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Gospel of Luke. Study Packet McQuaid Jesuit Mr. Kilbridge. Passage #3 (2:1-38). John = national figure (Judea, “King Herod”); Jesus = world-wide (“Augustus”)
Gospel of Luke Study Packet McQuaid Jesuit Mr. Kilbridge
Passage #3 (2:1-38) • John = national figure (Judea, “King Herod”); Jesus = world-wide (“Augustus”) • Currently Nazareth, originally Bethlehem (family); Judea Nazareth (dream). Yes, but there seems to be a desire to explain the move (census, dream) • Do not appear in other gospels – represent lowly • “on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests” suggests God is responsible for bringing peace.
Simeon and Anna • According to Simeon, “…my eyes have seen your salvation…a light…to the gentiles and glory for your people Israel.” (v. 30, 32) Anna speaks of those “awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem.” (v. 38) • “Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel…and you yourself a sword will pierce” (v. 34, 35) foreboding, pain but destiny
Passage #4 (3:1-22) • A baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. • Their ancestry or Jewishness • Skip • For rebuking Herod because of Herodias, his brother’s wife • Why does a sinless man need baptism
Passage #6 (4:1-13) • 1. Command stone to loaf (economic vs. spiritual needs) 2. Kingdoms of world (political power/idolatry) 3. Throw yourself from temple…angels save (magical power/faith)
Passage #7 (4:14-30) • The poor (v. 18)
Passage #8 (4:31-39) • NNW of Sea of Galilee, about 20 miles • 1. exorcism of man with unclean demon 2. healing of Simon’s mother-in-law
Passage #9 (5:1-11 b. “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” “…they left everything and followed him.” (verses 8 and 11)
Passage #10 (5:27-32) • “Follow me. And leaving everything nehind, he got up and followed him.” • “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” “Those who are healthy do not need a physician…I have not come to call the righteous to repentance, but sinners”
Passage #11 (6:20-26) • Q • “poor” vs. “poor in spirit”; “hungry” vs. “hunger and thirst for righteousness” and the woes • Poverty and hunger are not metaphors, but real conditions. Materialism and greed and wealth will be punished.
Passage #13 (7:11-17) Passage #12 (6:27-36) a. Golden Rule, Love your enemies, turn the other cheek a. Raising the widow’s son. Raising from the dead or restoration of life.
Passage #14 (7:36-50) a. The sinful woman is forgiven because of her faith, not the Pharisee Passage #15 (8:1-3) a. These 3 women (Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna) and others were w/Jesus and the 12 and “Provided for them out of their resources.”
Passage #16 (8:19-21 a. They are “those who hear the word of God and act on it.”
Passage #17 (9:1-6) A1. 12 - given “power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases” “sent them to proclaim the K.O.G. and to heal the sick” “Take nothing for the journey, neither walking stick, nor sack, nor food, nor money,m and let no one take a 2nd tunic. Whatever house you enter stay there…do not welcome you…shake the dust from your feet.”
Passage #18 (9:10-17) a. Feeding the 5,000 – Nature miracle Passage #19 (9:46-48) • “the least among all of you” • humility = virtue (pride = vice/sin)
Passage #20 (10:25-37) • Parable (v. 29-37) • Mark for first 4 verses; otherwise L • Neighbor could be a foreigner (non-Jew) Help others despite differences; don’t discriminate
Passage #21 (10:38-42) • Mary is not doing any chores/tasks Mary has chosen the better part (not worried or anxious about many things) • We tend to be “anxious and worried about many things” (priorities = values; what do we value and give attention to?) • The life of prayer is given higher praise than the life of action.
Passage #22 (11:1-13) • The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father) • Persevere; don’t give up Passage #23 (12:49-53) • Ignemmittere in terram “I have come to set the earth on fire” • Division, not peace; sons against father, etc • consequences of faith (esp. in time of persecution)
Passage #24 (15:1-7) • Tax collectors and sinners • Lost Sheep “there will be more joy in haven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.” (v. 7)
Passage #25 (15:11-32) • Prodigal Son • Jesus is more concerned with and rejoices more for the repentant sinner than for those who never strayed or were lost. • Older brother represents scribes and Pharisees. He has remained loyal to his father (following the Law) while the other “squandered his inheritance.” The Pharisees critique Jesus for his concern for the repentant sinners. They are resentful.
Passage #27 (16:19-31) • Jews did not take to Jesus (Gospel; resurrection). • They have Law and Prophets for their salvation (1ts stage), but if they reject them, they will reject the risen Jesus. Passage #28 (18:18-29) • Not only follow the Law, but “sell all that you have and distribute it to the poor…Then come, follow me.”
Passage #29 (19:28-48) • Throw cloaks on the road, praise God, saying “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace on heaven, and glory to the highest.” • Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD (see note) Passage #30 (21:1-4) • She put all she had to live on into the treasury (contrasted with the wealthy)
Passage #31 (22:1-6) • Unleavened Bread (“called the Passover”) (note: explanation is for a Gentile audience) • Chief Priests and Scribes • Judas Iscariot; Satan, Money (?)
Passage #32 (22:7-23) • Last Supper • Passover = paschal; a sacrificial lamb dying for the salvation of the people
Passage #34 (22:39-46) • Jesus wanted to avoid the crucifixion • Can he avoid it? Not his will, but his father’s cup = metaphor for suffering, for his task (what is “will”?) Passage #35 (22:47-53) • Betrayal and arrest • with Elders and Chief Priests; not in Mk • ascribes guilt to the Jewish leadership
Passage #36 (22:54-71) • Denies knowing him • Chief Priests and scribes – Sanhedrin (Council)
Passage #37 ( 23:1-5, 13-25) • Pilate • “Are you the King of the Jews?” “You say so.” • Wanted to release Jesus. “What evil has this man done? I found him guilty of no capital crime.” (capital = worthy of death penalty) Accusations that Romans killed revolutionary, that Romans were responsible for Jesus’ death, that Jesus was a criminal. These are mistaken, according to Luke.
Passage #38 (23:6-12) • No • Antipas • Perform some sign
Passage #39 (23:26-49) • Crucifixion • Forgiveness, hope – rather than despair. Compassionate • Matthew, but not Mark • “This man was innocent beyond doubt.” apologetics “Truly this man was the Son of God!”
Passage #40 (23:50-56) • Joseph of Arimathea
Passage #41 (24:1-35) • Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary (the mother of James), and other women. • Breaking of Bread Passage #42 (24:36-53) • To all Nations, beginning in Jerusalem • Gentiles – beyond Israel’s borders • Pentecost • Among all the world through the Church. • (Note: v. 43 – bodily resurrection)