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Street Smart Implementation Webinar

Join the Street Smart Implementation Webinar by Cicatelli Associates Inc. on September 10, 2009, for insights on implementation costs, pre-implementation activities, and common considerations. Learn about strategies for addressing implementation issues.

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Street Smart Implementation Webinar

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Street SmartImplementation Webinar September 10, 2009 Cicatelli Associates Inc. Public Health Solutions

  2. Objectives of the Implementation Webinar • List three potential implementation costs • State two pre-implementation activities • List three common implementation considerations and how to address them • Discuss strategies on addressing identified implementation issues

  3. Agenda I. Welcome and Introductions II. Review Street Smart basics: Quiz 10 session overview review III. Introduction to the Implementation Manual (IM) Review the purpose of IM and what it’s used for Discuss pre-implementation activities IV. Best Practices for Implementing Street Smart Recruitment and Retention Staffing External Factors V. Q&A and Wrap Up

  4. Main Goals Quiz True or False? 1. Street Smart aims to reduce HIV transmission risks related to injection drug use. • Street Smart aims to help youth reduce high risk sexual behavior • Street Smart aims to help youth increase their self-esteem • Street Smart aims to help youth reduce their substance use

  5. Goals of Street Smart The main goals of Street Smart are to reduce high risk sexual behavior and substance use

  6. Core Elements 1. Enhancing affective and cognitive awareness, expression and control 2. Teaching risk hierarchy and its personal application 3. Using peer support to train in recognizing triggers for personal risk 4. Building skills in problem solving, assertiveness and HIV/AIDS harm reduction

  7. Key Characteristics • What are key characteristics? • Structural – e.g. How many participants should be in a Street Smart group? 3. Tools and techniques - Name two tools used in Street Smart.

  8. Theoretical Model • Based on Social Learning Theory • Utilizes a Cognitive-behavioral approach

  9. 10 Sessions of Street Smart Session 1: Getting the Language of HIV & STD’s Session 2: Personalized Risk Session 3: How to use Condoms Session 4: Drugs and Alcohol Session 5: Recognizing and Coping with Feelings Session 6: Negotiating Effectively Session 7: Self Talk Session 8: Safer Sex Session 9: Individual Session Session 10: Trip to a Community Resource

  10. Implementation Manual

  11. Staffing-Facilitators Members of the street smart facilitation team should: •Have experience working with at-risk youth • Have experience in youth group facilitation • Be able to bridge theory and practice • Be sensitive to possible youth experience related to HIV • Understand underlying principles of Street Smart • Understand behavioral theories that underlie Street Smart • Understand adolescent development and its impact on HIV risk behaviors

  12. Staffing-Program Managers Responsible for: • Organizing logistics • Supervising facilitators • Conducting monitoring and evaluation activities • Developing and maintaining stakeholder relationships

  13. Resource Considerations • Meeting Space • Equipment and Supplies • Services and Support for Youth

  14. Adaptation • Core Elements and Key Characteristics • Fundamentals • Fidelity

  15. Recruitment and Retention Q: What strategies have you used for recruiting your target population? Q: What retention strategies have you used?

  16. Recruitment • Involve Everyone • Develop a Plan • Use Your CAB • Designate Recruiters • Employ a Variety of Strategies • Utilize Existing Networks • Know Your TP • Provide Appropriate Incentives

  17. Retention • Create an Appropriate Atmosphere • Inclusion and Positive Reinforcement • Use Your CAB • Find an Appropriate Location • Thoughtful Administration • Provide Appropriate Incentives

  18. Training • TOF • 2 trained facilitators • TOF is not a TOT

  19. External Factors • Establish MOAs with Relevant Agencies • Develop Strong Referral Systems • Cultivate Administrative and Senior Support

  20. Wrap up • Download IM: • Q & A

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