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Efficient Surf Methods

Efficient Surf Methods. wka;¾cd,h msrslaiqug flá l%u. lsishï f;dr;=rla wka;¾cd,h Tiafia jvd;a ldrHlaIuj blaukska fidhd.ekSu ioyd Boolean Operators ^ix.=Kl& iy úfYaIs; fhÿï$jpk fhd¯.kS' fuysoS my; ±lafjk Boolean Operators iy úfYaIs; fhÿï$jpk ms<snoj wm wjOdkh fhduqlr we;' AND TITLE

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Efficient Surf Methods

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Efficient Surf Methods wka;¾cd,h msrslaiqug flá l%u

  2. lsishï f;dr;=rla wka;¾cd,h Tiafia jvd;a ldrHlaIuj blaukska fidhd.ekSu ioyd Boolean Operators ^ix.=Kl& iy úfYaIs; fhÿï$jpkfhd¯.kS' fuysoS my; ±lafjk Boolean Operators iy úfYaIs; fhÿï$jpk ms<snoj wm wjOdkh fhduqlr we;' AND TITLE URL

  3. ±ka wm fï tl tlla ms<snoj fjk fjku úuid n,uq'

  4. AND lsishï fldkafoais$jpk 2la we;=,;a ;ks fjí wâúhla fidhd .ekSu ioyd fuu Operator tl fhd¯ .kS' W¯yrKhla f,i Y%s,xldfõ l%slÜ l%Svdj ms<sno f;dr;=re we;=,;a fjí msgq fidhd .ekSug wjYH kï t ioyd l< hq;af;a w¯, fijqï hka;%h ;=< sri lanka AND cricket hkqfjka h;=re ,shkh lsrSu muKs' ^1 rEmh& ieKska Y%s,xldfõ l%slÜ l%Svdj ms<sno f;dr;=re we;=,;a fjí msgq úYd, ixLHdjla ,nd .; yels jkq we;' ^2 rEmh&

  5. fuysoS u;l ;nd.; hq;= jeo.;a lreKq folla we;' tkï fuysoS ix.=Klh Capital Letters j<ska ghsma l< hq;= w;r g fomiska fhdok jpk Simple Letters ghsma l< hq;=h'

  6. TITLE lsishï f;dr;=rela fjí wâú ud;Dldj jYfhka we;s fjí msgq fidhd .ekSu ioyd fuu fhÿu fhd¯ .kS' W¯yrKhla f,i l%slÜ (Cricket) hk jok, ud;Dldj (Title) jYfhka we;s fjí msgq fidhd .ekSug wjYH kï ta ioyd l< hq;af;a w¯, fijqï hka;%h ;=< TITLE:cricket hkqfjka h;=re ,shkh lsrSu muKs' ^3 rEmh& ieKska l%slÜ (Cricket) hk jok, ud;Dldj (Title) jYfhka we;s a fjí msgq úYd, ixLHdjla ,nd .; yels jkq we;' ^4 rEmh&

  7. fuysoSo u;l ;nd.; hq;= jeo.;a lreKq folla we;' tkï TITLE hkak Capital Letters j<ska ghsma l< hq;= w;r cricket hkak Simple Letters j<ska ghsma l< hq;=h'

  8. URL w¯, jok fjí ,smskfhys (Web Address) wka;¾ .; fjí wâú fidhd .ekSu ioyd URL fhÿu u.ska isÿ lrhs' W¯yrKhla f,il%slÜ (Cricket) hk jok, fjí ,smskfhys (Web Address) wka;¾ .; fjí wâú fidhd .ekSug wjYH kï ta ioyd l< hq;af;a w¯, fijqï hka;%h ;=< URL:cricket hkqfjka h;=re ,shkh lsrSu muKs' ^5 rEmh& ieKska fjí ,smskfhys (Web Address), l%slÜ (Cricket) hk jok wka;¾ .; fjí wâú úYd, ixLHdjla ,nd .; yels jkq we;' ^6 rEmh&

  9. fuysoSo l<ska wjia:d j, fuka URL hkak Capital Letters j,skao" cricket hkak Simple Letters j,skao ghsma l< hq;=h'

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