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Java Programming Matt Tsai

Java Programming Matt Tsai. JavaOne. Outline. SDK and tools Object-Oriented Programming Java concept. Java Development Kit (JDK). JDK 1.4 ( http://java.sun.com ) Other tools — kawa ,UltraEdit,EditPlus jar xvf src.jar jar cvf myClass.jar test1.class [test2.class] …. JDK 主要程式.

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Java Programming Matt Tsai

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  1. Java Programming Matt Tsai

  2. JavaOne

  3. Outline • SDK and tools • Object-Oriented Programming • Java concept

  4. Java Development Kit (JDK) • JDK 1.4 (http://java.sun.com) • Other tools—kawa,UltraEdit,EditPlus • jar xvf src.jar • jar cvf myClass.jar test1.class [test2.class]…

  5. JDK主要程式 • javac:java的編譯器,source code->byte code • javac HelloWorld.java HelloWorld.class • java:java的解譯器 • java HelloWorld • appletviewer:java的解譯器,可以執行HTML檔案中的applet程式 • 在HelloWorld.html檔案中加入 <applet code=HelloWorld.class width=300 height=400></applet> • appletviewer HelloWorld.html • 其他:javadoc,jdb,javah,javap,etc.

  6. Java程式的執行 • 假設JDK安裝在c:\jdk1.4 • autoexec.bat中加入 • Set path= %path%;.;c:\jdk1.4\bin • Classpath以前舊的版本要加,現在的版本不用加,除非是自己定義的且不在程式目前所在的目錄 • Set classpath=%classpath%;d:\myJava

  7. Java程式的執行(classpath) Set classpath=%classpath%;d:\myJava E:\Hello.java D:\myJava\iecs.java import iecs; public class Hello{ public static void main(String args[]){ iecs myIECS=new iecs(); System.out.println(myIECS.Information()); } } public class iecs{ public iecs(){ } public String Information(){ return " Hello World!!!"; } } D:\myJava\java iecs.java  E:\javac Hello.java  E:\java Hello  Hello World!!!

  8. Java程式的執行(package) Set classpath=%classpath%;d:\myJava E:\Hello.java D:\myJava\edu\fcu\iecs\iecs.java import edu.fcu.iecs.*; public class Hello{ public static void main(String args[]){ iecs myIECS=new iecs(); System.out.println(myIECS.Information()); } } D:\myJava\jar cvf myJava.jar edu Set classpath=%classpath%;d:\myJava\myJava.jar package edu.fcu.iecs; public class iecs{ public iecs(){ } public String Information(){ return " Hello World!!!"; } } D:\myJava\edu\fcu\iecs\java iecs.java  E:\javac Hello.java  E:\java Hello  Hello World!!!

  9. Object-Oriented Programming • 封裝 • 資訊隱藏 • 繼承性 • 多型:同一個函式在多個類別中 • 繼承 • Overloading(同名但參數相異) • 介面

  10. private int ID; private String name; getInformation() setup(…) reset() 封裝,資訊隱藏 Class MyObject{ private int ID; private String name; public void getInformation(){ System.out.println(ID+”:”+name); } public void setup(int ID,String name){ this.ID=ID; this.name=name; } private void reset(){ } } MyObject

  11. 封裝,資訊隱藏 public class Test{ public static void main(String argv[]){ MyObject MyObj=new MyObject(); MyObj.setup(123,”ChinYiTsai”); System.out.println(MyObj.ID+”:”+MyObj.name); MyObj.getInformation(); MyObj.reset(); } }

  12. A 繼承性 B C D E F

  13. public class Parent{ Parent(){ } public void funcation1(){ System.out.println(“Parent”); } } public interface MyInterface{ } public class Child extends Parent { public void function1(){ System.out.println(“child”); } public void function2(){ System.out.println(“child child”); } } implements MyInterface

  14. Java Concept • First Program(Hello World) • Java 類別函式庫 • Abstract class and Interface • Inner class • Static • this

  15. //import java.io.*; //import javax.swing.*; public class HelloWord{ public static void main(String argv[]){ System.out.println(“Hello Word”); } } 檔名必須為HelloWorld.java 程式的進入點 不必先new一個實體即可使用

  16. 繼承JFrame類別 import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class HelloWord extends JFrame{ JButton Button_hello; JLabel Label_hello; HelloWord(){ Container con=getContentPane(); con.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); Button_hello=new Jbutton(“Hello Button”); Label_hello=new Jlabel(“Hello Label”); con.add(Label_hello); con.add(Button_hello); } public static void main(String argv[]){ HelloWord helloword=new HelloWord(); helloword.setBounds(0,0,400,400); helloword.setVisible(true); } } 設定版面管理 建構子 加入Container 實體化

  17. Java類別函式庫 • java.applet • java.io • java.awt • javax.swing • java.awt.event • org.omg.CORBA • …

  18. Abstract class and Interface • Abstract class • 不能直接使用,須以繼承(extends)的方式才可以 • Interface • 以implements的方式來實作

  19. public interface windowListener extends EventListener{ public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e){ } public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){ } public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e){ } public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e){ } public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e){ } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e){ } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e){ } } public WinHandler implements windowListener{ public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e){ } public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){ System.exit(1); } public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e){ } public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e){ } public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e){ } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e){ } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e){ } }

  20. Inner class public class A{ int ID; A(){ } public void A2(){ } class B{ B(){ A2(); } } } Class A Class B

  21. public class Sample{ private JTextArea show_textatea; private JButton button; Sample(){ Container con=getContentPane(); show_textarea=new JTextArea(20,20); button=new Jbutton(“show”); con.add(button); con.add(show_textatea); button.addActionListener(new ActionHandler()); } class ActionHandler implements ActionListener{ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ show_textarea.append("textfield\n"); } } }

  22. public class Sample{ JTextArea show_textatea; JButton button; Sample(){ Container con=getContentPane(); show_textarea=new JTextArea(20,20); button=new Jbutton(“show”); con.add(button); con.add(show_textatea); button.addActionListener(new ActionHandler(this)); } } class ActionHandler implements ActionListener{ Sample samp; ActionHandler(Sample samp){ this.samp=samp; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ samp.show_textarea.append("textfield\n"); } }

  23. 匿名內部類別 • public class sample{ • Sample(){ • … • button.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ • public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ • show_textarea.append("textfield\n"); • } • }); • } • }

  24. Static • 類別載入即自動建立 • 不須實體化即可使用 public class TryWin{ static JFrame aWin=new JFrame(“This is the Window”); public static void main(String args[]){ aWin.setBounds(0,0,400,400); aWin.setVisible(true); } } JFrame aWin=new JFrame(“This is the Window”);

  25. public class Color extends Object implements Paint, Serializable{ public static final Coloryellow public static ColorgetColor(Stringnm) … } JFrame MyFrame=new JFrame(); Color myColor=new Color(); MyFrame.setBackground(myColor.yellow); MyFrame.setBackground(myColor.getColor(“yellow”));

  26. JavaTwo

  27. Outline • Object-Oriented Programming • Class and Object • Abstract class and interface • Books • Practice • Schedule

  28. Object-Oriented Programming • 封裝 • 資料隱藏 • 繼承性

  29. private int ID; private String name; getInformation() setup(…) reset() 封裝,資訊隱藏 Class MyObject{ private int ID; private String name; public void getInformation(){ System.out.println(ID+”:”+name); } public void setup(int ID,String name){ this.ID=ID; this.name=name; } private void reset(){ } } MyObject

  30. 封裝,資料隱藏 public class Test{ public static void main(String argv[]){ MyObject MyObj=new MyObject(); MyObj.setup(123,”ChinYiTsai”); System.out.println(MyObj.ID+”:”+MyObj.name); MyObj.getInformation(); MyObj.reset(); } }

  31. A public class A{ public void A1(){} public void A2(){} } A1 A2 繼承性 B public class B extends A{ public B3(){} } A1 A2 B3 C public class C extends B{ public void B3(){…} public void C4(){} } A1 A2 B3 C4

  32. 不可以被繼承 • final • public static final int FINAL • public final class Test • static • public static int ID; • public static boolean isStatic(intmod) • private • private int ID • private funtion1()

  33. Class and Object 存取控制

  34. public class MyObject { private int ID; private String name; public void getInformation(){ System.out.println(ID+”:”+name); } public void setup(int ID,String name){ this.ID=ID; this.name=name; } private void reset(){ } } public class Test { public static void main(String argv[]){ MyObject MyObj=new MyObject(); MyObj.setup(123,”ChinYiTsai”); System.out.println(MyObj.ID+”:”+MyObj.name); MyObj.getInformation(); MyObj.reset(); } }

  35. public class System extends Object{ public static final PrintStreamout; . . . } public class HelloWord{ public static void main(String argv[]){ System.out.println(“Hello Word”); } } 程式的進入點 public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream{ public void println(boolean x){…} public void println(char x) {…} public void println(char[] x) {…} public void println(double x) {…} public void println(float x) {…} public void println(int x) {…} public void println(long x) {…} public void println(Object x) {…} public void println(String x) {…} … } 屬於類別,不屬於任何物件

  36. Class and Object • Class • 類別欄位 • 類別方法 • 實體欄位 • 實體方法 • 成員類別 • Object: Class1 obj=new Class1();

  37. 類別欄位 實體欄位 類別方法 實體方法 成員類別 public class Test{ public static int class_ID; public int obj_ID; public ststic void class_Function(){ } public void obj_Function(){ } class Test1{ … } }

  38. 類別轉換 • 子類別型別的物件可視為父類型別的物件 • Object o=new Object() • String s=new String() • o=s (子->父) ; s=(String)o (父->子)

  39. 內部類別 • 成員類別 • 與所處類別的實體相關連 • 不可含有static欄位,方法,類別 • 介面不可被定義為成員類別 • 匿名類别 • 沒有名字 • 類別很小 • 使用一次 • 馬上使用

  40. 內部類別 public class A{ int ID; A(){ } public void A2(){ } class B{ B(){ A2(); } } } Class A Class B

  41. public class Sample{ private JTextArea show_textatea; private JButton button; Sample(){ Container con=getContentPane(); show_textarea=new JTextArea(20,20); button=new Jbutton(“show”); con.add(button); con.add(show_textatea); button.addActionListener(new ActionHandler()); } class ActionHandler implements ActionListener{ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ show_textarea.append("textfield\n"); } } }

  42. Mybutton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ System.out.println(“click button”); } } ); public class ActionHandler implements ActionListener{

  43. Abstract class and Interface • Abstract class • 至少含有一個抽象方法,也可以有已實作的方法 • Interface • 介面中的方法是抽象方法,若沒有完全實作,則會變作抽象類別 • 可多重繼承與實作

  44. public abstract class Car{ public abstract void move(); public abstract void stop(); public void back(){ System.out.println(“back”); } } public class March extends Car{ March(){ } public void move(){ } public void stop(){ back(); } }

  45. public interface user{ public void setNumber(int num); public void setTime(int time); public void getInformation(); } public class student implements user{ public void setNumber(int num){… } public void setTime(int time){… } public void getInformation(){… } … } public abstract class student2 implements user{ public void setTime(int time){… } public void getInformation(){… } … }

  46. public class Test extends Object implements Interface1,Interface2,Interface3,Interface4{ … } public interface MyInterface extends Interface1, Interface2,Interface3{ … }

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