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www.scielo.org. scientific electronic library online. The SciELO Model . for the cooperative electronic publishing and measuring of usage and impact in developing countries. Abel L. Packer BIREME/PAHO/WHO, Director SciELO Project, Operational Coordinator. SciELO Model. Evolution.
www.scielo.org scientific electronic library online
The SciELO Model for the cooperative electronic publishing and measuring of usage and impactin developing countries Abel L. PackerBIREME/PAHO/WHO, Director SciELO Project, Operational Coordinator
SciELO Model Evolution Phase 1 - Pilot project: March 1997- May 1998 development of SciELO Methodology pilot operation of 10 journals in the Internet Phase 2 - SciELO Sites : June 1998 - May 2001 operation of individual SciELO sites widening partnership Phase 3 - Network SciELO Sites : June 2001 - May 2003 development of a network of SciELO Sites building of LA&C national and regional bibliometric indicators
SciELO Model SciELO Project - development forces - 1996 FAPESP: demand of an index to control, make visible and evaluate Brazilian scientific journals BIREME: demand of a methodology to promote the transition to electronic publishing, specially for the health sciences literature from LA&C referenced by LILACS ABEC: development of scientific communication in Brazil
SciELO Model … SciELO Project - development forces - 1996 Internet: emergence/predominance of Internet as the universal publishing medium need of a comprehensive electronic publishing approach envisaging to overcome developing countries scientific communication vicious circle - information technology enabling a common methodology/model
SciELO Model - foundations the access to scientific and technical information is essential for economic and social development research results are mainly communicated and validated through publication in scientific journals developed countries have a very well established scientific communication infrastructure only a small percentage of the scientific production from developing countries shares this infrastructure
SciELO Model - … - foundations most of the developing countries scientific journals lack adequate distribution and dissemination in consequence, local generated scientific information is lost or have a limited impact the scientific information generated in the developing countries should be universally accessible and valued it will increase the usage and impact of local information on decision making processes at different levels it will contribute to develop a positive feedback to local scientific journals and therefore to overcome the marginalization vicious circle
SciELO Model - global and specific objectives contribute to the development and impact of the scientific research in Latin America and Caribbean by improving and widening the means of dissemination, publication, and evaluation of research results local - visibility network sustainability impact - accessibility - quality ! - credibility - systematic evaluation actual value - usage, impact, ...
good but national all bad
value improvequality make thenvisible andaccessible preserveelectroniccollections increasecredibility SciELO Model qualityorperception ofquality journals fromdeveloping countriesare perceivedas second class Lost Science in the Third World W. Wayt Gibbs Scientific AmericanAugust 1995 they arenot all bad but they playimportant roles:- communicate local/regional science- local/regional scope/problems- local/regional language- development of local capacity in editorship, publishing and writing- needs to acquire/increase credibility - to promote research on local problems - to increase usage of science in decision making journalssustainabilityrequires thedevelopment of positive feedbackwithtarget/potential readers/writers
The strength of the SciELO Model resides in the fact that in addition to promote the transition of paper based journals towards the Internet electronic media, it intends to address and contribute to overcome the traditional problems inherent the publications running out of the mainstream The SciELO Model is being developed to promote a context where the publishing of non-mainstream journals can have a positive feedback with their potential or target community of readers/writers/stackholders and be progressively judged by their real dimension and value. In this line, the SciELO Model intends to provide their journal collections with visibility/accessibility and advanced mechanisms of indexing and measurement complementing ISI JCR and other developed countries information products and services.
Date of entry MEDLINE - Date of Publication REVISTA MIOC ANO meses| 1997 1998 1999 2000 | Total -----------+-------------------------+------ 0 | 0 0 0 35 | 35 1 | 0 0 0 0 | 0 2 | 0 0 21 37 | 58 3 | 0 19 41 0 | 60 4 | 0 0 33 17 | 50 5 | 0 40 20 0 | 60 6 | 0 21 0 0 | 21 7 | 0 21 0 0 | 21 8 | 20 0 0 0 | 20 9 | 0 18 0 0 | 18 10 | 0 0 0 0 | 0 -----------+-------------------------+------ Total | 20 119 115 89 | 343 REVISTA Obs Total Mean Variance Std Dev 1997 20 160 8.000 0.000 0.000 1998 119 692 5.815 3.305 1.818 1999 115 397 3.452 0.969 0.984 2000 89 142 1.596 2.198 1.483 REVISTA Minimum 25%ile Median 75%ile Maximum Mode 1997 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 1998 3.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 9.000 5.000 1999 2.000 3.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 3.000 2000 0.000 0.000 2.000 2.000 4.000 2.000 Date of entry MEDLINE - date of Publication
SciELO BrazilTropical Medicine related journals - impact factor 1999 Memórias do InstitutoOswaldo Cruz Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical
JCR, ISI, 1999, Revistas Medicina Tropical fi journal SciELO Brazil, 1999, Tropical Medicine 0.333 Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical
SciELO Model Components • SciELO Methodology • SciELO Sites • Network of SciELO Sites
SciELO Model 1 SciELO Methodology preparation, storage, preservation, publication, linking, dissemination and evaluation of scientific journals compatible with international standards and initiatives exportable/adequate to developing countries conditions cooperative development - capacity building public domain for the SciELO Network interchange w/ developing countries related projects/initiatives: INASP, BIOLINE, UNESCO, ICSU, open archiving, etc.
SciELO Methodology integrated collection of scientific journals integrated bibliographic [control] data base integrated measurement of usage and impact dynamic link with national, regional and international data bases
Selection criteria - inclusion and permanency • indicators: usage - hits, impact - citation, links, ... • scientific • peer review • editorial board • periodicity • age • on time • english title, abstract and keywords • bibliographic standards • indexing in international databases application under responsibility of a National Advisory Committee ( fapesp, bireme, cnpq, capes, editors)
Linking • SciELO << >>SciELO • SciELO << >> bibliographic databases • SciELO >>> fulltext databases • SciELO <<>> Lattes Platform - CV and Research Groups Transfer of metadata to bibliographic data bases LILACS PubMed - MEDLINEothers
SciELO Model 2 SciELO Sites decentralized collections of journals using SciELO Methodology national sites regional thematic sites public health: 6 titles Brazil, Mexico, PAHO, WHO, Spain future: ?!!?
SciELO Model 3 Network of SciELO Sites cooperation among national and regional scientific communication instances portal: www.scielo.org links to individual SciELO Sites future developments integrated search national and regional usage and impact indicators
SciELO Model - major challenges text treatment: xml fully decentralization - operation of network of SciELO sites and SciELO journals search/navigation/linking: multi [-language,-discipline, -etc publication on the fly - article oriented virtual journal - mySciELO
SciELO Model - major challenges indicators -quality control - evaluation - improvement economic sustainability model research funds, public funds, publicity, access control: subscription policies - per jounal title, SciELO Sites, subsets, pay-per-view
SciELO - the Scientific Electronic Library Onlineis emerging as a regional model for the electronic publishing of scientific journals, intended to cover primarily publications from Latin America, Caribbean [and possibly Spain on health sciences] In the long term, the library is devised as an instance for the measurement of usage and impact of national and regional scientific journals www.scielo.org