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Explore HadRecoilUser and Breco reconstruction techniques in B meson studies, optimizing background scenarios and verifying Eextra computations for signal MC.
Had Breco analysis: Eextra studies Elisa Manoni INFN Sez. Perugia EMC session, Elba general Meeting, May 31, 2010
Outline • Aim of the study • Analysis strategy and validation • Background gamma characterization • Eextra and different background scenario • Conclusions
PacHadRecoilUser and Breco reconstruction • SemiExclusive reconstruction of Hadronic B modes • limit the number of reconstructed Breco channels according to their purity (>50%). Breco mode classification: neat : purity > 80% clean : 50% < purity < 80% dirty : 8%<purity<50% • Available Bsig modes • K* • K , Ks() • , with e, , , (0), a1()
Eextra shape and background mixing February production analysis: • mix physical events with Bhabha + Radiative BhaBha (integrate barrel EMC signal in 1ms time window) • background (radiative BhaBha) dramatically increase the number of reconstructed neutrals in signal MC Eextra shifts at high values, loosing the bin 0-discriminating power • 1ms time window found to be too conservative, 0.25ms more realistic • how do the Eextra shape change by reducing the integration time (and the bkg) to 1/4? Fast Sim B+K+ signal MC Full Sim B+K+(Ksp) signal MC generics
Analysis strategy • Use February production tuples with background mixing switched on: • B+K+ signal MC • B+B- and B0B0bar generic MC • compute Eextra at ntuple level (gamma block) • remove gammas overlapping with Breco or Bsig • sum extra-gamma energy if Eg>Egmin • ¼ background scaling • identify gammas from background by using mctruth infos • associate to each extra-gamma (in the barrel emc) a random number ∈ [0,1] • if randnum>0.25, reject the extra-gamma , otherwise use it to compute Eextra • will consider 3 bkg scenario • 100% bkg no bkg reduction • 25 % bkg ¼ bkg reduction • w/o bkg all bkg gammas removed
Analysis validation: Offline Eextra computation (I) • preliminary study (some EMC meeting ago): not perfect matching between Eextra’s computed at reconstruction level and offline histo Eextra_ntuple Eextra_offline
Analysis validation: Offline Eextra computation (II) • some minor code issues • emc coverage (cosqlab ) : • FastSim and FullSim bwd [-0.9782, -0.8965], brr+fwd [-0.777,0.9625] • PacHadRecoilUser bwd [-0.9655,-0.8581], brr+fwd [-0.7859,0.9622] apply same cosqlab cuts as in PacHadRecoilUser • duplicate candidate bug: at ntuple level the ithU cand owns the UsrVariables (mES, DE, Eextra…) of the first choose the first U as best candidate (bug now fixed in V0.2.3 + updated Patches_devel packages)
Analysis validation: Offline Eextra computation (II) • some minor code issues • emc coverage (cosqlab ) : • FastSim and FullSim bwd [-0.9782, -0.8965], brr+fwd [-0.777,0.9625] • PacHadRecoilUser bwd [-0.9655,-0.8581], brr+fwd [-0.7859,0.9622] apply same cosqlab cuts as in PacHadRecoilUser • duplicate candidate bug: at ntuple level the ithU cand owns the UsrVariables (mES, DE, Eextra…) of the first choose the first U as best candidate (bug now fixed in V0.2.3 + updated Patches_devel packages) histo Eextra_ntuple Eextra_offline
Analysis validation: scaling algorithm • B+B-_generic sample, without bkg mixing 100% bkg -75% bkg no bkg
Background gamma multiplicity and angular distribution • 100% background B+B- generic MC B+K+ signal MC gmultiplicity bwd region barrel region fwd region g cosqlab _ bkg g _ phys g
Background gamma energy spectrum • 100% background B+B- generic MC B+K+ signal MC Eg (GeV) Eg (GeV) EgTOT (GeV) EgTOT (GeV)
Eextra barrel vs Eextra forward • 100% background B+B- generic MC B+K+ signal MC FWD EMC BARREL EMC
Eextra as a function of Egmin • 100% background B+K+ signal MC Egmin = 70 MeV Egmin = 50 MeV Egmin = 30 MeV B0B0bar generic MC B+B- generic MC
Comparing bkg scenarios: Eextra Egmin = 30 MeV w/o bkg 25% bkg 100% bkg B+K+ signal MC B0B0bar generic MC B+B- generic MC
Comparing bkg scenarios: gamma cosqlab w/o bkg 25% bkg 100% bkg bwd region barrel region fwd region B+K+ signal MC B+B- generic MC B0B0bar generic MC
Eextra after B+K+ selection • cut and count selection a-la-BaBar, removing requirements on extra p0 and Eextra B+K+ signal MC Egmin = 30 MeV w/o bkg 25% bkg 100% bkg
Conclusions • Eextra computation and scaling algorithms seem to work properly • Egmin changes Eextra shape, cut at 70 MeV make signal MC shape peaky at low Eextra even with 100% background • scaling the number of not matched extra-gamma to 25%, Eextra has peaky shape in signal MC; both in signal and generics Eextra range is enlarged: need to properly define a new signal region wrt BaBar • Further investigation by using next production samples • generate ad-hoc BB cocktail to provide high statistics sample where Eextra shape for BB generic after full selection can be studied (see tomorrow DGWG session)
B+K+: selection efficiency • BaBar-like cut and count analysis Qtag = ± 1 5.270<mES<5.288 GeV/c2 |cosBreco,Thrust|<0.85 K candidate from Bsig |cos*trk|<0.85 NextraTrk=0 Eextra<0.4 GeV N0=0 pKB > 1.1Gev/c -0.85<cospmiss<0.9