson, John, Smith, A. D. (eds) (1996), Etnicity, Oxford Readers, Oxford University Press. • Ignatieff, Michael (1994), Blood and Belonging. Journeys into the New Nationalism, Farvar, Strus and Giroux, New York. • Jelavich, Barbara (1983), History of the Balkans. Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, volume I-II, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney. • Jelavich, Charles and Barbara (1993) [1977], The Establishment of the Balkan National States, 1804-1920, “A History of East Central Europe”, Volume VIII, University of Washigton Press, Seattle and London. • Kann, Robert A.; David, Zdenek, V. (1984), The Peoples of the Eastern Habsburg Lands, 1526-1918, “A History of East Central Europe”, Volume VI, University of Washigton Press, Seattle and London. • Kaplan. Robert D. (1993) Balkan Ghosts: A Journey Through History, New York: St. Martin’s. • Keane, J. (ed.) (1988), Civil Society and the State, Verso, London. • (1995), “Nations, Nationalism and European Citizens”, în Notions of Nationalism, Edited by Sukumar Periwal, Central European University Press, Budapest, London, New York, pp. 182-207. • Kemp, Walter A. (1999), Nationalism and Communism in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. A Basic Contradiction?, Macmillan Press LTD, London and New York. • Kitromilides, Paschlis M (1996), “ ‘Balkan Mentality’: History, Legend, Imagination”, în Nation and Nationalism, vol. 2, part 2, July, 163-191. • Kitschelt, Herbert (1997), The Radical Right in Western Europe. A Comparative Analysis, Ann Arbor.

  9. Naţiune şi naţionalism în Europa occidentală şi răsăriteană (III) • Leoussi, Athena S. (Ed.) (2001), Encyclopedia of Nationalism, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick (USA) and London (UK). • Llobera, Josep R. (1996), The God of Modernity. The Development of Nationalism in Western Europe, Berg, Oxford, Washington, D.C. • Mestrovici Stjepan (1993), Habits of the Balkan Heart. Social Character and the Fall of the Communism, Texas University Press. • Motyl, Alexander J. (ed.) (2001), Encyclopedia of Nationalism, 2 vol., Academic Press. A Harcourt Science and Technology Company, San Diego, San Francisco, New York, Boston, London, Sydney, Tokyo. • Őzkirimli, Umut (2000), Theories of Nationalism. A Critical Introduction, Macmillan Press Ltd., Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire and London, St. Martin’s Press, Inc., New York. • Pilon, Juliana Geran (1992), The Bloody Flag. Post-Communism in Eastern Europe, Transaction Publishers, USA, UK. • Plamenatz, John (1973), “Two types of nationalism”, în Nationalism. The Nature and Evolution of an idea, Editor: Eugene Kamenka, Edwaed Aenold, Hurst Company, London. • Renan, Ernest (1994) [1882], “What is a nation?”, în Homi K. Bhaba (Ed.), Nation and Narration, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 9-22. • Schöpflin, George (1997), Civil Society, Ethnicity and the State: a threefold relationship, text prezentat la conferinţa “Civil Society in Austria”, Viena, June 20-21; vezi pagina de web a Centre for the Study of Nationalism, SSEES, http://www.ssees.ac.nk/gs1.htm. • (2000), Nations, Identity, Power. The New Politics of Europe, Hurst&Company, London. • Schnapper, Dominique (1998) [1994], Community of Citizens. On the Modern Idea of Nationality, Translated from French by Sèverine Rosèe, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick (USA) and London (UK). • Shils, Edward (1995), “Nation, nationality, nationalism and civil society”, în Nations and Nationalism, an 1(1), pp. 93-118. • Smith, Anthony D. (1971), Theories of Nationalism, A Torchbook Library Edition, Harper & Row, Publisher, New York, Evanston, San Francisco, London. • (1998), Nationalism and Modernism. A critical survey of recent theories of nations and nationalism, Routledge, London and New York. • (1999), Myths and Memories of the Nation, Oxford University Press. • Stoianovich, Traian (1994), Balkan Worlds. The First and Last Europe, M. E. Sharpe, Armonk, New York. • Sugar, Peter (1994) [1969], “External and Domestic Roots of Eastern European Nationalism”, în Sugar, Peter and Lederer, Ivo (eds.) Nationalism in Eastern Europe, University of Washington Press. • Todorova, Maria (1997), Imagining the Balkans, Oxford University Press, New-York, Oxford. • Wilkins, Barry (1996), “Civil society”în A Dictionary of Cultural and Critical Theory, Edited by Michael Payne, Blackwell Reference, Oxford, UK, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 102-103. • Wolff, Larry (1994), Inventing Eastern Europe. The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California.

  10. Identitate religioasă • A Reader in Sociology: Christian Perspectives (1980), Herald Press. • The Church and the Disorder of Society (1948), An Ecumenical Study prepared under the auspices of the World Council of Churches, SCN Press LTD. • Acquaviva, Sabino, Pace, Enzo (1994), La Sociologie des Religions, Cerf, Paris. • Barker, Eileen, Beckford, James A., Dobbelaere, Karel (eds.) (1993), Secularization, Rationalism, and Sectarianism, Clarendon Press, Oxford (selecţiuni). • Bauberot, Jean (Ed) (1994), Religions et laicite dans L’Europe des Douze, Syros. • Beckford, Jame A. (1989) Religion and Advanced Industrial Society, London, Unwin Hyman. • Berger, Peter L. (1970), A rumor of Angels. Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural, Anchor Books, Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, N. Y. • ― (1973), The Social Reality of Religion (The Sacred Canopy, 1967), Penguin Books, Ltd, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England (111-214). • Berman, David (1988), A History of Atheism in Britain: from Hobbes to Russell, Crom Helm. • Bhargava, Rajeev (1998), Secularism and its Critics, Delhi, Oxford University Press, Calcuta, Chennai, Mumbai (selecţiuni). • Bruce, Steve (1992), Religion and Modernization. Sociologists and Historians Debate the Secularization Thesis, Clarendon Press, Oxford (selecţiuni). • Campbell, Colin (1971), Toward a Sociology of Irreligion, the Macmillan Press ltd, London and Basingstoke. • Casanova, Jose (1994), Public Religions in the Modern World, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London (selecţiuni). • Chadwick, Owen (1993) (1975), The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century, Cambridge University Press. • Cox, Harvey (1969), The Feast of Fools. A Theological Essay on Festivity and Fantasy, Perennial Library, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, Evanston, and London.

  11. Identitate religioasă (II) • Dobbelaere, Karel (1981), Secularization: A Multi-Dimensional Concept, Current Sociology, Volume 29, Number 2, Summer. • ― (1984), “Secularization Theories and Sociological Paradigms: Convergences and Divergences”, Social Compass, XXXI, 2-3, pp. 199-219. • ― (1998), “Relations ambigues des religions a la societe globale”, Social Compass, 45(1), pp. 81-98. • Flanagan, Kieran (1991), Sociology and Liturgy. Re-presentations of the Holy, Macmillan Press Ltd. • ― (1996), The Enchantment of Sociology. A Study of Theology and Culture, Macmillan Press Ltd. • Flanagan, Kieran, Jupp, Peter C. (eds.) (1996), Postmodernity, Sociology, and Religion, Macmillan Press Ltd., London. • Gauchet, Marcel (1995), Dezvrăjirea lumii. O istorie politică a religiei, Editura Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti. • Gellner, Ernrst (1997) (1992), Postmodernism, Reason and Religion, Routledge. • Hunter, James Davison and Ainlay, Stephen C. (Eds.) (1996) Making Sense of Modern Times. Peter Berger and the Vision of Interpretative Sociology, Routledge&Kegan Paul, London and New York (trei capitole). • Francis, Leslie (1999), Sociology, Theology and thre Curriculum, Cassell, London and New York. • Luhmann, Niklas (1984), Religiouse Dogmatics and the Evolution of Societies, Translated with an introduction by Peter Berger, The Edwin Melle Press, New York and Toronto. • Maddox, Graham (1996), Religion and the Rise of Democracy, Routledge. • Martin, David (1978), A General Theory of Secularization, Basic Blackwell, Oxford.

  12. Identitate religioasă (III) • ― (Ed.) (1980), Sociology and Theology. Alliance and Conflict, The Haevester Press, Sussex. • ― (1997), Reflections on Sociology and Theology, Clarendon Press, Oxford. • Mathews, Shailer(1896), “Christian Sociology”, American Journal of Sociology, vol. I, Bi-Mouthly, July 1895 – May 1896, Chicago. • McLellan, David (1987), Marxism and Religion, Macmillan Press. • Milbank, John (1991), The Religious Dimension in the Thought of Giambattista Vico (1668-1744). Part I. The Early Metaphysics, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, Queenston, Lampeter (selecţiuni). • McLellan, David (1987), Marxism and Religion, Macmillan Press. • Nichols, James Hastings (1956), History of Christianity 1650-1950. Secularization of the West, The Ronald Press Company, New York. • Nicholls, David (1994) (1989), Deity and Domination. Images of God and the State in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centu0, • 0ries, Routledge. • ― (forthcoming), Deity and Domination. Divine Analogy and Political Rhetoric in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Routledge. (nu îl am!!!). • Novak, Michael (1993), The Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The Free Press, New York. • Pelikan, Jaroslav (1989), Christian Doctrine and Modern Culture (since 1700), The University of Chicago Press. • Ramet, Pedro (1988), Eastern Christianity and Politics in the Twentieth Century, Duke University Press, Durham and London. • ― (Ed.) (1989), Religion and Nationalism in Soviet and Eastern European Politics, Revised and expanded edition, Duke University Press, USA. • Stark, Werner (1966), The Sociology of Religion, volume I, Fordham University Press.

  13. Identitate religioasă (IV) • ― (1972), The Sociology of Religion, volume V, Fordham University Press. • Swatos, William H. (Ed.) (1987), Religious Sociology. Interfaces and Boundaries, Contributions in Sociology, Number 64, Greenwood Press, New York, Westport, Connecticut, London. • Thiemann, Ronald F. (1996), Religion in Public Life: A Dilemma for Democracy, Georgetown University Press, Washington, D. C. • Vovelle, Michel (1988), La Revolution contre l’eglise. De la Raison a l’etre supreme, Editions Complex, Paris. • Voye, Liliane, Billiet, Jaak, (eds.) (1999), Sociology and Religions. An Ambiguous Relationship, KADOK- Studies 23, Leuven University Press, Leuven. • Whiteley, D. E. H., Martin, R. (1969), Sociology, Theology and Conflict, Basic Blackwell, Oxford (selecţiuni). • Westerlund, David (ed.) (1996), Questioning the Secular State, Hurst&Company, London.

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