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In the movies, there’s always a hot pool boy, ready and willing to keep your swimming area spotless, and provide related services. In real life, you might have a pool service, but you probably do most of the cleaning yourself. continue with this short pdf to know more!
LOW MAINTENANCE POOL TIPS GET RID OF SURFACE DIRT GO GO GADGET POOL CLEANER Aroboticpoolcleanercomewith self-driveandself-parkoptions,you canuseyourphonetoinstructthe robottogetinsidethepool,doa deepclean. Onceaday,givethepoolaonce overwithaskimmerpole.Justpick outtheleaves.Youconsiderbasic leafcover; thiscanbeusebyyour Smartphonepoolapp. REVIEW POOL CHEMICALS CHEMICALS HOW DEEP IS YOUR POOL? REVIEW POOL youshouldroutinelytestthechemical levelsandadjustthemaccordingly. Youcandothisonyourphoneaswell, thoughyou’llhavetophysically restoretherightpH. checkhowmuchwaterisinthe pool.Toomuchevaporationcould destroythepoolfilter,andmight indicatealeakthatneeds repairing.