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DoT Strategic Plan 2010/11-2012/13

DoT Strategic Plan 2010/11-2012/13. Department of Transport. Presentation to Select Committee on Public Services 14 April 2010 Deputy Director-General Dr M Koorts. 1. 1. Outline. National Government Priorities Minister’s Priorities Planning Process DoT Outcomes

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DoT Strategic Plan 2010/11-2012/13

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DoT Strategic Plan2010/11-2012/13 Department of Transport Presentation to Select Committee on Public Services 14 April 2010 Deputy Director-General Dr M Koorts 1 1

  2. Outline National Government Priorities Minister’s Priorities Planning Process DoT Outcomes DoT Outputs & Key Activities Department of Transport Department of Transport 2 2

  3. Government Priorities over MTSF 2010/11-2012/13 Creation of decent work and sustainable livelihoods Education Health Rural Development, food security and land reform The fight against crime and corruption Environmental protection Department of Transport 3

  4. Minister’s Priorities Rural access and mobility interventions Public Transport Interventions Transport Safety and security Infrastructure Development High-level Investment Plan for Transport Transport Integration 2010 World Cup delivery platform Department of Transport 4

  5. Planning Process Followed Results or Outcomes Based Management Model in developing strategic agenda. This is the approach advocated by Presidency & Treasury In process of reviewing organisational design to ensure effective implementation, public entity oversight & resource allocation (see “roadmap” on next slide) Department of Transport 5

  6. Key Service Delivery Issues Department of Transport • How does DOT become the centre of the transport value chain? • Mandates analysis assisted with this • Service delivery model being reviewed • Structure being revised • Coordinating mechanisms being reviewed • Inter-sphere planning being integrated • Transport value chain is point of departure • Mode-based orientation • DoT is coordinator of transport implementation; • DoT needs to provide leadership to the entire sector 6

  7. Key Service Delivery Issues Department of Transport • Is Transport under-funded? • There was additional funding, but this was from a low base; some of the additional funding went for Soccer World Cup • DOT will request additional funding: • Road maintenance • Public transport interventions • Road safety • DOT will also step up efforts to obtain PPP funding 7

  8. Outcomes for the Department of Transport (2010/11-2012/13) OUTCOME 1: An effective and integrated infrastructure network that serves as a catalyst for social and economic development OUTCOME 2: A transport sector that is safe and secure OUTCOME 3: Improved rural access, infrastructure and mobility OUTCOME 4: Improved public transport systems OUTCOME 5: Increased contribution to job creation OUTCOME 6: Increased contribution of transport to environmental protection Department of Transport 8

  9. Outcome 1: An effective and integrated infrastructure network that serves as a catalyst for social and economic development Department of Transport 9

  10. Outcome 1: An effective and integrated infrastructure network that serves as a catalyst for social and economic development Department of Transport 10

  11. Outcome 1: An effective and integrated infrastructure network that serves as a catalyst for social and economic development Department of Transport 11

  12. Outcome 2: A transport sector that is safe and secure Department of Transport 12

  13. Outcome 2: A transport sector that is safe and secure Department of Transport 13

  14. Outcome 2: A transport sector that is safe and secure Department of Transport 14

  15. Outcome 3: Improved rural access, infrastructure and mobility Department of Transport 15

  16. Outcome 3 : Improved rural access, infrastructure and mobility Department of Transport 16

  17. Outcome 4 : Improved public transport systems. Department of Transport 17

  18. Outcome 4 : Improved public transport systems. Department of Transport 18

  19. Outcome 5 : Increased contribution to job creation. Department of Transport 19

  20. Outcome 5 : Increased contribution to job creation. Department of Transport 20

  21. OUTCOME 6: Increased contribution to environmental protection Department of Transport 21

  22. Repositioning of the sector - Planning co-ordination - Stakeholder engagement and communication (ongoing) Institutionalisation - Finalise Corporate and Strategic Plans - Finalise Performance Agreements/ Shareholder Compacts (Refer to guidelines for Performance reporting for DoT public entities for processes to be followed) Service delivery model alignment WAY FORWARD Department of Transport 22

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