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Formalization of Trust, Fraud, and Vulnerability Analysis. Bharat Bhargava, Leszek Lilien, Yuhui Zhong, Yi Lu, Yunhua Lu Department of Computer Sciences Purdue University. http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/bb/NSFtrust.html. Trust-related research questions . Formalization of trust
Formalization of Trust, Fraud,and Vulnerability Analysis Bharat Bhargava, Leszek Lilien, Yuhui Zhong, Yi Lu, Yunhua Lu Department of Computer Sciences Purdue University http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/bb/NSFtrust.html
Trust-related research questions • Formalization of trust • Formalization of evidence • Evidence identification for trust evaluation and prediction • Design of evidence collection mechanisms • Trust evaluation based on multiple types of evidences • Mechanisms to build trust • How to motivate trustor? • Insurance mechanisms and escrow services • How to motivate trustee? • Monitor-and-punish and incentive-based mechanisms • Evaluation methods for trust
Progress and results • Developed an evidence model that accommodates credentials of different formats and supports evaluation of reliability of evidence [1] • Designed a classification algorithm for building user-role profiles in a trust environment [2] • Proposed a framework for adaptive trust assessment [3] • Developed and implemented four trust production rules [3] • Proposed a user behavior models to evaluate trust assessment approaches [3] • Designed and partially implemented a trust-enhanced role mapping server that cooperates with RBAC mechanisms to solve authorization problems in open environments [1]
Fraud-related research questions • Fraud formalization • Categorize fraudsters • Formalize deceiving intentions • Fraud prevention • Is the issue of resistance of biometric authentication to attack an important question for fraud prevention? • Analyze fraud scenarios to construct states and transition actions for state transition analysis • Hinder transitions from normal states to potential fraud states • Fraud detection • Behavior patterns to profile and monitor • Identify patterns classified as anomalous • Avoid false alarms, especially as patterns evolve over time • Design rule generation algorithms to automatically discover fraud rules and to select fraud rule sets with comprehensive coverage, small size, and the required level of accuracy
Progress and results • Modeled three deceiving intentions [4] • Developed a deceiving intention prediction algorithm [4] • Proposed an approach for swindler detection and an architecture realizing the approach [4] • Derived an equilibrium bidding strategy for honest bidders in an English auction existing multiple bidding and shill bidding [5] • Developed a token-based model for fraud detection and prevention [6] • Shown experimentally that false alarm rate is reduced in token-based model compare to cost-based model [6]
Vulnerability-related research issues • Vulnerability and threat analysis • Analyze vulnerabilities and threats in database systems • Solutions for threat avoidance • Solutions for threat tolerance • Analysis of computer security paradigms and effectiveness of methods and tools based on them • Interplay of vulnerabilities, trust, and fraud • Use trust to avoid/tolerate vulnerabilities and threats • Reciprocally, use vulnerability and threat avoidance or tolerance to increase trust among peers • Use analysis of trust, vulnerabilities and threats to reduce fraud (via prevention, detection and tolerance)
Progress and results • Searched vulnerability databases (ICAT, CERT/CC, SecurityFocus, MITRE/CVE, CIRDB, MS, Oracle) [7] • Identified vulnerabilities impacting database integrity (MS, Oracle) [7] • Performing analysis of the vulnerabilities [7] • Performing analysis of computer security paradigms (identifying, classifying, etc.) [8] • Working on a new security paradigm for information security based on trust [8]
References • B. Bhargava and Y. Zhong, "Authorization Based on Evidence and Trust,” in Proc. of Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery Conf. (DaWaK), Sept. 2002. • E. Terzi, Y. Zhong, B. Bhargava, Pankaj, and S. Madria, "An Algorithm for Building User-Role Profiles in a Trust Environment,” in Proc. of Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery Conf. (DaWaK), Sept. 2002. • Y. Zhong, Y. Lu, and B. Bhargava, "Dynamic Trust Production Based on Interaction Sequence," Technical Report, CSD-TR 03-006, Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, March 2003. • B. Bhargava, Y. Zhong, and Y. Lu, "Fraud Formalization and Detection,” in Proc. of Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery Conf. (DaWaK), Sept. 2003. • B. Bhargava, M. Jenamani, and Y. Zhong, "Impact of Privacy Violation on the Fairness of Internet Auctions," submitted for publication. • Y. Lu, L. Lilien, and B. Bhargava, "A Token-based Model for Fraud Detection and Prevention,” Working Paper, Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue U., Sept. 2003. • L. Lilien, T. Morris, and A. Savoy, “Analysis of Data Integrity Vulnerabilities,” Working Paper, Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, Sept. 2003. • L. Lilien and A. Bhargava, "From Vulnerabilities to Trust: A Road to Trusted Computing ,” to appear in Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Internet, Processing, Systems, Interdisciplinaries (IPSI), Sv. Stefan, Serbia and Montenegro, Oct. 2003.