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When you need to undertake a survey in order to find underground services in a site where you need to excavate, for whatever reason, before doing anything else you really need to be able locate and identify every or any utility that is present.<br>
WHATYOUNEEDTOKNOWABOUTGPR LOCATORS That means that instead of just finding electricity cables or other metal pipes it can also detect plastic pipes running underground. The fact is that over the last few years there has beenmuchmoreuseofnon-metallicmaterialsin undergroundutilities,whichmakesthemimpossibleto locate with some of the older pieces of equipment such as theCAT.
NoElectromagneticRadiationOr PhysicalConnection Groundpenetratingradaristheonlytechnology available that doesn’t need electromagnetic radiation fromtheutilityanddoesn’tneedaphysicalconnection to iteither,asinthecaseoftheGenny–signal generator.Thismeansthatitiseasilycapableof locating polyethylene water and gas pipes and other things such as fuel tanks which may be buried below ground.
TheMalaEasyLocatorisfittedwithahingedshaftwhichenablesthe handles to be folded down so that it can easily fit into the back of something such as an estate car for transport between different sites. OneoftheissueswithGPRisthetypeofgroundoverwhichtheEasy Locatorhastobeused.Inmostinstances,theantennamustbeclose to the ground over which it is being used. This can be difficult if the ground is rough or stepped. For this reason, the Mala Easy Locator comes in three different versions –the Shallow, Mid, and Rough Terrainversions.
Unfortunately, in commonwithotherequipment,GPRalsohas certain limitations such as heavy, wet, or clay soils and those with rubbleorbackfilled. At Sygma Solutions we provide GPR training courses that will cover the abilities of the Mala Easy Locator along with its’ limitations. This isimportantforoperativeswhoneedtobeabletolocate underground utilities, because it is essential that they understand the limitations, so our GPRtraining is designed so that it covers everyaspectoftheuseoftheMalaEasyLocator.
ContactUs HindleyBusinessCentre PlattLane Hindley Wigan WN23PA Tel:8442412597