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District-wide Electronic Messaging. Presented By: Teresa Toney Manager, Office of Public Stewardship. 18,000+. Intent of Distribution Lists. Connect the Colleges General Announcements MCCCD Operational Activities Announcements = Bulletin Board / Elective Business = Essential
District-wide Electronic Messaging Presented By: Teresa Toney Manager, Office of Public Stewardship
Intent of Distribution Lists • Connect the Colleges • General Announcements • MCCCD Operational Activities • Announcements = Bulletin Board / Elective • Business = Essential • Filtering Tools Available
DL-Maricopa-Business List • Used strictly to notify employees of business matters essential to conduct operations. • Messages should have applicability to all employees. • Appropriate topics include: system-wide alerts, curricular issues, HR matters, mandatory training, Governing Board related info, Chancellor communications, and functional operations.
DL-Maricopa-Announcements List • Used to notify employees of general announcements for District or College sponsored activities. • Examples are: • Course offerings, temporary work assignments, theater productions, college newsletters, etc.
Limitation of Lists • Not a discussion forum. • Not to be used for personal gain. • Not to be used for political (or personal) advocacy. • Must be considered applicable and/or necessary. • Must be related to District or College operations.
What Is A Sponsorship? • Sponsored events are organized by employees acting as an agent for MCCCD. • Sponsored events are District / College approved and fall within the scope of the individual’s employment. • Sponsored events can also be activities that MCCCD as an entity is involved with organizing.
MCCCD Sponsored Activities • Postings requested by a College, external organization, or by the District will be reviewed by an authorized designee and sent through the appropriate DL. • Sponsored activities shall contain the following: College location, name of sponsoring dept./division/employee org. and contact information.
MCCCD Sponsored Activities Cont. • Messages sent on behalf of external organizations must make visible within the email the formal partnership or institutional linkage that they have with the college (i.e. Mesa Life Options and Girls for a Change)
Examples of Inappropriate Emails • Messages of a commercial or personal nature (i.e. personal sales, holiday greetings, last name changes, etc.). • Publicizing of workshops or courses held at external institutions taught by MCCCD employees (no institutional linkage or partnership involved). • Note: Name change emails may be sent to individuals that work directly with the employee.
Know Your Audience • Not all messages apply to everyone. • Target your audience, use the appropriate DL list (i.e. faculty, PSA, MAT, WLG, etc.). • Individual Colleges vs. District as a whole.
DL Instructions • http://memo.maricopa.edu/addressbook.html • In the Basic Search Area, proceed with the following instructions: • Name: DL • Organization: Leave Blank or enter specific location (i.e. DSSC, PC, GC) • Hit “Search”
DL Instructions Cont. • Scroll through populated list, • Select the DL list, • Hit “Show Properties” to list the members of the DL chosen. • Use the selected DL if appropriate.
Photo Copy Test • Give it the “Photo Copy” test • Is this something that we would pay to photo copy (or print) and distribute via inter-campus mail? • If so submit your item as early as two weeks prior to the designated person for review and posting.
How Many Times Is Too Many? • When sending out information, consider what is appropriate and what is annoying. • Messages should be sent out a minimal number of times. • Unless necessary, senders may want to limit the amount of times they send out information to two times. Usually, once is enough.
Images and Links • All images and links are limited to acceptable use standards. • Maximum size: 800KB • Must be relevant to approved content, education related, District/College affiliated, or District/College sponsored web sites or material.
Images and Links Cont. • Links presented for reference purposes must meet the following: • Accuracy, verifiability, and descriptions of the limitations of the research. • All messages must meet the Electronic Communications and Technology Resources Standards (TRS) Administrative Regulation.
Disability Accommodation Include language to allow persons with disabilities the opportunity to make an ADA accommodation Sample of requested language:NOTE: Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation such as a sign language interpreter. Contact [insert respective college or district point of contact] by email at [insert respective email address] or by phone [insert respective phone number]. Requests should be made [insert time frame] to allow time to arrange the accommodation.
Applicability of Standards • Regardless of point of initiation (off campus or on campus) the TRS apply at all times. • Sending emails to all employee groups for the purpose of circumventing the distribution lists process is prohibited and subject to the TRS.
Concerns • Employee concerns should be forwarded through the appropriate channels including: • Your Supervisor, Division Head, Ombudsperson, College Presidents, Vice Chancellors, or the Chancellor.
Enforcement • The practices outlined within the TRS are meant to address the protocol for posting messages District-wide to all employees and all locations. • Employee and constituency groups are encouraged to develop their own standards directing employees to post appropriate messages.
Enforcement Cont. • Supervisors, College Presidents and/or designees must ensure that employees are notified and will comply with all regulations and/or protocols. • Issues related to enforcement will be addressed by the established processes in the job group policy manuals. • Direct any questions related to the TRS or for guidance in evaluating a message to George Kahkedjian or Teresa Toney.
Employee & Constituency Group Distribution Lists • Serve to conduct the affairs of district-sanctioned organizations. • Appropriate for the exchange of dialog related to a group’s operations, policies, procedures, concerns about the institution, etc.. • Example of what is not permissible – external political activity such as promoting a particular candidate or ballot issue, bond election activity.
Groups Lists Cont. • Have had instances where employees have forwarded messages that were felt to be inappropriate and the District was asked to review & respond. • Lists are still subject to the electronic communications and technology resources standards administrative regulations.
Tips • Become familiar with the regulations. • Conduct own self-monitoring. • Formulate protocol for what the group’s executive leadership considers appropriate business use for the distribution list. • For open-unrestricted exchange – consider establishing a list-serve that is not funded with public resources – make participation voluntary where employees who choose to engage in such dialog can sign up.