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Parallelism COS 597C. David August David Walker. Goals. To compare and contrast a variety of different programming languages and programming styles imperative programming (threads, shared memory, vector machines)
ParallelismCOS 597C David August David Walker
Goals • To compare and contrast a variety of different programming languages and programming styles • imperative programming (threads, shared memory, vector machines) • functional programming (nested data parallelism, asychronous, functional reactive programming) • implementation techniques (GPUs, vector flattening) • new languages (Cilk, StreamIt, Map-Reduce, Sawzall, Dryad)
Course Organization • A series of relatively independent modules • Students in the class will be assigned to different modules and help develop content for them • lectures • assignments for other students • Workload • some time preparing (learning) material for other students • some time working on exercises, topic-oriented projects • lots of group work
Walker’s Modules • Asynchronous and Reactive Functional Programming • Software Transactional Memory • Nested Data Parallelism • Massively Parallel Systems (cloud computing) • A unifying theme: F# • a modern functional programming language with strong support for concurrency & access to lots of libraries
Asynchronous, Reactive Programming • Technology Goals: • responsiveness & concurrency • in a GUI to respond to users rapidly • in a web browser to hide network latency • in a robot controller to respond to environmental changes • in a network controller to structure code for controlling a set of routers • in a programmed animation to write computations over time • Old-fashioned way: • call-backs, explicit event-based programming with tricky control-flow • New-fangled way: • an asynchronous concurrency monad “workflow” that helps structure programs
open System.Net open Microsoft.FSharp.Control.WebExtensions let urlList = [ "Microsoft.com", "http://www.microsoft.com/" "MSDN", "http://msdn.microsoft.com/" "Bing", "http://www.bing.com" ] let fetchAsync(name, url:string) = async { try let uri = new System.Uri(url) let webClient = new WebClient() let! html = webClient.AsyncDownloadString(uri) printfn "Read %d characters for %s" html.Length name with | ex -> printfn "%s" (ex.Message); } let runAll() = urlList |> Seq.map fetchAsync |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore runAll() introduce async computation run asynchronously, queueing the rest of the computation run set of asynchs in parallel
Asynchronous, Reactive Programming • Stuff we’ll learn • how to structure reactive programs using asynchronous workflows and monads • what a monad is and how to build different kinds of monads in F# • non-standard applications: programming routers (Frenetic), programming robots (Yampa), and programming animations (Fran) • Possible projects/assignments • the mechanics of how to implement functional reactive programming infrastructure
(Software) Transactional Memory • Technology Goals: • to simplify parallel programming by providing programmers with the illusion that the instructions of a transaction are executed atomically • a programmer does not have to reason about the possible interleavings of the instructions of a particular block of program code with all other instructions in the program
v := x.item; x.item := v + 1; v := x.item; x.item := v + 1; If x.item starts as 1. What are its final results?
val readTVar : TVar<'a> -> Stm<'a>val writeTVar : TVar<'a> -> 'a -> Stm<unit> val : atomically : Stm<'a> -> 'a let incr x = stm { let! v = readTVar x let! _ = writeTVar x (v+1) return v } let incr2 x = stm { let! _ = incr x let! v = incr x return v } atomic increment introduce atomic block composable transactions incr x |> atomically incr x |> atomically
(Software) Transactional Memory • Stuff we’ll learn • programming paradigms, pros and cons of STMs • software transactions can be phrased as another form of monad workflow • implementation techniques • hardware support • Possible projects/assignments • structuring scientific apps as STMs
Nested Data Parallel Programming • Technology Goals • enable simple, concise, high-level expression of parallel algorithms • provide a clear, machine-independent cost model for algorithm design
select lower elements in parallel select equal elements in parallel let r = new System.Random(); let rec quicksort (s : Nesl.vector<int>) = if s.Length < 2 then s else let pivot = Nesl.choose r s let les = Nesl.filter ((>) pivot) s let eqs = Nesl.filter ((=) pivot) s let ges = Nesl.filter ((<) pivot) s let answers = Nesl.map quicksort [| les; ges |] Nesl.concat [| Nesl.get answers 0; eqs; Nesl.get answers 1 |] select lower elements in parallel quicksort in parallel create concatenation in parallel
Nested Data Parallel Programming • Stuff we’ll learn • data parallel design patterns and algorithms over vectors, matrices and graphs • cost model for data parallel programs • work, depth and relation to real machines • implementation techniques • vector flattening & cost guarantees • Possible projects/assignments • parallelizing “hard-to-parallelize” algorithms • parallelizing high-value scientific applications • genomics algorithms • implementation infrastructure in F#
Massively Parallel Systems • Technology goal • Make it easy to program applications that scale to google-sized workloads • counting all the words on all the web pages in the world • filtering rss feeds for everyone with google reader installed • managing all amazon clients • DNA sequencing and analysis • Fault tolerance & performance
reduce map f g g g f f g g g f web pages
Massively Parallel Systems • What we’ll learn • language design for programming massively parallel systems • map-reduce, sawzall, dryad, azure • interesting things from guest speakers from Microsoft & Google • Possible projects/assignments • implementing high-value scientific apps