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Skills for Job Search

Learn how to reflect on your skills for CVs and LinkedIn, make valuable connections, and understand why it matters for your job search. Discover top tips and examples of skills, including communication skills, leadership skills, resilience and determination, and more.

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Skills for Job Search

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Skills for Job Search Sophie Carey Sophie.carey@ucd.ie Career & Skills Consultant 9 Nov 2017

  2. Overview • Reflecting on your skills – for CVs & LinkedIn • Making connections • And why it matters for job search… • LinkedIn All Star profiles • Top Tips

  3. Examples of Skills

  4. Communication Skills • Developed communications skills through my role as PRO for the UCD Trampoline Club where I liaised proactively with employers to secure sponsorship for a number of events on campus and dealt with all media enquires

  5. Leadership Skills • Demonstrated in my role as Event Manager for the UCD Boxing Club where I managed a team of volunteers to organise two major events per year which involved, planning, delegation of tasks and securing of sponsorship etc…

  6. Resilience & Determination • As an Ad Astra Sports scholar on the Elite Athlete programme, demonstrated a high level of commitment to pursuing excellence in my field and achieved several sporting awards etc.

  7. Interests and Achievements • Show evidence of enthusiasm and commitment via • Length of time involved • Standards, prizes, awards, money raised etc. • Going beyond the activity • Avoid generalisations e.g. football • Say more… how often do you train, do you coach, do you have a specific role on the team, outreach to schools etc. • Let the recruiter understand your level of involvement which can demonstrate not only skills but commitment, dedication, resilience etc.

  8. Your Aims • How do you intend to look for a job?

  9. Traditional Job search R E A C T I V E

  10. How do companies hire?

  11. Candidates Companies

  12. REACTIVE PROACTIVE Proactive - Your are the Owner of this Project Reactive - You are dependent on actions of others

  13. The Hidden Job Market • Unadvertised • Often filled by word of mouth • Not handled by HR • Response to • Headaches • Opportunities

  14. Cracking the Hidden Job Market “Not about who you know, its about expanding your horizons, meeting new people, discovery”

  15. Your network = all the contacts you have with whom you can share ideas, advice and support

  16. People talk…..

  17. Your lecturer Your old boss Your cousin Your class-mate

  18. Social Networking

  19. What LinkedIn is NOT • NOT…Like Facebook! • No emoticons, status updates about your cat or photos of you socialising • NOT….A traditional job board

  20. What LinkedIn IS • World’s largest professional social network: Why it’s helpful? • Get sight of career paths, connections & companies • Employers search for potential employees • Your online CV

  21. How you are connected

  22. LinkedIn All-Star Profiles • Based on completeness of information • Given priority in search results • What to include? • Profile picture • Headline • Summary • Over 50 connections • Current position, activities & achievements • Two previous positions (incl. volunteer work) • Education • Skills

  23. Build a Great Student Profile 1. Write an informative profile headline “BA psychology student” “Volunteer with Age Action Ireland, First Class Honours BA Psychology student interested in mental health & research, seeking Assistant Psychologist role.”

  24. 2. Pick an appropriate photo

  25. 3. Develop a professional summary • Like the first few paragraphs of your best-written cover letter • Concise & confident about your qualifications and goals • Include relevant work and extra-curricular activities

  26. 4. Show off your Education • Don’t be shy! • Include GPA, test scores, Awards • What positions of responsibility did you take on in College?

  27. 5. Fill ‘Skills & Expertise’ with keywords • Include keywords and phrases - recruiters look for these when searching

  28. 6. Update your status regularly • Helps you stay on your networks radar • Mention projects, articles or events you’re attending

  29. 7. Show your connectedness • Groups you join appear at the bottom of your profile • Demonstrates that you want to engage in professional communities TIP: start with your University Groups

  30. 8. Collect diverse recommendations • Most impressive if from people who have directly managed you

  31. 9. Claim your unique LinkedIn URLEdit your public profile

  32. 10. Share your Work Add examples of your writing, accomplishments – share rich media or documents

  33. Top Tips • Your Privacy Settings • Building your Network – connecting with consideration • Getting recommendations • Job Search & Research • Your Alumni Connections

  34. Privacy Settings • Privacy controls – level of privacy is up to you! • What others see when you view their profile • What other see when you’ve viewed their profile

  35. Build your Network • Check out PYMK – People you may know • Search and connect for classmates, colleagues, friends and contacts that you know • Customise the invitation • Spend time at this!

  36. Company Pages • Companies can have LinkedIn pages too • You can Follow companies you are interested in • Access to Company info and updates • Shows at the bottom of your profile • See who you are connected to in the Company

  37. Job Search Company name/Set preferences/Advanced Search

  38. Job Search

  39. Job Search

  40. Research – Careers & Jobs Search: Job title & Company e.g. Analyst, Icon

  41. Research – Careers & Jobs Advanced People Search

  42. Tips – Help Centre

  43. www.linkedin.com/alumni

  44. BA Psychology

  45. http://www.nina4airbnb.comExpansion proposal for the Middle East

  46. Resources • https://university.linkedin.com/linkedin-for-students • http://www.lynda.com/LinkedIn-tutorials • LinkedIn Help Centre – bottom of your profile • ‘Getting from College to Career’ – Lindsey Pollak • ‘Social Media for your Student & Graduate Job Search’ – Marielle Kelly

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