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Put Project in Basket. SIN #19. In your foldable, write the name of the government type on the front and the definition on the inside. Be as detailed as possible. There will be a quiz on Monday using both definitions and examples for each government system. Government Systems (isms).
SIN #19 In your foldable, write the name of the government type on the front and the definition on the inside. Be as detailed as possible. There will be a quiz on Monday using both definitions and examples for each government system. Government Systems (isms) 1.Anarchy- absence of government, people pull together to support each other 2. Communism- all property is given to the state/community and is divided up according to people’s needs 3. Capitalism (260) 4. Conservatism (265) 5. Democracy (136) 6. Dictatorship ( 300) 7. Fascism (471) 8. Feudalism (155-156) 9. Liberalism (266-67) 10. Monarchy (176) 11. Nationalism (234) 12. Socialism (261)- distribute goods based on quality and quantity of work performed 13. Totalitarianism (471) 14. Utopianism (261)
Examples SIN #19 • In your SIN # 1-14 • Read the example and choose what you think is the correct government system described.
1. Anarchy Maggie is a farmer and goes to Paul, a doctor when she gets sick. Paul does not charge her anything for these doctor visits but when he needs food he goes to Maggie to get it. Everyone in the community helps each other and works together out of the goodness of their heart
2. Monarchy Mary’s mother is ruler of the town and after Mary’s mother dies, Mary will be next in line to rule due to her birthright. She will make the decisions for her town once she is in charge.
3. Socialism Summer has a Pepsi bottling company. Every week Summer gives all her Pepsi product to the government. Based on the amount of Pepsi Summer produced that week, she gets a certain percentage back. When she produces more Pepsi in her factory, she gets more back to keep. But when she produces less Pepsi, she gets less back to keep.
4. Fascism Jon is in control of almost all aspects of his country except religion and he cares more about the country then the individual people in it.
5. Dictatorship Mark is very popular and has a large group of friends. He challenges Rick, the current top athlete at school, to a basketball game. After beating Rick and his group, Mark is now the top athlete at the school because he took power by force.
6. Feudalism Jamie is a serf who is tied to the land and works for Robert who is the owner of the land. Every month a tax collector comes to take a portion of Robert’s crop to give to the king and queen who rule over the country Robert and Jamie live in.
7. Capitalism There is no student store on campus. Instead any student can sell whatever they want (food, drinks, art, music etc) at any price to try and make a profit.
8. Democracy On the first day of school the teacher asks the students to come up with the class rules and all students vote on the rules they want to keep and obey.
9. Communism The government takes all the corn from Steve’s farm and all the t-shirts made from April’s factory and divides them equally among the people of the state according to their need.
10. Utopianism Star Trek- there is no starvation, homelessness, no war, everyone is well taken care of and happy.
11. Totalitarianism Parents Judy and Chris are in total control of all aspects of their new son’s life including religion, beliefs and values.
12. Nationalism Placing a American flag outside your house on July 4th
13. Liberalism President Obama’s political values wanting to change the status quo.
14. Conservatism George W. Bush wanted to keep the status quo and maintain the stability and tradition.
Free Response Question Using your own knowledge and experiences, evaluate which government system do you think is best? Is that type of government even possible today? What challenges might be faced? Explain your answer using appropriate supportive/persuasive evidence. Argument must be at least ½ page