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Why this old research is important. Kris Johnson, MS Nutrition October 12, 2011

Why this old research is important. Kris Johnson, MS Nutrition October 12, 2011 kris.johnson@ecunet.org. Nutrition/Diet in the headlines!. What is a Healthy Diet?. USDA Food Pyramid? Atkins Diet? Zone Diet? Vegetarian/Vegan? Macrobiotic? South Beach Diet? Juicing? Food Combining?

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Why this old research is important. Kris Johnson, MS Nutrition October 12, 2011

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  1. Why this old research is important. Kris Johnson, MS Nutrition October 12, 2011 kris.johnson@ecunet.org

  2. Nutrition/Diet in the headlines!

  3. What is a Healthy Diet? USDA Food Pyramid? Atkins Diet? Zone Diet? Vegetarian/Vegan? Macrobiotic? South Beach Diet? Juicing? Food Combining? Metabolic Typing? Primal Diet? Even Lisa is confused!

  4. NPD Photo

  5. The Research of Dr. Price • In the 1930’s, Dr. Price, a well-known Cleveland dentist, was concerned because his patients had so many cavities. • He heard that there were isolated communities around the world who were known for their perfect teeth, and set out to visit them. Picture taken in Angola

  6. Dr. Price found healthy happy people • Dr. Price found that these people also had excellent bone structure and good health • Mothers bore their children with ease • Children were happy and healthy • TB, cancer and heart disease were rare. • Dr. Price was in awe of the nutritional wisdom of these “primitive” peoples. African tribal woman who consumed raw goat milk

  7. These healthy people ate whole foods! • He documented what they were eating – very nutritious local, unrefined foods, many of them raw, including raw milk and lots of saturated fat • Their diets were much higher in nutrients than the diets of his patients back home. African tribesmen – drank lots of rich raw milk, but had very low cholesterol levels and no heart disease!

  8. Swiss Village Photo His first visit - Loetschental Valley in Switzerland. Their prize-winning athletes drank bowls of cream from their treasured cows.

  9. Primitive Gaelics A remote island off the coast of Scotland in the outer HebridesTheir main foods – seafood & oats

  10. Eskimo Moms A remote primitive village in AlaskaBabies were sturdy, alert, curious, rarely cried

  11. Primitive South Pacific Boys See how happy and optimistic these young men are! Their diet -animal foods like octopus, shell fish & other seafood, wild pigs, fruits, tubers, vegetables, coconut

  12. Primitive Aborigine Women The people fished and hunted birds & wild game. They sought the fattest game. Grains & beans were carefully prepared with long soaking and cooking.

  13. Western refined food brought bad teeth and poor health • Sadly Dr. Price found that in neighboring communities that had access to Western refined food, tooth decay was rampant • Poor health, including TB, was common Eskimos living in town

  14. South Pacific Decay They lived where there were trading posts or missions. Disease was rampant – from TB to cancer

  15. Aborigine Decay of those living in town Dr. Price called Western foods “the displacing foods of modern commerce.” Lady in upper right was still on a traditional diet

  16. African Decay The ravages of the modern diet –tooth decay and tremendous suffering

  17. Dr. Price found crooked teeth in the second generation • And in the next generation, crooked teeth and poor bone structure were common • Children were sad and often ill • Childbirth was difficult • Poorer nutrition made a big difference! Eskimo children in town

  18. Aborigine 2nd Generation Dental deformities Underdevelopment of the middle third of the face

  19. Africa 2nd Generation Dental deformities and severe narrowing of the face. Happy optimism is lost!

  20. Today’s Children Those missing vitamins and minerals make a difference!

  21. This Trend is Reversible • This beautiful woman was born of a mother with crooked teeth who improved her diet as a teenager • Because her mother was eating a very nutritious diet, she has perfect teeth, good bone structure, and excellent health • Nutrition does make a difference!

  22. Great Variety in Traditional Diets Some had no plant foods Some had few animal foods Some had mostly cooked foods Some had large amounts of raw foods Some had milk products; some did not Some had grains; some did not Some had fruits; some did not What are the underlying characteristics of these healthy diets?

  23. No refined or denatured foods Refined and Denatured Food Components 1930's Refined Sugar White Flour Vegetable Oils Canned Foods Condensed Milk Refined and Denatured Food Components Today Refined Sugar High Fructose Corn Syrup White Flour Pasteurized Milk Skim and Low Fat Milk Hydrogenated Fats Refined Vegetable Oils Isolated Protein Powders Additives

  24. “Life in its fullness is Mother Nature obeyed.” Weston A. Price, DDS Factory foods are not Mother Nature’s foods!

  25. 2. Every diet contained animal products FISH AND SHELLFISH: including organs, oil, bones, heads, etc. Weston Price found the best bone structure among those eating seafood BIRDS: Chicken, ducks, geese, etc., including the organs, fat and skin. RED MEAT: Beef, goat, sheep, game, etc., with ORGAN MEATS and FAT preferred. MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS EGGS REPTILES INSECTS

  26. Animal Food Nutrients These nutrients are found only in animal products Vitamin A Vitamin D Cholesterol Vitamin B12 Very Long Chain, Superunsaturated fatty acids (AA, EPA and DHA) These nutrients are more easily absorbed from animal products Calcium B6 Magnesium Iron Zinc Copper

  27. 3. Dr. Price’s Key Finding Primitive Diets contain 4 times the calcium and other minerals, and 10 times the fat-soluble vitamins as the modern American diet.

  28. Sources of Vitamins A and D Insects Fish Eggs Fish livers Fish Liver Oil Fish and Shell Fish Sea Mammals Liver* Organ Meats* Eggs* Butter and Cream* Fat of birds* (ducks, geese, chickens) Fat of monogastrics (pig*, bear, Guinea pig) * From pasture-fed animals

  29. The Fat-Soluble Activators A and D A question arises as to the efficiency of the human body in removing all of the minerals from the ingested foods. Extensive laboratory determinations have shown that most people cannot absorb more than half of the calcium and phosphorus from the foods eaten. The amounts utilized depend directly on the presence of other substances, particularly fat-soluble vitamins. It is at this point probably that the greatest breakdown in our modern diet takes place, namely, in the ingestion and utilization of adequate amount of the special activating substances, including the vitamins [A and D] needed for rendering the minerals in the food available to the human system. It is possible to starve for minerals that are abundant in the foods eaten because they cannot be utilized without an adequate quantity of the fat-soluble activators. Weston Price, DDS Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

  30. 4. All cultures cooked some or most of their food… but they always ate some of their animal foods raw.

  31. Examples of Raw Animal Foods Raw milk, butter and cream Raw cheeses Raw and Marinated fish Traditional ethnic raw meat dishes (steak tartare, carpaccio, kibbeh, etc.)

  32. Diabetes Heart disease Nervous disorders Cancer Kidney failure Asthma PMS Morning sickness Toxemia of pregnancy Alcoholism Sickle cell anemia Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Vitamin B6 Deficiency Linked to B6 fragile, destroyed by heat, Animal foods best source

  33. Real Cheese

  34. 5. High Food Enzyme Content an acetyltransferase

  35. Types of Enzymes METABOLIC (1,000s discovered) Delta desaturase Superoxide dismutase Gluththione peroxidase Catalase Lysyl oxidase DIGESTIVE (about 22) Pancreatin Pepsin Trypsin Lactase Galactase Phosphatase FOOD (3 types) Amalyses Lipases Proteases When the diet contains food enzymes, the body is spared from making some digestive enzymes and therefore has more energy. Food enzymes are destroyed at 118o F wet heat, 150o F dry heat.

  36. Examples of Enzyme-Rich Foods Raw dairy products Raw meat and fish Raw honey Tropical fruits Cold pressed oils (extra virgin olive oil) Wine and unpasteurized beer Lacto-fermented (enzyme enhanced) vegetables fruits meats fish dairy products beverages

  37. Lacto-Fermented Condiments Beet relish Ginger carrots Cortido (spicy So. American sauerkraut) Pineapple chutney Raspberry syrup Apricot butter

  38. Lacto-Fermented Beverages Kombucha Kvass Sour Grain Drink

  39. 6. Seeds, grains, legumes & nuts are soaked, sprouted, fermented or naturally leavened Deactivates ENZYME INHIBITORS (block digestion) Neutralizes PHYTIC ACID (blocks mineral absorption) Neutralizes TANNINS and LECTINS (irritants) Pre-digests COMPLEX STARCHES & SUGARS (hard to digest) Begins breakdown of GLUTEN (hard to digest; can be toxic) Begins breakdown of CELLULOSE (impossible to digest) Proper preparation makes seed foods more digestible and their nutrients more available.

  40. Proper Preparation of Seed Foods Imitates natural factors that neutralize the seed’s “preservatives” and allow it to sprout: Moisture Warmth Slight Acidity Time

  41. 7. Total fat content of traditional diets varies from 30% to 80% of calories, but only about 4% of calories come from polyunsaturated fatty acids. USDA Dietary Guidelines say just the opposite!

  42. The Many Roles of Saturated Fat CELL MEMBRANES – should be 50% saturated fatty acids. BONES – Saturated fats help the body put calcium in the bones. HEART DISEASE – Lower Lp(a), a marker for heart disease. HEART FUNCTION – Saturated fats are preferred food for the heart. LIVER – Saturated fats protect the liver from alcohol & other poisons. LUNGS – Can’t function without saturated fats. KIDNEYS – Can’t function without saturated fats. IMMUNE SYSTEM – Enhanced by saturated fats. ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS – Work together with saturated fats.

  43. Why Grass-Fed is Best More Fat-Soluble Vitamins – A, D, E, K - in the fat. More CLA - anti-cancer/weight loss compound - in the fat. More minerals - mostly in the fat. To get the benefits of grass feeding... you must eat the fat! I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied. Deut 11:15

  44. Chicken Livers Pasture Raised Conventional Organic

  45. 8. Traditional diets had nearly equal amounts of Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids The typical American diet has too much omega-6 fat, thanks to corn and soybean oil everywhere!

  46. Prostaglandin Pathways OMEGA-6 PATHWAY OMEGA-3 PATHWAY Source: Mary G. Enig, PhD, adapted from RR Brenner, PhD The Role of Fats in Human Nutrition 1989

  47. These conditions interfere with EFA conversion pathway Malnutrition Diabetes Trans & damaged fatty acids Excess omega-6 Excess sugar Poor pituitary function Low thyroid function Vitamin B6 deficiency Biotin deficiency Vitamin B12 deficiency Vitamin E deficiency Protein deficiency Zinc deficiency Over-eating Alcohol

  48. Problems Associated with Consumptionof Excess Polyunsaturated Oils Increased cancer Increased heart disease Increased wrinkles and premature aging Immune system dysfunction Disruption of prostaglandin production Depressed learning ability Liver damage Ceroid storage disease Damage to reproductive organs and the lungs Digestive disorders due to polymerization Increased levels of uric acid Impaired growth Lowered cholesterol Source: Pinckney, The Cholesterol Controversy

  49. Natural Sources of Essential Fatty Acids GRAINS LEGUMES NUTS FISH ANIMAL FATS EGGS VEGETABLES FRUITS Polyunsaturated fatty acids are protected from damage when they are in whole foods.

  50. 9. All diets contained some salt Sea salt Salt flats and mined salt Ashes of marsh grasses Meat and milk products Blood and urine More salt needed with cooked foods

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