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Time. .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Time.

  2. There is one thing in this world we all own. No matter who you are or what you do, you have the same amount as anyone else. There are moments when you want more, there are moments when you want it to freeze, and there are moments when it does not travel fast enough. Oxford English Dictionary defines time as “a limited stretch or space of continued existence, as the interval between two successive events or acts, or the period through which an action, condition, or state continues.” This definition gives a general idea of time; however, there is a much deeper meaning.

  3. We all know the phrase “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Time is interesting in that it does seem to fly then, but there are times when it doesn’t seem to fly at all. Think of someone you absolutely love to spend time with. It could be a sibling, a significant other, or just a really good friend. You set up a time and place to meet. You plan on spending time with each other. Before you meet on that occasion,  you are waiting on them. You are waiting on the moment that you will see them and embrace them and be happy in their presence. You want them there sooner. Time seems to tick at a painfully slow rate when really, it has never changes. Even though it cant, you want time to speed up. But, when he or she finally makes it and you are with each other, you want time to slow. You want to be together for as long as possible. All this is based on the actions that take place during that time frame.

  4. As a Tech student, you spend much of your time studying and doing homework. You may be studying late into the night, and time just ticks away at a seemingly slow rate. As dawn draws onward and the time for you to get ready for class approaches, it speeds up. In this moment, you cannot study for that test anymore; you cannot put those final touches on that presentation you wanted to. There is not enough time. Sometimes, we procrastinate. In moments like the one described above, we want more time. We need to realize that we have time, but we don’t use it wisely. Take advantage of every opportune moment, but don’t get too caught up…

  5. As a hiker, you spend much of your time hiking of course. Your work life has become habit. You still love it, but you don’t spend enough time away from there; you are always working too hard. It is a stressful and timeless atmosphere. All time that you could possibly own is sucked away by work. When the time comes, you take a break. You reach the summit of that mountain you’ve been planning to hike to for months. You sit there and exist on the mountaintop. You take in the atmosphere that nature so peacefully has surrounded you in and has so beautifully contrasted with the atmosphere back at home. You feel as if time has stopped. You feel invincible. It ticks at the same rate You regret to think of what awaits at work.

  6. Unfortunately, time waits for no one. As years go on, time slowly eats away at one’s life until it reaches the point of death. The death of a loved one is hard to overcome. In this moment, you cannot spend time with the loved one anymore; you want more, but it is gone. Only then can you spend time thinking of the memories you share with that person. Time cannot rewind. Spend your time now with those that you can. You will never have enough time. It does not wait for anyone

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