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e-GLO 3 Homework Review 1 st Assignment. Compiled by Demi Smoloktou from e-GLO 3’s Facebook group http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=683620481#!/group.php?gid=21522544072&ref=ts. Read the Earth Charter. e-GLO 3 participants’ ideas and thoughts. Nana Asiedu Opoku.
e-GLO 3Homework Review1st Assignment Compiled by Demi Smoloktou from e-GLO 3’s Facebook group http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=683620481#!/group.php?gid=21522544072&ref=ts
Read the Earth Charter e-GLO 3 participants’ ideas and thoughts
Nana Asiedu Opoku ‘I like everything about the Earth Charter’, ‘Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social, and environmental imperative’, ‘allowing the earth charter to have a permanent effect in my life’. ‘I love it because it is for our future.. for our mother earth..’, ‘Respect Earth and life in all its diversity’, ‘I think EC should recognize a chapter for youth though they are our future’. Razwan Nabin ‘I like the Earth Charter’s holistic and comprehensive systematic world view that leads us to cooperate with all other humans and other living beings in the web of life’, “I. RESPECT AND CARE FOR THE COMMUNITY OF LIFE”, ‘My dream in the future is to work on education for sustainability’ Pham Thuy Duong ‘This document is a responsibility of the World’, "Care for the community of life with understanding, compassion, and love“, ‘start my way through various sustainable development projects’, Alex Moreno
‘Earth Charter encompasses EVERYTHING that needs to change.’ " Care for the community of life with understanding, compassion, and love“, I try my best to apply it in my own life Nour Kamel ‘I like the whole Earth Charter as a preamble to the change which is the need of the hour’, ‘Social and Economic Justice’, ‘The change should start from each one of us, ‘I admire the Earth Charter's ability to inspire young and adults alike’. Harsha D Gowda ‘I love the Earth Charter's Initiative and Drive towards Sustaining the Future in a world’, "Respect Earth and life in all its diversity"It Celebrates what "Irritates" most part of the world’, Earth Charter represents a body of worthy principles,. Odunuga Abiodun Dominic ‘changing everything that's negatively influencing Earth in all aspects of life whether environmentally, socially, politically, economically or spiritually‘, " Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social, and environmental imperative“, ‘I tried to make others (friends and family) acknowledge the same, "Leading by example". Janna El-Hadad
‘The Earth charter gives the feeling of solidarity, humanity, peace and unity. I admire all of them very much’, ‘democracy, nonviolence, and peace. It encourages everyone to take responsibility and make themselves accountable for the peace efforts’, ‘Encouraging youngsters to be the change rather than waiting to be changed by someone else’. Yameen Khattak ‘I like the ecological principles because if we were able to use our nature (environment, natural recourses etc.)’, modern Bible, ‘this is true life and we have to not only BELIEVE IN something but also DO something’, ‘cleverly we could organize our community much better because all things in our World is depends on the Nature’. Gor Aleksanyan ‘I find the EC and the ECI very inspiration’, Just want to give notice to the emphasis on inclusiveness, I like, "Prevent pollution of any part of the environment and allow no build-up of radioactive, toxic, or other hazardous substances.“ Bryan Konrad ‘Care for the community of life with understanding, compassion, and love’, ‘This part of the charter struck a cord within me as a social cum economic environmentalist and climate change youth ambassador’, ‘I want my light to shine to the world through my personal sustainable lifestyle and to inspire others through my actions and not just by mere words alone’. Ademola Akinyemi
‘I like the concern with the human integrity that is very important for the rescue of social values, also it focuses on issues such as economic and social justice that is also very important for people to defend their individual rights’, ‘land protection and care of nature and the environment’, ‘What I can apply in my own life’. Jose Humberto Paez Fernandez ‘The Earth Charter is an inspiring, amazing document but it doesn't sound very applicable, doesn't answer the question HOW?’, ‘One can rely on this document while working on projects somehow connected with issues of ecology, justice and human rights.’, Katya Romanova ‘it's holistic and that is another characteristic I really admire because one thing can't be chopped out and healed separately from the whole organism’, ‘I can think of numerous ways how to apply it’ . we should keep observing the current reality in order to update tEC … on a daily basis!’ Vanja Varga ‘Earth Charter is the concrete way it shows what I think are the major problems in our world’, the principles taught by the EC provide us with tools we can use to make that change, “Recognize that peace is the wholeness created by right relationships with oneself, other persons, other cultures, other life, Earth, and the larger whole of which all are a part’, ‘I already apply it in my life’. Urpiana Koklonis
‘The Earth Charter can be seen as rules to follow, in order to build a better world’, “democracy, non violence and peace”, ‘Nations do not practice democracy and this often lead people to violence’, ‘organizing some workshops and meetings’ . Darline Sympho Ntankeu Yepmou ‘the holistic vision, the history of the process, and the determination that is not about a group’, (Ecologic integrity) and I (Life) , Economic and Social Justice and Peace, leader of "Asociación Peruana de Escultismo", that is an scout independent organization in Perú, ‘promote the real change’, "respect of the life“, I think that the EC break some "dogmas" . Tha Scouter ‘innovative and powerful idea to encourage any person to be aware and be responsible’, ‘huge positive impact on the earth’, ‘Respect Earth and life in all its diversity’, the earth’s challenges like climate change has happened because of irresponsible use of natural resources, my study and research is devoted in justice issue of poverty reduction and climate change. Sujan Kumar Saha ‘the way in which all the different aspects of the Earth Charter combine to create the essential recipe for global happiness and a brighter tomorrow’, RESPECT AND CARE FOR THE COMMUNITY OF LIFE and IV. DEMOCRACY, NONVIOLENCE, AND PEACE, Respect for the inherent and limitless potential of all life is a ideal I try to live., ‘care, consideration and the the respect for all life that went into the creation of the Earth Charter . Mike Trevett
Besmira Uruçi ‘Earth Charter aims to achieve the principles that are very vital nowadays; and all of them related to the well-being of the world’, In my opinion, Freedom is vital to achieve other principles’, “Eliminate corruption in all public and private institutions”, Sogdiana Baykaraeva ‘The charter is an effective tool to arouse community response to community based participatory development.It's a handbook for life for every living being.’ Ireti Emmanuel Adesida ‘A guideline on how to for the present and the future through concise principles.’, ‘achieve and promote a better, sustainable life sure that economic activities and institutions at all levels promote human development in an equitable and sustainable manner.’ AB Aguinaldo
Overview of the Earth Charter E-GLO 3 participants’ ideas and thoughts
I strong believe that the Earth Charter is a valuable document that needs the urgent endorsement of citizens of the Earth if we are to achieve sustainable development in our communities, societies and nations at large. • I'm inspired in the creative ways educators can use it in education for sustainable future, as well as policy-makers can use it as tools and guidelines... • I can develop the World, because Earth Charter make a document of sustainable development that can change the present problems. • Nice video which takes us through the inspirations behind the Earth Charter, it's core ideas and aspirations. • What an Inspiring Video!It makes me understand that Earth Charter isn't just a "saying" initiative, its also a "doing" (ACTION-ORIENTED) one. • Its about be the change and take the initiative! We must understand and try to practice this in our lives. Start with small changes, be cause change takes times and be patient.
It shows how applicable and practical Earth Charter is. Also, it was inspiring to know how it all began from the start and know the diversity of initiatives that has been made and their outcomes. • it starts with building relationships, leading to community. What community, not connected, can 'make a difference?' In order to make a difference we need to know our neighbors, share meals with them, feel for them and know how we can work together to make a difference. • I found the video encouraging and inspiring. It is indeed motivating to know that the principles of the Earth Charter are spreading not just to individual communities but to academic facilities like Universities and Public Schools. • Every great movement in history start with ONE person, and the ripple effects lingers for generations. Let it be known that my time shall be a moment of great youth activism, pragmatism and renowned hope in the creation of a just and peaceful world. • I think this video is great because it reminded me about the history of the Earth Charter's development, and when Katya was asking lots of questions about it, I couldn't really remember, but this video made it clear and exciting - all these people came together to make a huge statement about interdependence.
Awesome and absolutely inspiring Video I listened to for the umpteenth time.The concepts in the video creates a challenge for me to walk the talk addressed in the ECI. Change like a ripple starts with a drop in the ocean and spreads to the shores. • I found very interesting this video and once again proves to the EC not only cares about being recognized worldwide, they proves that they care about the reality that we live with facts also shows that there are people who still care for peace, social justice and that many people must take these initiatives to begin to become aware of and struggle with leadership and love for the good of the society and the whole world. • Those different examples show that it's possible to do something no mater who you are and where you are and I think that is very important because people and communities that are in most need frequently have the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness… • It is really the charter of the earth, our earth. All nations are concerned, no one is excluded. Are you still at school level, at the university or at another level of life, you are not excluded. For the charter to be spread all over the world, all of us must be part of it: practicing instead of just preaching.
The video is very valuable because it shows what amazing people stand behind the Earth Charter. It's amazing to realize that this document reflects common values all over the world that sound right whether you're in Russia, France, Ethiopia, India and wherever else. • All the contained in this video, regarding the examples of how other people have accomplished to put into practice these principles, have done nothing else but inspire me and remind me it is not impossible for my community to get to know the EC, so it can be recognized and applied in every corner. • The future is dependent on our actions which are seeds we sow for the future generation. The earth is like a fragile egg in our hands, we need to be sensitize to how we handle it. • Now I know that Earth Charter is a great action and strong will of people to change the world for the better! It has been only 9 years that EC has been launched, but the results are so impressive! It's so wonderful that so many people from different parts of the world are working together to achieve the common goal- well-being of mankind.
I just can say that video generally says about EC how it was formed, why it was formed and how it works in different parts of The Earth! In general this video shows us how much the community of The World informed about EC and how they sense it!So, video tells us that we can reach anything if we speculate as it is said in the EC. • It is a great video for use to have an in-depth overview of the movement. I am inspired to see the ripple effect of ECI. I like it so much to see that young are fostering change through ECI. I like it for its human dimension, especially for its focus on micro level, meaning the young individuals are at core of the EC movement. • we should localize the Earth Charter by translating into local native language, transforming it into practical activities, making it a living document that people experience in their everyday lives.
It Starts With One E-GLO 3 participants’ ideas and thoughts
the need for oneness and togetherness • we only have one EARTH • the feeling of hope, harmony, unity, peace and happiness. • We need to make development we are Earth Citizens • "One candle can light a whole room" • sensitizes on the responsibility of each one of us in realizing the dream of sustainable world • "We should be the change we want to see in the world". • Be the change yourself! • symbolizing how change occurs, ONE small STEP can lead to our Dream of a sustainable peaceful world. • Teamwork, inspiration,
invites all people to take initiatives by themselves • you should do your own • I'm motivated, We are all linked and connected • take action and have responsibilities toward our planet. • every person consciously acts for himself to make a place around him a little better • first changing yourself to then go on to change the world • IT IS TIME TO TAKE ACTIONS • It starts within • It is the building blocks towards change