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How To Do Kick-Ass Software Development

With Kick-Ass Software Development you actually get stuff done. Feedback cycles are short, code quality is awesome and customers get the features they lust after. Less mangers managing, less testers testing and less IT-operators operating. The developers take the power back, making them much happier. Sound like paradise? It is! This session will show you how we do Kick-Ass Software Development at Atlassian. <br>I talk about how we: use pull requests for better code quality; collaborate fast to develop ideas; avoid meetings to get more stuff done; tighten our feedback loops to fail faster; shorten our release cycles; and work together happily on different continents. It's a great way to develop software and we think it can work in your company, too. <br><br>Watch the video if this talk: http://vimeo.com/70102926

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How To Do Kick-Ass Software Development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to do Kick-Ass Software Development @svenpet

  2. Who expects to see some code?

  3. System.out.println ("Sorry, you may leave now");

  4. Who expects to learn a new methodology?

  5. There is no Kick-Ass manifesto! ...and no certification

  6. Who just wants to kick ass?

  7. Yes, that's me ;) THIS IS YOUR TALK

  8. How to do kick ass development?

  9. Use Java

  10. Use Java ...is not so important

  11. Sven Peters Atlassian Ambassador svenpet.com @svenpet

  12. better software less overhead faster developmentAgile happy customer happy developers

  13. What's the state of Agile 2013 ?

  14. The Dark Manifesto of Agile Software Development We are uncovering better the only ways of developing
 software by doing it and helping teaching others do it.
 Through this work we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over and not processes and tools
 Working software over and not comprehensive documentation
 Customer collaboration over and not contract negotiation
 Responding to change over and not following a plan That is, while since there is no value in the items
 on the right, we value only the items on the left more.

  15. Programming, Motherfucker Do you speak it?

  16. Is Agile dead?

  17. The Gartner Hype Curve Agile?

  18. We need some smart people! Guru

  19. Stop following the next guru and kick-ass again

  20. legacy teams think... ONE WAY adding processes helps changing stuff is too complicated old decisions still apply

  21. Let's improve! and kick-ass again

  22. legacy teams think... NO WAY I don't give a #@!%

  23. Ass Kicking Topics Deliver Kick-Ass Software One Kick-Ass Team Kick-Ass Collaboration Kick-Ass Automation

  24. Deliver Kick-Ass Software

  25. Building the right thing before How do we know? Microsoft Kin

  26. Fake it til you Make it

  27. Speech-to-Text Experiment

  28. even one step before that.... Paper Prototypes

  29. Software Construction Area - Improving Software

  30. Generate a kick-ass Feedback Experience

  31. Easy to find Make it simple Fast to submit



  34. GOT FEEDBACK? Got Feedback? Good Meh! Bad Horrible Awesome Rate the page * What do you like? * Good tools, but this talk doesn't kick ass at all! What needs to be improved?* Add more jokes! Browse Upload a screenshot Name Freddy Eedback Email f.eedback@complain.com Submit Cancel

  35. GOT FEEDBACK? Easy to find Got Feedback? Good Meh! Bad Horrible Awesome Rate the page * Make it simple What do you like? * Good tools, but this talk doesn't kick ass at all! Fast to submit What needs to be improved?* Add more jokes! Browse Upload a screenshot Name Freddy Eedback Email f.eedback@complain.com Submit Cancel

  36. Protect your Developers

  37. The Sh*t umbrella 425 million user 100 developer

  38. We're not doing

  39. Everyone On The Front Line

  40. Feedback Close the Loop nal and get pers

  41. Developers on Support

  42. Care about your customers! Have an effective feedback loop Keep improving!

  43. One Kick-Ass Team

  44. DifferentRoles Responsibilities Tester Developer

  45. The Problems Bottlenecks : Accountability : Scalability Tester Developer

  46. Developer on Test DoT

  47. So the developers are doing all the work?

  48. QA Qual·i·tyAs·sis·tance[kwol-i-tee] [uh-sis-tuh ns] Quality is everybody's responsibility. QA employees help and train developers to become better tester, testing the more complicated stuff, creating test data, investigating in new test tools and working on test strategies.

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