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Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services By Elizabeth Chung, MS Easten Law, MA The Learning Institute For Enrichment & Discovery October 16, 2010.
Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services By Elizabeth Chung, MS Easten Law, MA The Learning Institute For Enrichment & Discovery October 16, 2010
Capacity building is defined as the "process of developing and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes and resources that organizations and communities need to survive, adapt, and thrive in the fast-changing world." (Ann Philbin, Capacity Building in Social Justice Organizations Ford Foundation, 1996) Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
Why Capacity Building in Community Health? It gives fluidity, flexibility and functionality of an organization to operate within its cultural competency in order to accommodate to the changing needs of the population that is served. Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
Background ~LIFE & Discovery • Founded in 2004. Minority led (primarily of Asian decent) community based organization • Vision – There is quality of life through education. • Mission • Promote Asian languages and culture • Improve access to health and human services • Advocate Citizenship and Language Access • Develop community leadership • Awarded by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to develop the “Frederick County Minority Outreach & Technical Assistance” Project (FCMOTA) Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
Capacity building through “MOTA” (Minority Outreach & Technical Assistance) “Bringing together diverse entities for the empowerment of the whole.” Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
The CRFP established the “Minority Outreach & Technical Assistance Program” (MOTA) to promote effective involvement of minorities in CFRP throughout the StateCapacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS Background ~ MOTA
SUSTAINABLE MINORITY OUTREACHAND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (SMOTA) Methodology Adopted CDC Scientific Outreach Tool Expanding MOTA Methodology for Capacity Building and Sustainable Development Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
SUSTAINABLE MINORITY OUTREACHAND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (SMOTA) Adopted CDC Scientific Outreach Tool • PHASE I – Engagement • Prepare to engage the community • Formulate and clarify MOTA goals • Seek to understand minority communities • PHASE II – Outreach • Establish relationships in each minority community • Encourage and foster empowerment in communities Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
PHASE III –Technical Assistance Facilitate partnership for social change Recognize and respect diversity Develop and enhance capacities Place the community at center of change process Encourage strategic planning in each community PHASE IV – Sustainability Facilitate and sustain resource development Develop infrastructure to sustain minority groups Institutionalize partnerships & foster Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS SUSTAINABLE MINORITY OUTREACHAND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (SMOTA) Adopted CDC Scientific Outreach Tool
L&D + MOTA = FCMOTA NETWORK • 2005 – L&D was a sub-grantee to MOTA through the Frederick Memorial Health System • 2006 – Present, L&D became the lead grantee for Frederick County and formed FCMOTA • FCMOTA include faith-based, foundations, community service agencies, business, ethnic organizations, immigrant advocacy groups • FCMOTA groups participate in regional and state training sessions focused on cancer and tobacco intervention
FCMOTA Program • Goal Statement: The goal of the Frederick County Minority Outreach and Technical Assistance (FCMOTA) is to assist the CRFP Program to reduce tobacco use and cancer mortality among minorities throughout the State of Maryland.
MOTA: FY 2010 Objectives • Objective 1: To increase the education and awareness of minorities on tobacco related illnesses, the consequences of tobacco use, tobacco prevention/cessation, minority cancer disparities, and local cancer screening opportunities, by the end of FY 2010. • Objective 2: To increase the recruitment and training of minorities to actively participate in and advocate for the health service needs of targeted minorities in the Local Cancer and Tobacco Community Health Coalitions, by the end of FY 2010. • Objective 3: To increase the number of minorities that seek cancer screening opportunities, by the end of FY 2010. • Objective 4: To increase the number of minorities that seek tobacco cessation program opportunities, by the end of FY 2010. Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
FCMOTA 2010 Performance Measures • 8654 culturally appropriate health education materials distributed to minorities • 17 cultural events/health sessions conducted targeting minorities • 10 minorities recruited for local Cancer Coalition • 3986 minority person received cancer / tobacco education Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
FCMOTA 2010 Performance Measures • 21 minority organizations / persons were provided with technical assistance • 38 minority organizations / persons were trained on advocacy on cancer prevention. • 22 health education sessions were conducted for minority persons. • 47 Cancer screening and Quitline referrals were made Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
The FCMOTA Pledges: • 1) Targets outreach efforts to other Asian and minorities through community leadership and community networks. • 2) Establishes relationships and secures commitments with Asian and other minority community based consultants and organizations Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
The FCMOTA Pledges: • 3) Community development is a process dedicated to connecting people, ideas, and resources in a culturally appropriate way to improve health conditions in and across communities. • 4) Through well-organized and sustained community development efforts, communities identify their needs, develop an agenda with goals and objectives, then build the capacity to plan and take action to address these needs and enhance community well-being. Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS ..
The FCMOTA Pledges: • 5) Capacity building efforts that create relationships and exchange knowledge across cultures bring people together and strengthen communities. • 6) The FCMOTA partners bring together diverse entities to offer leadership, time, knowledge, creativity, and hard work to establish community partnerships and collaborations for the empowerment of the whole community. Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
FCMOTA Methodology Community Development Strategies Capacity Building Strategies Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES • Subcontract other community-based minority organizations • Link FCMOTA organizations together into a network • Secure support from the local health department • Collaborate local health department to establish disparities reduction goals for tobacco and cancer programs • Exchange work plans and partner on community education, screening and outreach Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
CAPACITY BUILDING STRATEGIES • Perform S.W.O.T. analysis of the local Asian communities • Mapping of local assets of bilingual and bicultural resources • Develop local leaders (including youth) with the understanding, skills and access to information, knowledge and training related to health promotion and disease prevention. Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
CAPACITY BUILDING STRATEGIES – (Continued) • Develop organizational management structures, processes and procedures within L&D. • Facilitate the management of organizational relationships between the different FCMOTA partners, organizations and sectors (public, private and community). • Apply the SMOTA Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
The FCMOTA is the key entity to bring the pieces of the puzzle together!!!! FCMOTA Women's Groups
Human Resource FCPS – ELL Program Asian American / Asian Pacific Islander Commission
Job/economic Development Activities Immigrant Services CBO Business Consultant/ CBO Women’s Groups Events and Activities Organizational Relations Health and Human Services / CBO Women’s Consultant/ CBO Asian American/ Asian Pacific Islander Consultant/ CBO
African American Community Based Organizations Hispanic / Latino Community Events and Activities Hispanic / Latino Community Based Organizations Women's Groups American Indian/ Alaska Native Community Based Organizations Asian American / Asian Pacific Islander Community Based Organizations
Each of us has a role to play. We all have a piece of the puzzle to contribute to the reduction in smoking, control of cancer, and the overall improvement of health among minorities. Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
We can achieve sustainable positive outcomes when all segments of the community work together to make the vision of healthy communities a reality. Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
Acknowledgement This slide presentation was made possible by the technical support of Truemenda C. Green, MA Grants Program Manager/ CRFP/MOTA 201 W. Preston Street, rm 500 Baltimore, MD 21201 410-767-8954 tcgreen@dhmh.state.md.us Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS
CONTACT Elizabeth Chung, MS Executive Director LIFE & Discovery, Inc. 1 West Second Street Frederick MD 21701 301-788-2870 echung@lifeanddiscovery.com www.lifeanddiscovery.com Capacity Building in Small Town America to Improve Multi-Cultural Health Care Education, Access and Services. - Elizabeth Chung, MS