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SPC Faculty Scholarship

SPC Faculty Scholarship. 2003-2011. 2008 and 2011 Study. Data on SPC faculty scholarship were obtained during two studies. A study conducted in 2008 covered scholarly outcomes from 2003 until 2007. A subsequent study that was conducted in 2011 covered 2008 until 2010.

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SPC Faculty Scholarship

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  1. SPC Faculty Scholarship 2003-2011

  2. 2008 and 2011 Study • Data on SPC faculty scholarship were obtained during two studies. A study conducted in 2008 covered scholarly outcomes from 2003 until 2007. • A subsequent study that was conducted in 2011 covered 2008 until 2010. • All data collected were based on self-reports from SPC faculty members. • All full-time faculty were asked to supply data to the Office of Faculty Research and Sponsored Program through email solicitations and follow-up telephone calls.

  3. Response Rates • For the 2008 study, 97% of the faculty voluntarily provided data. • For the 2011 study, 92% of the faculty voluntarily provided data.

  4. Categories 2008 Study 1. Peer-reviewed journal articles 2. Books 3. Book chapters 4. Edited books 5. Grants 6. Published peer-reviewed abstracts 7. Other publications 8. Conference presentations 2011 Study 1. Consulting 2. Unfunded grant proposals 3. Service to the community 4. Participation in professional organizations 5. External partnerships/collaborations 6. Other outcomes

  5. Peer-reviewed articles- Compared to 2003 the number of manuscripts that SPC faculty members have published in peer-reviewed journals in 2010 has more than doubled. In 2003 faculty members published an average of 0.15 peer-reviewed articles compared to 0.31, or about one every three years, in 2010. This difference is statistically significant at the p<.05 level [t(84)=2.005, p=.048].

  6. Books – In 2003 very few books were published by SPC faculty members. In fact only one was reported. That number has increased and in the last five years. Although one book was published in 2006, in 2007 there were six, in 2008 there were seven, in 2009 there were six, and in 2010 seven books were published by SPC faculty.

  7. Book chapters – The number of book chapters published by SPC faculty since 2003 has significantly increased [t(84)=2.75, p=.007].

  8. Edited books –

  9. Grants– The number of grants that SPC are part of has increased significantly since 2003 [t(86)=2.40, p=.019]. It has also increase in the last five years (since 2006) [t(84)=2.01, p=.048]

  10. Peer-reviewed abstracts–

  11. Other publications– The number of other publications by SPC faculty has significantly increased since 2003 [t(83)=2.17, p=.033].

  12. Conference presentations–

  13. Total publications– The number of total publications by SPC faculty has significantly increased since 2003 [t(81)=3.07, p=.003].

  14. Consulting–

  15. Unfunded grant proposals–

  16. Service to the community–

  17. Participation in professional organizations–

  18. External partnerships and collaborations– The number of SPC faculty engaged in an external partnership or collaborations has significantly increased since 2008 [t(106)=2.11, p=.037].

  19. Other outcomes– The number of book chapters published by SPC faculty since 2003 has significantly increased [t(84)=2.75, p=.007].

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