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Keep Your Smile Going Strong 15 Essential Tips

Want to keep your teeth sparkling and avoid expensive dental issues? Don't leave your precious smile's health to chance. Follow these 15 Wimbledon Dental Care -approved guidelines for keeping your teeth in peak condition year after year. Say goodbye to toothaches and hello to your personal confidence!

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Keep Your Smile Going Strong 15 Essential Tips

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  1. Keep Your Smile Going Strong: 15 Essential Tips Want to keep your teeth sparkling and avoid expensive dental issues? Don't leave your precious smile's health to chance. Follow these 15 Wimbledon Dental Care -approved guidelines for keeping your teeth in peak condition year after year. Say goodbye to toothaches and hello to your personal confidence!

  2. Brush before Bed • Never hit the sheets without taking a couple minutes to brush away the day's bacteria first. Tooth decay and gum disease thrive on the debris left from meals and snacks. Brushing before bedtime prevents acid and plaque buildup from festering overnight while saliva flow slows. Don't sleep on your oral care!

  3. Master Proper Brushing • But don't just rush through brushing either. Use proper technique - angling bristles towards your gums, moving the brush in gentle circles, and brushing for a full two minutes. This ensures cleaning away sticky film in hard-to-reach spots. Remember to brush all inner, outer, and chewing surfaces.

  4. Clean That Tongue Too • Don't forget to brush your tongue! It harbors loads of germs which cause bad breath. Use soft back-and-forth strokes to cleanse the tongue surface too. Scrape gently - no need to gag yourself. Rinsing afterward removes lingering debris.

  5. Fluoride Toothpaste is Key • Look for toothpastes containing fluoride which hardens and shields tooth enamel from acid attacks that erode mineral content leading to weakened spots and eventual cavities. Fluoride also inhibits bacteria metabolism and disease progression. Using fluoride toothpaste makes a huge difference!

  6. Commit to Daily Flossing • Regular flossing clears plaque and food particles from tight spaces between teeth that brush bristles simply cannot reach. Trapped debris provides fuel for steadily advancing gum infection and tooth decay if you don't floss. Make it part of your self-care commitment.

  7. Adaptive Flossing Options • Don't let braces, dental work gaps, or dexterity issues stop your flossing habit. Use floss threaders to guide floss under bridges. Try handle flossers or water flossers to make the chore easier on hands. There are myriad options to remove plaque no matter your unique oral situation.

  8. The Power of Mouthwash • Swishing daily with an antibacterial mouthwash adds another layer of defense against plaque bacteria left behind after diligent brushing and flossing. Mouthwash disrupts debris, keeping gingivitis causing bacteria from taking hold. Added benefits come from mouthwash ingredients like fluoride, xylitol or zinc.

  9. Hydration Helps Tooth • Staying optimally hydrated with plain water prevents dry mouth while stimulating healthy saliva flow to neutralize damaging oral acids from foods and drinks that eat away mineral content of teeth over time. When saliva flow drops, tooth decay and bad breath increases. Water keeps your mouth feeling fresh!

  10. Crunchy Fruits and Veggies • Chewing crunchy produce like carrots, celery, apples and cucumber act as natural tooth scrubbers to wipe away clinging debris missed by brushing. They gently abrade plaque buildup areas while stimulating lots of saliva too. The fibrous textures and water content also benefit oral health. Just beware hard pits and candy.

  11. Limit Sugar and Acid • Be mindful of sugary and acidic items that strip away enamel and feed nasty plaque bacteria. Sticky candies, soda, lemons, even wine do damage if over-indulged too often. Rinse with water after consuming and allow time between exposures for saliva to remineralize softened enamel. Or try sugar-free gum with enamel-strengthening compounds.

  12. Regular Dental Visits • See your dentist at Wimbledon Dental Caretwice annually for an exam, cleaning and customized care planning based on your oral health status and risk factors. More frequent visits may be advised for some patients. The right prevention regimen makes all the difference in maintaining a healthy, pain-free smile for life! Don't chance it.

  13. Choose Teeth-Friendly Snacks • Satisfy snack attacks wisely by selecting teeth-friendly options like cheese, plain yogurt, sugar-free jerky, nuts, veggies with hummus, or wholesome popcorn. These foods neutralize plaque acid and stimulate protective saliva while avoiding tooth-eroding sugars. Time snacks strategically too - not right before bed when saliva is lowest.

  14. Use Proper Brushing Pressure • Apply gentle, even pressure as you brush - no aggressive scrubbing required. Firm pressure risks abrasions and gradual gum recession over time, exposing tender tooth roots even more to bacteria and temperature sensitivities. Let bristles do the work rather than an overly forceful hand. Electric brushes with pressure sensors help prevent excess force too.

  15. Consider Sealants for Young Molars • Shield developing molars from decay up to 80% with thin resin sealants applied by your dentist to the deep grooves of back molars. This protective coating keeps out bacteria and food debris that get trapped inside pits and fissures. Early application once an adult molar partially erupts gives many years of decay prevention.

  16. See your Wimbledon dental care dentists if you suffer frequent dry mouth leaving teeth vulnerable to expedited decay.

  17. Your teeth and gums will thank you! Contact your SW19 Confidental Dental Care Dentist for personalized guidance implementing any new health tips.

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