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The Biography of Charles Dickens (1812 -1870). In honor of Dickens named a crater on mercury. Based on the works of Dickens films: «Oliver Twist», «Dombey and son», «the Christmas story» and others. The budget of «the Christmas story» exceeded $200.000.000.
In honor of Dickens named a crater on mercury. Based on the works of Dickens films: «Oliver Twist», «Dombey and son», «the Christmas story» and others. The budget of «the Christmas story» exceeded $200.000.000
«Dickens was visible expression of the kind of mouthpiece mastered England universal inspiration, gust and intoxicating enthusiasm, calling everyone to high goals. His best works are an enthusiastic hymn to freedom. All his creativity shines by reflected light revolution» Gilbert Chesterton
The Biography Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812, in the town of Land port, near Portsmouth. His father was a wealthy official. His father was a prosperous official, a person rather frivolous, but cheerful and good-natured, with gusto who was the cosines, comfort, which is so cherished every well-off people of old England. Little Charles inherited from the father of many of its quality.
Rich boy's abilities admired parents, and artistically minded father literally spent my young son, forcing him to play a different scene, sharing their experience, to improvise, read poems and so on, Dickens became a little actor, full of self-admiration and vanity. But later Dickens family was forced to make ends meet. Father was put on for many years in a debtor's prison, mother had to fight poverty. The boy was on factory polishes, where he had to stay in difficult conditions.
All her life Dickens believed ruin family and work at the factory is the greatest insult to himself. He did not like to talk about this, he even hid these facts, however, from the bottom of the needs, Dickens drew his passionate love for the oppressed and needy, their understanding of their suffering, understanding of the brutality with which they are faced. From here Dickens made a hatred of the rich, to the dominant classes.
Dickens began his career as a reporter. Political life, interest in parliamentary debate, and to their accompanying events increased the interest of the British public to the press. Try yourself in this case, Dickens was immediately acknowledged by and began to be published in Newspapers. All that bloomed in him in childhood was turning now from his pen, and he was perfectly aware not only that thus he shall bring their ideas to the public, but what makes his career. Literature now was for him a ladder by which he rises to the top of society, while doing a good deed in the name of all mankind.
The first Dickens essays, which he called «Sketches of Bosa», were published in 1836, but remained almost unnoticed. . But Dickens waited dizzying success in the same year, with the advent of the first Chapter of his «Posthumous notes the Pickwick papers». 24-year old young man, inspired by him luck in his book goes past the dark sides of life. He draws old England with various parties, praising her good nature, the abundance of it alive and attractive forces that attracted to her best sons of the petty bourgeoisie. He portrays old England in optimistic, noble old crank, the name of which Mr. Pickwick.
Two years later Dickens made «Oliver Twist» and «Nicholas Nikklbi». Thank Dickens has grown rapidly. His ally saw him and the liberals because they were defending freedom, and conservatives, as they were on the brutality of the new social relations.
«Oliver Twist» (1838) - the story of the orphan who is in the slums of London. Boy meets on its path meanness of the nobility, people criminal and respectable. Cruel fate takes its genuine commitment to an honest life. On the pages of the novel provides images of life and society of England XIX century in all their living splendor and diversity. In this novel acts, as a humanist, claiming the power of good in man.
Talent Dickens bright affects one of the best Dickens novels - «Dombey and son» a Huge series of figures and life of the provisions in this work are amazing. Few novels in the world literature, rich colors and variety of tones can be delivered along with the «Dombey and Son», and among these novels should be placed and some of the later works of the Dickens.
Further weakened humor next largest work Dickens - «David Copperfield» (1849-1850). This novel is largely autobiographical. His intentions are very serious. The spirit of praise old foundations of morality and family, the spirit of protest against the new capitalist England loud sounds and here. We can have different attitudes to «David Copperfield». Some even take it so seriously that is considered his greatest work Dickens.
In the 1850's Dickens reached the Zenith of their glory. He was a minion of fortune - famous writer, a master of doom, and more, in a word, the person, for which the fate of not sparing of gifts. Portrait of Dickens at that time Chesterton described so: «He wore a velvet jacket, some incredible vests, reminiscent of their color completely implausible, sunsets, unprecedented at the time, white hats, brand cambriae. He willingly dressed and stunning gowns; it is even said that he in such clothes, posed for the portrait.
During this sermon, which was so much posturing and nervous, there was a big tragedy. Needs Dickens were beyond his income. Its indiscriminate nature did not allow him to make any order in their Affairs. He not only overly worked, but being a virtuoso reading, received the fees, organizing lectures and reading extracts from his novels. A lot of earning, at the same time he drove themselves to exhaustion. During this sermon, which was so much posturing and nervous, there was a big tragedy. Needs Dickens were beyond his income. Its indiscriminate nature did not allow him to make any order in their Affairs. He not only overly worked, but being a virtuoso reading, received the fees, organizing lectures and reading extracts from his novels. A lot of earning, at the same time he drove themselves to exhaustion. His family life is hard. TIFF with his wife, a difficult relationship with her family, fear of painful children did for Dickens of his family rather a source of constant worries and suffering.
This melancholy pervaded and magnificent novel by Dickens «hard times». This novel is the most powerful literary and artistic blow to capitalism, what was it suffered in those days, and one of the strongest, which he applied.
The end of the literary activity of Dickens was marked by a number of excellent works. The novel «Little Dorrit» (1855 to 1857, is replaced with the famous «Tale of two cities (1859), a historical novel by Dickens, devoted to the French revolution. By this time, are «Great expectations» (1860) - autobiographical novel. The hero of his - PIP - torn between the desire to preserve the bourgeois comfort, stay true to your situation and aspiration up to splendour, luxury and wealth.
The last and unfinished work of Dickens was a novel «the Mystery of Edwin Drood». June 9, 1870 58 th Dickens, but the tremendous effort, rather disorderly life and its many troubles dies from a stroke.
Thank Dickens continued to grow after his death. He was turned into a real God of English literature. His name was next to the name of Shakespeare, his popularity in England 1880-1890's. eclipsed the glory of Lord Byron. But criticism of the reader and tried not to notice his angry protests, its a kind of martyrdom, his racket among the contradictions of life. They do not understand and do not want to understand that humor was often Dickens shield from excessive wound blows of life. On the contrary, Dickens acquired primarily glory merry writer merry old England. Dickens is a great humorist, - that's what you will hear first of all from the mouth of ordinary Englishmen of the various classes of this country.