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The Asian Languages Bilingual/ESL Technical Assistance Center A L B E T A C Presents. The 15 th Annual New York State Chinese Painting Contest Award Winning Pieces 2008. Grades K - 1. Honorable Mention - Lucy Zhu PS 206 Joseph Lamb School.
The Asian Languages Bilingual/ESLTechnical Assistance CenterA L B E T A CPresents
The 15th Annual New York State Chinese Painting Contest Award Winning Pieces 2008
Honorable Mention-Lucy Zhu PS 206 Joseph Lamb School I drew a lot of red envelopes because I got lucky money for the new year. I drew some oranges. My family likes to eat oranges at the new year. I drew beautiful flowers. I like flowers. I also copied some Chinese words in my picture. These Chinese words say “Happy Chinese New Year.”
Honorable Mention – Amy Fan Seaford Harbor School China is a country with lots of forests. In the forest lots of animals live. I love the panda bear the most. They are part of our culture and country. I cannot imagine China without pandas.
China is a big country. China has a lot of fun places to visit. This year the famous Olympic Games will be open in China. In my picture the five cute Fuwa Dolls play some sports. They are part of our culture. They show you that Beijing welcomes you! 3rd Place – Winnie Shi 1st Grade Seaford Harbor School
I drew how my family spent the day during Chinese New Year. Early in the morning, my mother went to the relatives’ houses to pass out the red envelopes. My brother and I dressed in special Chinese lion costumes. My brother wore the tail part of the lion, while I wore the head part of the lion. A lot of people were already out on the street. 2nd Place - Mandy Mai- 1st Grade P.S. 105 The Blythebourne
I was born from my mommy’s stomach. I live in the Bronx. I like to watch TV and play Hana Montana toy. I like to draw. My art teacher read a book about the Chinese New Year. She said this is the year of the rat. 1st Place – Natalie Batista Kindergarten P.S. 96 Richard Rodgers
Honorable Mention – Emily Hanley Indian Hollow Primary School Chinese people like to do natural things with their artwork. I used the colors red, blue, black, yellow, and green. I made sure that all of my artwork was nice, pretty, soft, and gentle.
I drew whisker and four sharp teeth on the dragon mouth. And I drew it with wings and colored the wings with different colors. Then I drew it breathing fire out of the dragon’s mouth. Next I drew spikes on its back and a tail with fire. And I drew the dragon curled like a snake. Honorable Mention -Yi Hang Lu, Grade 2 P.S. 105 The Blythebourne
3rd Place-Andy Hims, Grade 5 P.S. 169 The Sunset Park School The Great Wall stretches more than 100 miles. Chinese dragons are used to scare evil spirits or bad luck. Red is the lucky color in China. The flag of China is also red. On Chinese New Year money is put in a little red envelope. I had $200 this year. This year is the Year of Rat.
I drew about Chinese New Year. In my picture, I drew a Dragon and firecrackers because Dragons are important to Chinese people and Chinese people want to wake the Dragon that is why they used firecrackers. 2nd Place-Sung Han Kang, Grade 4 P.S. 169 Bay Terrace Elementary
My Painting is celebrating the Chinese New Year. There are many people and it’s very loud with a happy feeling. The sister is feeding red envelopes filled with moony to the dancing Lion, who symbolizes wealth and luck for the New Year. . There is a firecracker next to the older brother and he is covering his ears because it is so loud! 1st Place - Amanda Weng, Grade 5 P.S. 1 Alfred E. Smith School
I chose to draw this picture because it was about my culture and I love Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year is the most fun and interesting holiday in China. My drawing includes much red color because the red color brings good luck! I chose the mouse as part of the character “FU” (luck) because it represents the Zodiac animal of this Year. Honorable Mention Zhou Lin Wang Grade 8, J.H.S. 185
I made a drawing of a rat in celebration of the Chinese lunar New Year. Aside from the rat, I incorporated the color red as much as I could because red represents good fortune and happiness. I also included the Chinese character “FU” to bring in good luck. I added circles with views of mountains inside to let the viewer have a closer look at the details in my work. The mountains were inspired by traditional Chinese landscape paintings. Honorable Mention – Cheyenne Julien MS/HS 225 Theatre Arts Production Company School
I had a very fun time drawing this picture. It was a sudden idea for me to draw a mouse painting a dragon, and I wanted to not only imagine it, but to immediately draw it as well. It was much of a challenge; which I overcame, to my satisfaction and relief. The poem in the lower left corner is about how a person is waiting for letters from home, whichhas to do with soldiers being in Iraq, who are probably waiting for the day that they can finally return home. 3rd Place - Vitoria Wei Grade 8 Manhasset Middle School
The reason I painted a rooster is because in Chinese culture the rooster is a reminder that we should get up early and have courage. 2nd Place - Lin Yin , Grade 7 J.H.S. 189 Daniel Carter Beard
I drew a pumpkin, and with a rat sitting on it. Also, I added two more rats under the pumpkin, so that would make it realistic. On the top, I drew some chilies and corns to make the whole drawing "propitious" as what Chinese people call it 1st Place - Yi Jie Yang MS 67Louis Pasteur Middle School
画中的鼠怀抱葫芦扣一个“咬”字。相传是鼠咬破混沌,泻出阴阳。鼠腰和鼠前爪图案的黑白也分别意寓“阴”“阳”二字。白色的是2008年奥运会的标志,黑色的是“鼠”字的甲骨文。葫芦上的谷物图案象征传说中鼠为人类带来的谷种。身后的油灯则代表民间儿歌中,鼠用自己的尾巴吃到灯油的机智。油灯上的火焰不仅象征传说中鼠为人类带来的火种,也代表08年北京奥运圣火。灯柱上的橄榄枝意为世界的和平。 Honorable Mention – Zeng Zi Liang William Cullen Bryant High School
我的作品是關於中國古代的“仕女圖”。明清時期是仕女圖發展時期。“仕女圖”不但展現了古代女性的美,更具有獨特的時代特色。我的作品是關於中國古代的“仕女圖”。明清時期是仕女圖發展時期。“仕女圖”不但展現了古代女性的美,更具有獨特的時代特色。 3rd Place - Qi Ting Huang, Grade 10 Manhattan Comprehensive Night & Day High School
3rd Place, Leing Zhang, Grade 9Bayside High School 荷花是我國的傳統名花。它具有花葉清秀,花香四溢。有迎驕陽而不懼,出淤泥而不染得氣質。所以荷花在人們心目中是真善美的化身,吉祥豐興的預兆,是佛教中神怪淨潔的名物,也是友誼的種子。我真心希望, 荷花文化能在弘揚和平、和諧文化的進程中,也能被更多的人所了解和熟知。
This picture I drew is from a photo that I took during the travel in China. When I saw the Great Wall for the first time, I was amazed by its infinite length which seemed not to end at all. My work shows celebrating of the Great Wall, great Chinese culture with a show of fireworks in the night sky. I didn’t draw the end of the wall because it never seemed to be end. It fades away in my picture. The reason that I drew the Great Wall is because I had the firsthand experience of visiting itand and learning about it. 2nd Place – Seo Yoon Koo Jericho High School
這幅作品是一幅描述中國文化的鉛筆畫作品,我以爲中國文化樸實且自然。所以樸實的黑白風格比較適合這個主題。作品中的石獅兵馬俑、天壇、熊貓等等。無論哪一樣都是中國所獨有的特色。這都是中國人智慧與汗水的結晶。而將這一切“包圍”起來的是由長城所變化成的龍。因爲中國文化博大且歷史悠久。並不是單單用一樣文化產物所能表達的。所以我選擇了使用多樣性的“代表”來表現主題。而龍與長城將這連接起來,來增加整體感。這幅作用重點在於表達中國各個文化緊緊相連,不能彼此分離,並且豐富多彩。 1st Place, Xiao Fei Zhu 朱曉菲, Grade 12 Newcomers High School